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Everything posted by Rhazesx

  1. There must be a way around it because someone on my server is doing it every match I play against them.
  2. Bioware breaks more than they fix. You can report it as a bug, but I wouldn't expect it to be fixed anytime this year or if ever.
  3. Instant wins for exploiting team.
  4. I respecced healing for pvp with this nerf, tanks can't be killed now running 3 tanks 1 healer and every warzone 100% wins. If your playing another premade that is stacking tanks and healers to make sure you get ball first for almost guaranteed win 6-5. Just need a bad *** pimp walk animation for walking the ball to endzone why dps tickles you.
  5. I for one Hail our new tank specced overlords walking the ball to endzone and passing to his 3 other tank friends when needed.
  6. Tank/healer stacking is even worse now.
  7. Marauders need buffed. They are no way near as OP as sages. A video showing how balanced Marauders are. Some screen shots showing how OP Sorcerers are in warzones. https://imgur.com/a/P3lM4#0 Now some people might say, wait a minute. That Marauder has top damage, over 100k healing, more medals more valor more commendations, more kills and less deaths than the sorcerers, but, I say ignore them because they are obvious sorcerers trying to protect their OP class.
  8. Marauders are the new hotness. 10-49 is is loaded with them now. I just crafted level 9-23 advanced might hilts and advanced enhancements for 1 guy for 400k and he said he will get rest in a couple of days. I been selling 10-20 might hilts a day all week long.
  9. I have one in full champ gear one in full cent and have enough tokens to buy another full set of cent gear.
  10. This should be merged with the thread made by Tumri I think its matches his standard of accuracy.
  11. I would do a live a stream of my servers Ilum but I don't think people are interested in watching 32 imperials drive in a circle clicking boxes.
  12. We can go into how deep it is in the code or someone can post that blog about "Why isn't this bug fixed", However, this is something any other AAA mmo would have hotfixed. MMO bugs are not wine or whiskey they don't get better with age.
  13. Well the OP is entitled to fast free kills, and the hybrid specs takes him a little longer to kill. https://imgur.com/a/P3lM4#0 Take a look at these images to see how OP Sorcerers are. Or one of the dozens of videos like this with Marauders laughing at how they just love sorcerers.
  14. Rhazesx

    10-49 Sage Stream

    Expected response from a Sorcerer/Sage.
  15. Rhazesx

    10-49 Sage Stream

    No need to watch. I'm sure your 1v5 everyone with your permanent invulnerability shield, mass crowd control and ultra burst. P.S. Buff Sentinels.
  16. Why is it I can't find videos like this for sorcerers. I've never seen a sorcerer 1v3 anyone.
  17. Ignoring the posts from misinformed keyboard turners like biowareftw who claims all sorcerers are hacking, 31-31-31 specced and think MMOs are a dating service, yes he has even raged and cried about males playing female sorcerers in one of his nerf sorcerer threads. I think the OP is a very good Marauder at 1v1 who is just upset that he has take a little longer to kill a certain spec of Sorcerer and it leaves him open for being attacked by others forcing him to vanish and miss out on a kill. That's why most Marauders mostly solo stragglers. I rarely run into one in the middle or following the ball carrier, but If I run around the side or go into the pit they are always there. The only ones I run into in the middle are the ones that take 4 seconds to turn around or are wearing level 48 greens. I can't count how many down to second wins I've been in where we would have lost if the other teams Marauders who topped kills and had 0-2 deaths was actually helping their team. I think we have a strong case for someone who feels entitled to easy fast kills or #1 in every warzone, especially judging buy his screenshots where he out killed, out damaged, had less deaths,more healing than the sorcerers, more valor,more medals and more commendations.
  18. Sorcerers only have 3 dots, 1 is afflicition its spammable and very low damage and still has the global cooldown. Its a dps loss to cast I have never died to a Sorcerer that uses it. The other is crushing darkness, it has a 15 second cooldown, so its not spammable, the other is creeping terror 9 sec cooldown top tier talent it is not reachable by hybrid build your crying about that some how is able to instant cast chain lightning while loading you up with millions upon millions of dots they don't have.
  19. There are several premades on my server that go 5-0 and then farm the puggers for 10-12 minutes. No one wants to sit in a game and be R Kelley'd for 10-12 minutes, its unfair and pisses people off and they log out and ques get slower. I fully support a single queue only bracket or at the very least a forfeit vote option.
  20. I just don't understand how fluff like this is nerfed in every single game. People enjoy fluff like this. They even put long cooldowns on them that make no sense and very short up time. Reminds me when SOE shrunk my Lion fluff pet down so low he was shorter than my boots. Ruined the immersion, I unsubbed shortly after.
  21. If they want to give rated warzones special titles and mounts I'm ok with it. However, adding another gear grind would be stupid. 12kers are already fodder, certain classes with high hps and damage reduction abilities don't need any more.
  22. Would be dominated by Marauders and Juggs.
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