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Everything posted by Epicopter

  1. You can not interrupt it with an interrupt ability, what is so hard about that? It doesn't make you invincible...
  2. You were in a Civil War match where you had 63 kills and you lost... I can get 500k damage as well if all I cared about was farming damage and sitting at a base while the republic flew in so I could kill them over and over again...but then I wouldn't be winning. My goal in Warzones isn't to farm damage because I'm not a bad player.
  3. It's a very slight variation of your old build, why did this deem a video? you could have at least talked a bit about gearing.
  4. I tried Madness and while I did a ton of damage in Warzones I didn't feel like the damage was very effective and it doesn't have anywhere near the utility of a Darkness assassin.
  5. I'm going for the 2 piece tank set bonus but I'm wondering what 2 pieces I should use?
  6. Well they completely killed 23/0/18 and you can't peel effectively as deception anymore... So.......... Grats to everyone who plays 31/0/10? that still doesn't mean this patch is good for our class.
  7. Bioware just has no clue what to do with our class, it's obvious.
  8. I've gone well above 300k damage as Deception and as 23/0/18...
  9. The only people I trust less than Bioware to fix this game is the fanbase. I have nightmares about the questions I've seen asked at Blizzcon.
  10. I wasn't negative the entire first month of the game but Bioware has failed to fix issues that were present in early beta, I mean what reason do I have to trust them to fix the game? What reason do you? just blind faith? I mean they designed a world PvP zone where massive groups of Republic and Empire face off but their engine can't even handle that kind of combat, never mind designing this kind of combat around unbalanced server populations. I'm trying to give them till the end of this payment cycle for them to show me that they can indeed fix even some of these issues I have with the game but I'm not waiting around for 6 months for them to hopefully fix things.
  11. The thing is, I don't trust Bioware to fix this game. Especially after how they handled the Ilum situation.
  12. There is nothing wrong with my PC, it runs every other game amazingly, there have been several massive threads titled "Horrid FPS" on the customer support forums. You are living in a fantasy world where you actually expect Bioware to fix all these issues, just like they fixed Ilum, right? Stephen Reid posted about the FPS issues he said: "It's coming, but don't expect a miracle solution I'm afraid." That's very reassuring, it's like "We are going to release a patch, but don't expect it to fix the problem"
  13. I get horrible FPS with a 2600k, 8gb ram, SSD and a GTX 580 Ilum is completely broken, laggy and boring There are still a plethora of bugs and exploits including republic being able to jump out of the starting area on void star. PvE instances still have a ton of issues and bugs, including in Boarding Part if you kill Jorland while leaving one of the two other mobs up and you wipe it counts the instance as done and you cannot re-enter or loot. I also remember the 3 droid mini boss in Direct 7 if you kill the middle one too fast through it's shield the other two never drop theirs. If you do anything out of order in this game it spazes out. Camera movement is sluggish and has mouse acceleration. You can't tell when cooldowns are back up because it doesn't grey out the button. Ability delay still isn't completely fixed The only worthwhile part of this game is the levelling which is awesome but that isn't the most important part of an MMO...the end game is and Bioware didn't seem to acknowledge that and now they are paying the price. It's mind boggling how a company that spent 200 million on a game didn't realize the importance of the end game.. If you are levelling and having a blast or even a early 50, I don't blame you, I was having a blast as well but soon enough these glaring issues will come to the forefront and you won't be having so much fun anymore.
  14. Considering all the early Battlemasters and all the people I had on my friends list that I did hardmodes with don't log on anymore, I don't think it is just pvp.
  15. Or maybe they just want an MMO that works.
  16. In the starting zone my FPS seems great but once I got out into the warzone it drops considerably and stays low, even when I die and am back in the spawn zone.
  17. At first it seemed like it helped a lot but now I really don't notice much of a difference
  18. I'm wondering if there is some sort of expertise cap and how much is too much?
  19. Another buff stacking Assassin PvP video pre-1.1...with pocket heals. This doesn't prove that the class is perfectly fine, it just proves that you can run around buff stacking and top damage meters. Assassin isn't a bad class, in the right hands it can do well and it can compete but that being said it still isn't nearly as comparable as other classes that fill the same rolls in equally skilled hands. Maybe Operatives now that they've been nerfed into the ground. Also, you labelled your own video as inspiring...
  20. I've tried out this build several times, it is a good build but I never really feel like I do as good with it as I do with my Deception build. My damage isn't as bursty so I seem to have an extremely hard time killing healers. If I'm taking on 2 opponents I can do fine but it takes awhile for me to down them so when other players jump in I lose the battle, while I'm deception I can quickly burst down 1 maybe 2 targets before reinforcements arrive. I find that it isn't that much more survivable than Deception since I have a strong offence as my main source of defence. I feel like my damage is never high enough unless Raze procs and it doesn't proc enough. Maybe I'm just playing it wrong and should give it another try.
  21. My friend is 0/14 on his battlemaster bags.
  22. They didn't fix anything, just because you can't run in their base and camp their spawn doesn't mean it is fixed. It is still Zerg vs Zerg on my server, even though it seems to be more even it is still republic camped out on the ramp to the base and it is a giant aoe cluster****. It is laggy, it isn't any fun, it completely killed any sense of accomplishment levelling valor and it is just plain boring.
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