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Everything posted by VioletZero

  1. Nice try BioWare, but even if I wanted to sub for a month, I couldn't. No money. Need as much as I can for my move. :x
  2. Here's an idea: How about you have two versions of Biochem stuff? The limited use stuff that you can sell, and the unlimited use stuff for personal use. But they both grant the same bonuses. That way, Biochemists keep their nice perk and they can sell their effects to others.
  3. Basically just means a crossed out equal sign.
  4. How exactly would this unbalance the game?
  5. I come from an era of adventure gaming where puzzles, at the very least, required you to get out a pen and paper to solve. And then beyond that, it required some creative and critical thinking to get right. In an MMORPG, a puzzle could serve as a fun diversion. Something just to provide that little extra variety and use that part of your noggin every once in a while. But the most complex puzzle I've seen thus far was memorizing four letters. That's it. I mean, come on. Having puzzles in an MMORPG is a legitimately good idea. It's a lot better if players need to stop and think for a sec.
  6. Just because this happens in every MMO doesn't mean BioWare shouldn't have changed it.
  7. Slicing being useless is no worse than any other crew skill in the game. Except Biochem of course.
  8. Well, given the amount of WoW kiddies here I bet they'd like that.
  9. SWTOR has easily the most pansy death penalty I've ever seen and you guys are complaining that it is too harsh. Wow, just wow.
  10. I'd only ask that if it got in the way of the game. This is the case here. The MMO aspect is just an excuse to charge 15 dollars a month. That's all it is. Because you could have made it a regular MORPG with hubs instead of persistent world and it would have made little difference.
  11. Why would they do that? If they do that then it might make the crafting skill worth taking. Then it won't be like WoW enough and have a decent crafter economy.
  12. Actually, that's not bad. I used to be able to say that Cybertech was worth taking just for the grenades. But nope, not anymore. Now it is at the same useless level as other crew skills. Way to go, Biochem is now truly the only skill worth taking.
  13. But commendation gear is far better. And it is not like you need any crafted gear. Any of the gear that you'd get that's actually better than what you get through solo questing is a huge money sink and isn't worth it. Especially considering how you can level just fine without it. If I am going to spend the time and money leveling something up, it BETTER pay off in a big way at some point. Which crafting does not.
  14. So it is okay for crafting to be completely useless, but if the raid content was useless, that's just a travesty!
  15. Why not? God forbid we actually have armor crafting be worth a damn.
  16. The big issue here is the lack of practical applications in crafting professions. Especially at the end game. There is no crafted piece of equipment that is better than raid gear.
  17. BioWare doesn't want any player involvement in the economy. If the player economy is better than grinding out gear, then the marketing people will ***** that it isn't WoW-like enough.
  18. Poor man's economics: Give everyone more money!
  19. Thanks for ignoring constructive input, BioWare. It's good to know that you don't actually read threads and stick to numbers and make knee jerk reactions on it. What are you trying to say to this community when you do this? That threads that try to be constructive will just be ignored and you'll poorly misinterpret data anyway? People have been saying for a while now that the reason why you have to take biochem is because the other crew skills are useless.
  20. When I was earning my expertise gear, not many people even had expertise and I was actually helping. Things were different back then. Now people without expertise are just useless.
  21. Any other way except joining warzones to feed the other team.
  22. You're not helping anyone. You're just increasing our chances of losing because your slot could be filled by someone who does have good PVP gear. And thus, you're inconveniencing me and everyone else who wasn't too lazy to get expertise gear during early access. People who don't have expertise in warzones are useless. And useless people who fill up warzones slots are a liability.
  23. I've seen games that make good use of the MMO aspect. EVE Online and Star Wars Galaxies are perfect examples. They let the community essentially build the game around them. I was giving the benefit of the doubt. That maybe BioWare would actually let the community build at least one part of the game. So that the MMO aspect isn't -completely- wasted like it was in WoW. The MMO aspect in this game really feels like the video game version of 3D in movies. Completely unnecessary and only an excuse to charge extra. Not something that the game actually uses for anything special.
  24. What I am saying is that the MMO aspect is completely wasted and really just a glorified way to get people playing together.
  25. While you could definitely argue that community feedback makes or breaks a lot of internal decisions, I am talking specifically about what this game is about. The game seems to make a very dedicated effort to making sure that the community has NO effect on how the game plays beyond the bare minimum. Like it seems to detest the idea of letting them take the game in its own direction. This is the kind of thing that makes me long for the old days when I was playing a few korean MMOs. And those games sucked. But they left one lasting impression, and that is how the community drove the game. That's why you make an MMO in the first place. To see where it goes. BioWare, I've noticed, seems rather obsessed with the idea of making sure as much as possible goes according to plan. Including how the community expands and develops. It always has to go the way you want it to or else things will change. Instead of trying to control the community, lay the groundwork for the community to have its stake in the game. Let people build and develop this MMO around them. Let each server form its own personality and even gameplay. Do you agree with this? Post your thoughts.
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