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Everything posted by fushnchips

  1. And what about the weapons people paid for we are still in the dark over how long this will be so in the mean time we are stuck looking like plain janes on the battle field.
  2. First let me get my constructive criticism towards the team out of the way. Jackie - You are the the voice for these forums and you have failed to do your job it's taken this long for you to even post not sure if you are all in serious panic mode but you are not talking to your community and that's a problem you should be answering posts that stand out I'm not saying all but you need to show your active. Keith - You play this game and enjoy it but how can you let this patch even be published it's a game killer and nothing any player wanted in this condition it's plagued with issues from the start of testing and everybody was posting feedback but it all went out the door nothing was changed and the team pushed a dirty buggy horrible experience out for paying customers. Dev Team - How can you have pride in this you should be ashamed of the work you have done nobody should push out unpolished unfinished work you could tell on the PTS that it was very sub par and the paying community were letting you know this but you ignored the problems and pushed these out to a live server what does this say about the quality control within the team ? Even though the flashpoint is nice it's buggy and shouldn't be live. Now lets get to the game it self with the content gates one of the biggest mistakes an MMO can make it gate content to the highest level in the game. Operations: Players need to get a taste of operations throughout the leveling process not right at the end game so they can enjoy it stop making old content the current tier it's just not right. EV & KP should be at the level of release so 50 L55 EC & TFB - L60 Golden Fury & DF.DP - L65 Ravagers, Temple of sac, Monolith - L70 Queen + Gods L75 Nature of progress - L80 the new content This game has flip flopped with the gearing systems back and forward so many times it should never have changed from day 1. Outfight designer not allowing weapons on release of 7.0 is a huge mistake and people have spent 1000's of $ on the cartel market and you let this go live but you will stop a boss from spawning cause of something in game I think peoples money is more important . This isn't an expansion it's nothing but a semi content patch that should be in a 3 month cycle for a successful MMO that this is not if the Cartel Market wasn't around the sunset of SWTOR would have been many years ago and as a long term veteran player i'm sad that 7.0 was a dream but turned out to be a nightmare for us subscribers. I really do hope they can turn this around but with an engine that is suited for solo play not mass player and bugs from day 1 are still in the game I can't see a great future and it's a shame because we all love star wars and it's the biggest IP in the world with one of the biggest studios behind it have EA/BIOWARE given up well I'll let you decide that because it's not my decision alone to make.
  3. I done this last night they were respawning within 15 seconds
  4. same bug for me this is what happens when they don't allow testing on the PTS the devs should be ashamed of 7.0 and it's lack luster of an expansion. Fix was going to my stronghold then going back in but still a very lazy bit of development that would have been picked up in testing if it was doner.
  5. I done the new little tiny story line then a flashpoint but after I got to 80 I have nothing new to do and where is our 7.0 new content did Bioware just troll the entire community ? All previous expansions have had new content areas like Oricon, Mekab, Rishi+Y4, Iokath, Odesson + Onderon but this has absolutely nothing to do so Bioware want us to rehash old content this doesn't line up with a new expansion at all. I don't know about you but I feel ripped off and lied to because this isn't an expansion in any shape or form no wonder they hid it from the PTS because people would be so angry and the poor cartel market people with the weapons they can't use them until atleast 7.1.
  6. A few quests, and a flashpoint this isn't even close an expansion all this is they made glorified changes to the UI with a tiny bit of content and called it an expansion all the money went into the great CGI video that was 10/10 but this 2/10 at the most.
  7. I'll wait till 7.0 is out and see what the content is like before I scream at the team I started playing another game with tons of content.
  8. And you pay for my sub for those extra months right ?
  9. Just a sham should have 60 days of time but 30 no way is this worth $40 and if 7.0 is as bad as people say I think the game isn't going to survive much longer but lots of fleet and stronghold casuals won't care.
  10. Selling content clears should be banned this type of thing gets people buying credits and even doing money transactions to other players it's only an achievement if you can't clear it why have it including the rewarded items.
  11. Just wondering how far behind is this build to the current version the developers have compiled because so much stuff is unpolished ?
  12. the problem is PvP these are what they are trying to change all the stuns, defense for it's not a PvE thing at all it could have been easily dealt with having a PvE tree and PvP that way they can isolate stuff at a much easier pace instead of hurting the other play type.
  13. No because some of this gear was earned and they already kicked all of the people that earned certain gear sets in the face by giving it away like candy so it's a big no from me.
  14. This just shows the devs don't play high end content RIP sorc
  15. Will we ever see an increase to listing items on the GTN say to the credit cap because we know that some items are now worth beyond with what the gtn can list an item for.
  16. They have killed the game if those changes go ahead so much for interrupts on bosses R.I.P anything that needs that interrupt this shows how out of touch some devs and players are ones that just sit on the fleet and play space barbie will have no idea how important certain abilities are in SWTOR. If they remove certain things from boss encounters what will it break we have seen this before in SWTOR and it's not a good outcome.
  17. SF is over priced example master's Datacrons on SF people want 1 bil on SS you can get them for 300-500 Mil
  18. I hope not because they have not even finished testing the guardian and we are not seeing much if any communication at all with the issues players have noted about stuff.
  19. If this game was to come to console it would be a huge step forward but once again they are lacking so much even ESO has a better play for a non subscription model it's just one thing after another somebody somewhere is just not interested and my guess it's EA I mean it would be crazy to think Bioware wants the game to fail that means employment would fail aswell and they don't want that.
  20. They have done it everytime with the PTS they don't listen only Matt with operations really takes good note and takes part with the raiders but the rest nope they will go ahead and do it they are trying to be like FFXIV but the thing is ffxiv has a 3 month content cycle not 12 month
  21. Yeah it crashed for me to and yet Bioware still have not answered in the German forums what's that tell you ?
  22. I have had recent problems with them and they are stupid and annoying the game is lacking so much now it's not quality anymore once they got the Indian support teams in bang it's gone it was good when it was based in Ireland.
  23. It's all Indian based now and they are horrible
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