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Everything posted by fushnchips

  1. I think the game is done they messed up an expansion so bad now they are drip feeding content that should be part of an expansion over 2022 I can't see any content cycles out of this failed expansion in 2022. I do feel sorry for some of the people working on the game but like you guys I'm a paying subscriber and because they can't create content they reuse old content for a grind and that's just poor development a great example is even using old retired gear it shows they are out of options, ideas so it's a matter of time once us subscribers decide to play a game with real content and the people on the market do the same this game will close it's doors.
  2. it's not dead but it's also not in a good way either with the content and the expansion was one of the biggest jokes within an MMO release ever they will find it hard to come back from this I reckon this game should have been a single player game from the start because the engine is one of the worst for mass player content anything passed 8M is a horrid experience.
  3. I thought you were a solo player and didn't like group content but here you are putting in 2 cents have you actually done GSF ?
  4. But you can still solo heroics not sure what your talking about I done the heroics just to get the 8 quests and 100 kills things for seasons.
  5. Do you know how long it takes to get max level now with the grinding from 320 to 330 the grind is real
  6. 100% CM is what brings in the money maybe people should start talking with the good old Credit card and stop buying and supporting them when they don't support the player base it's going to take them an entire year to even get this expansion out to how it should have been but really it's not that great of an expansion with the little content including 1 operation 1 flashpoint and the new daily area.
  7. I agree it's terrible no content for a 10 year celebration and not able to use weapons for months you look at other MMO's like WoW and FFXIV the expansions are expansions not broken DLC's anytime we bring this up they get really update the forum mods strike but it's a fair topic aslong as we don't give them super grief. I would pay for a SWTOR expansion but it would have to contain decent content for all players not like the 10 year joke I feel and this is my opinion we got punked with 7.0.
  8. I never signed up for PVP I never signed up for GSF/Space battles but they force me to do it I don't make posts saying I'm entitled to the rewards from having to do them do I it's a game certain things you do and don't do by choice and when you choose not to who cares but I will never say I'm entitled because I'm not even if I pay the same amount of sub money as the ones that do If you don't do the required content you don't get the rewards it can't be anymore simple but some people are blinded by I MUST HAVE.
  9. You are a problem not a solution to this you keep up the same argument and now you called your self a filthy casual that isn't a nice thing to say is it on these forums maybe get your buddies to flag the reply because this is what you and your friends have been doing right ?
  10. lol someone is upset and it's not me just remember while i'm sitting in the sun relaxing and working hard everyday you are still worrying about what people say on the forums about gear end of the day I play hard word hard and the rewards from both are wonderful.
  11. it's correct and half these people don't know you still have to level it up to 330 it's not an instant 330 drop lol
  12. You won't be getting anything above 326 so enjoy it kiddo.
  13. end of the day the casual player crying on the forums because they can only get 326 gear won't go beyond that Bioware made it's mind up when they done 7.0 and I'm on the same mind set as them so grind out that conquest enjoy it.
  14. lol another one of these conquest and heroic hero's wanting top gear Bioware have given you 326 what else do you need ?
  15. Do you have a light saber with a cartel market crystal in it ? if so is that crystal unlocked account wide if not that's the issue but augments work fine in legacy I do it all the time.
  16. I never said the word shut up at all stop trying to put words out that never happened now get back on that horse and go do those heroics and conquest.
  17. give up go back to heroics and conquest stop beating a dead horse this thread should have been nuked a long time ago by allowing this thread to stay open Jackie is now allowing toxic reply's. If you solo play you get what you deserve this is an MMO if you want perks such as gear then play with others I'm sorry but it's your own fault stop complaining and even you said your self you thought ops gear was GOLD lol you are only posting to stir up people.
  18. lol what can I say keep grinding those heroics and doing that conquest you get the best gear Bioware decided that is best for the content you can only do lol.
  19. I can say the same for you end of the day don't expect top tier gear from running heroics and dailys it's a simple logic and the quicker people notice this then they can move on and continue grinding those daily missions.
  20. Well they baited us all to sub for an expansion that didn't exist so I would believe that date it's more realistic than the deadlines they give.
  21. I see where you are coming from same in FFXIV you can craft the previous tier of gear and put it on the market place but SWTOR is lacking in so many areas it's just not going to work how much longer can we run the same dailys, stale operations, and flashpoints.
  22. This entire thread shows how this entire community is complaining and wanting everything for nothing and the engine also is a huge problem they keep adding paint to something that is rotten on the inside. They can't push out any content and when they do it's not on an acceptable level for an MMO that has a subscription base. I can't wait to hear the cries and pain when these people jump into R4 for 332 in SM and let's not talk about HM or a possible Nightmare mode. So all these people crying we should have the same gear for doing our heroics and conquest the answer is NO bioware have given you the perfect gear rating for that style of play will I complain when I see someone in 324 for HM R4 not at all because they earned 324 not me this is how MMOs are but I'm not one to say your dreams may not come true so keep dreaming.
  23. Still waiting on this so called expansion is that coming with 7.02 ?
  24. You had to get the mods, enhancements, and so on from nightmare grade players who crafted the BIS stuff like certain things would drop from certain bosses one enhancement was dropped from Nightmare Kephess when it was in prog so don't start by saying you always were able to get the stuff absolute rubbish.
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