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Everything posted by Suromir

  1. Oh ffs Eric, be truthful for once in your life. They made this change because the BSG packs ate too much into the sales of their "normal" packs because you guys are trying to minimize what you give for maximum $$ gain on your part and the BSG packs ruined this. And I called it, not that it took any friggin brainpower to see...they'd "return" but in a limited/upped in price way. The price may or may not go up but you are still making them rare instead of full-time like you said. All because you want to cheapen out on what the "normal" packs give. We're not stupid Eric. So, again, be honest with us for once. lmao.
  2. if you're a sub (which posting here you should be) then you can do it with ONLY main story quests...my trooper was in his 50's before he even started chapter 2...though I was using xp boosts (not the double that just ended) and some heroics on the side. but you absolutely can level on only class story missions still even w/o 12x (and actually the way it is now is faster)
  3. That doesn't really bother me. But what does is another change they made with 4.0 besides that. All force-using companions (aside from Ashara and Scourge) all use double bladed lightsabers. I hate this. Before 4.0 you could equip any of them with a single blade and lose miniscule DPS. Now you can't equip Kira/Nadia/Jaesa/Xalek with anything BUT a double bladed saber. I got a Cathar double sword for Xalek to use and now I can't at all. It was a stupid change. GIve us the choice. it's not like their DPS will be affected at all. and the animations were already there.
  4. Suromir


    Then I suggest you go see a doctor because you can't even comprehend what you, yourself, wrote. You say you "returned" meaning you played before. That you noticed the start quests were gone, going on to how you steamroll everything (your words were "wow-like" I believe) and then go on to saying you hate easy MMO's (and other things) what I just paraphrased addresses that you now think swtor is "wow like" in terms of difficulty but (as you claimed here) you shoulda known that if you played swtor before (which you said you did)...that is blatant comparing.of the two. You say SWTOR is "now" wow-like in difficulty "steamrolling" mobs in your path. So no while you didn't explicitly say "swtor was harder than wow" that statement alone is exactly what you were saying..or you wouldn't have even made it as you'd of already known swtor was "wow-like" in difficulty. I've seen people with some serious reading comprehension issues online, but you certainly take the cake..not even understand what you, yourself, typed. So which one of us added more or less to the discussion? The person calling out falsehoods in a post, or the one making false claims not even understand what they themselves wrote? I think you win there buttercup.
  5. Suromir


    yes SWTOR is easier than ever before but..sorry..you sucked at SWTOR if you EVER thought it was more challenging than WoW. why does every brainless post about SWTOR being "too easy" always refer to WoW? lmao..swtor was always easier than wow...yes even at launch.
  6. What are we? 10? The negativity is there for a reason. Look at their response (as just one QUICK example) to the events bugs that are making them not work. BioWare is the only ones able to stop the negativity. For one. Two, pay my sub and maybe we'll talk about whether or not you can tell me what I can and can't do on the forums. Not to mention the entire idea of just accepting things and not complaining/calling them out is completely asinine. You just accept it when you pay for sub-par service? You my friend will never get anywhere in life with this kind of mentality. A lot of the negativity is for legit reasons. Why should anyone just bend over and take mediocrity for a service they pay for? C'mon man.
  7. Marry both. First talk to vette all the way till you marry. don't talk to jaesa till this is done. once you're married to vette...talk to jaesa all the way even saying you'll break off with vette (you never do) then marry Jaesa too. get married e-mails from both. my last two warriors married both of them. this works post 4.0 (unless the last patch fixed it)
  8. Maybe, maybe not. But at least I READ what I quoted before responding. You jumped on trolling and passive-aggressive insults without even reading. I didn't "name call" anyone..unless you count me saying "dude" in quotes as "name calling" and it was in "quotes" because I was returning the same term that was used on me in the quoted post. And telling someone to "use their brain" (as in think) isn't "name calling" fail response is fail, but thanks for trying lol....
  9. it wasn't a dumb question. I found this out by accident awhle ago. In order to open the GTN on wall you do have to make sure you're right up on it almost or it only opens your inventory.
  10. It's. A. Star. Wars. Game. How do you "celebrate" Star Wars in A. Star. Wars. Game. redundant much? think man...use that noggin.
  11. WoW always does stuff like that. Those "other" mmo's get around the copyrights under parody. SWTOR -IS- SW...what are they supposed to do? give NPC's lightsabers? oh, right...we already have Lightsabers. It's not even close to the same thing. How do you parody SW in a SW game and not come across looking stupid? Why would they do that? you give -me- a break, "dude." As I said, brain, use. thanks for playing though.
  12. SWTOR has been and always will be EU..NON-CANON.... with Disney shoving all EU stuff into "Legends" (SWTOR included) and keeping it seperate from their new "canon" (new books, movies, etc) did it ever occur to you geniuses that Disney may not be letting EA promote an EU property in their "new canon?" Battlefront 3 is based off the new stuff, canon, that's why you may have seen it include things. SWTOR is NOT canon and is Legends (some would say "outside" of even legends..hence it's own thing) So really? really now? I'd almost be willing to bet that's the case because otherwise it makes NO sense. I have plenty of negative things to say about the direction the devs have taken this game and it's many failings...but this is downright stupid, and only makes many forum goer's look really narrow minded and lacking in intelligence. Also a big reason why JJ ditched Star Trek was because he wanted to monopolize the new movies with merchandise and do away with the old ToS stuff...Paramount/etc wouldn't let him...so he left. Disney already wants to segregate their owning of the property now by basically making the EU completely disconnected from anything that "really" happened in the SW Universe. Sounds to me like JJ's vision of merchandising fits right in with that and why you don't see any SWTOR tie-ins or advertising coinciding with the new film. Use your brains for once people. The constant need to take jabs without any intelligent thought put into it is just downright pathetic.
  13. That assumes I put any real effort into looking. But good job showing lack of intelligence or thought in your typical troll postings. Either way you answered my question. So your fail benefited me regardless.
  14. what's the deal with this? it's darkened as if you had max amount you can "own" but all categories show "undefined" You guys can't even get CM stuff straight? ***... Haven't seen anything about it, has this been acknowledged?
  15. ...with BioWare's notorious failure to "police" the forums over weekends...be ready for the a-holes to come out of the woodwork posting spoilers all over the place. just a friendly fyi, already had a partial spoiler by someone pretending to be slick in an existing "no spoiler" thread already in response to something someone said about Kylo Ren.
  16. I'll take "Why do we care what they sound like in French" for $1,000? Seriously...lol.
  17. arguing the person who created the entire universe is wrong is hilariously asinine. And actually Jar Jar WAS beloved, by kids. And Star Wars being a kids movie...I think he hit his mark. I hate Jar Jar too, but he was loved by children, which was Lucas' goal. Also if the creator of Star Wars says a particular character is the most powerful...again..trying to say he's wrong is not only flatout wrong, but stupid. Finally Sidious is canon, Vitiate is not. in the novels/comics/"eu" Sidious still did a lot more than Vitiate ever has ON HIS OWN PERSONAL POWER..Vitiate has always needed rituals to do what he's done. So either way you look at the argument. You're wrong. Sidious > Vitiate in power from all sides.
  18. Thanks for using our real money to beta test your greed. "best experience" my butt, more like "how little can we give and still sell a ton" obvious is obvious. and what about the damn Cartel Certs???
  19. you can only use 6 companions for crafting....So choose the 6 you like best...and max them...rest don't matter
  20. So you're (over)hyped announcement was made for subscribers. It had NOTHING to do with customization. So where's our answer BioWare? Why do you insist on ignoring this question/issue (issue because we were TOLD we'd be able to customize ALL companions outfits...NOT that we'd be stuck with a look) Again, just looking for something....patching in outfit slots....CM only custom skins ala Treek, HK-51, etc....or whatever it is you're going to do (if anything at all) Why's this so hard to address?
  21. you can also still do the SoR dailies, including fight Revan...which has Lana there. Her old model, not the new, mind you.
  22. No...Lana in SoR looks exactly the same as she did before 4.0
  23. yah and that's what they said we'd be able to do...still give companions gear despite them not using stats anymore as a sort of "appearance designer" for them. But neglected to tell us that wasn't true for the NEW companions. I find it unlikely they withheld that by accident. Still would like an answer Bio
  24. True, but I'm asking for official word on what they plan, if anything..even a "soon" or "not sure yet"
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