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Everything posted by Thunder-God

  1. OP...the people who take the time to squeak with a detailed description of what is wrong and how they think it should be fixed are wonderful posts. I absolutely encourage people to help try to fix the game. It's the negative posts that offer absolutely no constructive criticism that deserve to have the poster flogged for...they are only making it more difficult for the devs to find the truely constructive posts on how to fix the game.
  2. I get that he has a problem with some design of the game...but what design...I really have no clue. Cryptic messages detailing problems you have with the game really don't qualify as constructive criticism. Hell...using Paint to describe your problem is better than this...
  3. My expectations for the linked story were not high....but I was pleasantly surprised...well said OP
  4. This is how it should work on PVP servers...I absolutely agree....but on PvE servers it should be up to the player when and how they want to enter the PvP fights....with this system this leaves it up to someone else to decide when you should enter PvP (by catching you off guard) which goes against everything a PvE server is for. This is a griefer's paradise in the making. The whole point of a PvE server with PvP is that you should be able to control when and where you want to pvp...not leaving it up to some random enemy to run up into your AOE spell and instantly flag you for PvP....resulting in you getting killed seconds later just because you happened to be firing off Death From Above trying to kill some NPC's. Let's not even mention Stealthers who sit and wait for the opportunity to flag you without you realizing they are waiting around. I play on a PvP server...but I am a PvE player at heart...I don't ***** about the ganking that goes on with our server...because I know that's part of being on a PvP server. When I'm on my Republic characters on a PvE server I expect that I should be able to choose when and where I want to PvP....that is what a PvE server is for.
  5. I don't see it happening with this game...they would have offered it already. With EA behind them I don't see anything happening that would ultimately save people money in the long run.
  6. Personally I hope they implement veteran rewards for those of us who stick with the game. Make some kick *** armor available to those who stick around...so we can rub it in the face of all the people who ***** and complain and leave only to come back later.
  7. The logic is this....they love the people who will continue to pay to play the game. They want to reward those people with a title. They don't want to reward the people quitting after their first 30 days. Thus...you don't get the title. I appreciate the move...doesn't mean much but when this game is shaped into a kickass game...that title might actually mean something...it will mean you lived with the growing pains and stood by the game when others *****ed and went back to WoW or other games. It will mean you did more than those people to see it get to that point. In reality it won't mean much and some people will actually make fun of people for having it...you know they will. If you care this much about having a title for a game you've already cancelled...perhaps you really don't want to cancel....as you still care about the game.
  8. Pick One: 1) Patch with emergency downtime to try to fix major issues with PvP. 2) No emergency downtime so that you can play as normal furthering the imbalance in PvP
  9. It's middle of your afternoon FFS...and normally it's mid-morning to mid-day when it happens...hardly your primetime in either case. You think you have it bad....think about Oceanic players...they get hit in their primetime every damn time maintenance happens. THEY have a right to complain...they are the only ones who deserve any form of compensation...and even then it should only be for when they hold an extra downtime like today's.
  10. As with all MMO's...the forums are a game of their own for people who a) don't want to play the game and have unsubbed b) people who can't play the game (like if they're at work, like me). The people who are happily playing the game are SURPRISE SURPRISE playing the game and not playing the forums. This is nothing new with MMO's...the forums are the worst place to find out what the playerbase really thinks of the game. Most people don't visit the forums to begin with...and of the people who do...people playing the game and enjoying it don't post nearly as often as people complaining. I'm with ya...I love the game...but can't play (at work)....so I bounce between here and Google+ commenting on things.
  11. Yeah doubt they have logs that detailed so as to differentiate between those spawn camping and those getting it by regular means. So do yourself and the rest of the pvp community a favor and sacrifice a morning's worth of valor so they can just reset everyone and be done with it.
  12. Fixed for you...the game will hardly be dead if the pvp game is dead...but it will be hurting. A lot more here than just PvPers.
  13. And this is why a rollback NEEDS to happen....because you know damn well there are a bunch of people thinking the exact same thing. Show them that exploiting does not pay off and they will be less likely to exploit in the future.
  14. Game Time Card applied when I activated my retail code, so that starts counting down tonight. I have an extra one that I bought a little while ago I think I'll apply tonight just because of all the negativity that will be leaving the game. Not saying all the negativity will be leaving...but a good chunk of it will. Good riddance.
  15. They need to make it a bigger difference between the speeders...with the fastest speeders being the equivalent of Force Speed...150%. Of course they shouldn't increase speed if it means it breaks agro mechanics. If a mob should be able to knock you off at 110% then they need to be able to knock you off at 150%. Frankly no one should be immune to getting past an elite or champion so long as they aren't grey to you. From what I hear the highest level speeders prevent all knock off...which they shouldn't. But...speeders need to feel like speeders. At the highest levels I shouldn't have to take a frickin taxi through low level areas just because it's faster.
  16. Good point...I'd just like to be able to use my damn speeder to get to my ship...even sprint seems slow running across that damn hangar.
  17. No one willing? LOL there's plenty of people willing to say it...it's whether or not they will listen that's the issue here. This has to do with comfort of living in the game world...right now there are some basic "this thing is a PITA because someone designed it that way" issues with the game that need to be corrected. 99% of the time nothing happens in hangars...why can't we fly a damn speeder through there when they got fricking forklifts for unloading ****. Especially when we can fly our speeders wherever we like in fleet. Mail only in certain places...what is this the frickin 1850's where we have to go pick up mail at the post office? We can make holocalls but we can't get a bit of text and some electroincally transmitted money on a screen in our ship? Or heaven forbid our Droid calls us on a holocall and reads our mail to us. Or why isn't there the equivalent of a handheld communicator that can give us text and let us know those jawas never want to see us again and are paying us tribute to stay away. You know...a smartphone. Explain again why I can't fly a taxi between the speeder pad next to kaas city and the citadel speeder pad? Is there some invisible barrier there? I mean seriously...why not allow use to travel directly to the middle of kaas city from the spaceport? Why force us to run into Kaas City. There's just some PITA design decisions in there right now. It's those little things that make living in the game world a bit more difficult...and they could be resolved so easily.
  18. Unless you're an alt-addict like me...it shouldn't matter to you...play the game. Now if you're an alt-addict like me...then knowing this would help you determine when you should resume playing your alts based on how long you haven't been playing them. I have no real idea how it works...as I don't pay that close attention to it...I play whatever alt I feel like playing. I do try to make sure I log off somewhere I will get rested xp though...free extra xp is always good.
  19. Sounds like you weren't using AA before and now that AA is actually an option in game...using it has decreased your performance. What a surprise...that's how games work.
  20. It's my understanding that Illum is meant to be a PvP playground. Now it seems to me that the previous way it was run turned it into a laughable PvP playground where very little PvP actually occurred...instead it was a bunch of organized base trading. So doesn't this change requiring PvP put it more in line with the original design ideas for the planet? Ie....base trading based on PvP battles to decide the outcome. Seeing how you're on a PvE server...my guess is you don't like PvP...so naturally this change goes against your style of play. Why does it surprise you then that you wouldn't want to visit one of the few areas in the game on a PvE server that actually require PvP? Complaining that they actually fixed a mechanic and forced people to do what the area was designed to inspire (PvP) is hardly constructive...move on and realize that the place is not for you anymore, or man up and actually participate in what the area was designed for. Not enough Republics to take on the Imperials? Then go get more if you don't like them taking all the capture points. Disclaimer: These comments are not based on actual experience...only comments by others on their actual experiences on Illum. My highest character is level 35...so I have no idea what it was really like before or how it is now.
  21. LOL...try this...beat the final boss of my Sorcerer's Chapter 1 this morning at about 3am...was up until about 4:40am with the followup quests. Had to be at work at 8am. Had to be up at 6:30am...so I figure I got about 1.5 hours of sleep... yay 5 hour energy (the **** works for me) Uphill both ways through the snow while carrying a rancor on my back
  22. So you want to make it into a grindfest...HELL NO The leveling seems just about perfect. Doing your class quests and the occasional side quest will lead you to be where you need to be to progress. You do more, you level up more...but the most important thing is you don't run out of content...you don't hit a brickwall and say "oh I gotta go kill this set of creatures for a couple of hours to get my next level so I can get the next set of quests. This is as close to a grind-free game as I've found...and it's one of the things I love the game for. Note: comments based on my experience up to level 35 so far on my highest level character.
  23. The only time a person can need for a companion is if the companion is a functioning member of the group. If they are actively contributing then there's no reason why a person can't roll need on a piece of gear for that companion. Not in the group...then it shouldn't get a damn thing except from a greed. That limits what people can roll on....otherwise a fully leveled up person with all their companions will roll need on nearly every good drop. So they have a tank, healer, ranged dps, melee dps, etc companion they NEED items for...that's BS. If they contribute then they can need for them...otherwise greed like everyone else.
  24. Of course they will expand on the storylines...what we are currently playing is ACT 1...chapters 1-3. You can bet they will be keeping up with smaller regular content expansions such as the flashpoints and operations...and make the expansions of the storylines paid expansions. I know that new specializations (normally called advanced classes) have already been thought about...I think it was the quest that leads to you picking your AC for Imperial Agent that specifically mentions there are a bunch of specializations but that you qualify only for those two (Operative and Sniper). They've built this game upon their awesome story....only way to keep people who came for the story interested is by offering more of it.
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