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Everything posted by Jazhara

  1. I made screenies during conversations a lot yesterday. Works fine for me
  2. Legacy Cargo Hold / Bank thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=169268 Due to high through-traffic, the thread hasn't gotten much views/responses, but I don't want to keep bumping it. Thanks for making this list!
  3. Sure, it's going to be challenging at times, and yes, I die too. Then it's dusting yourself off and try again, see what you can different. Isn't that the fun and essence of a game like this?
  4. Everything that's been said in the past 5 pages, and: Also keep in mind that your email might have been copied from your own hard drive by spyware or a trojan.
  5. Like with loot rules (need/greed/companion blabla) this is also a thing to keep in mind to mention before starting a group. Simply stating at the beginning of a grouping adventure "Please remember to use your own regen in between fights" may just help. Personally I don't have a healer-spec'd anything, but I do make sure to heal up in between fights, and can definitely see the aggravation that comes with it. Take care of your healer please! ;p
  6. I actually am thinking of doing the same thing, but I'm keeping my first char as a backup anyway. You know.. just in case.
  7. Bottom of page 2 after 3 minutes already? O.o
  8. /signed! ^ let the formatting be indication of how bad I want it.
  9. ...with "bind to Legacy" as soon as an item is placed in the server-wide account bank. Some faction-specific items such as Sith and Jedi gear would become faction-restricted. The current situation: Characters on either faction belong to the same Legacy, but can't send mail to each other due to the non-cross-faction mail restriction. This restriction exists for obvious reasons such as harassment due to PvP and the sending of items that should not be sent cross-faction such as specific gear. This however has the effect that many items such as schematics, crafting materials and generic armor (drops as well as crafted) simply go unused with the only possibility to get some credits for them at the Hutt Cartel Network on Nar Shaddaa. There are 6 crafting professions, but one can only make 4 characters on either faction and so one will never be able to truly become self-sufficient. And so my suggestion is that the Legacy system will at some point offer a Legacy bank. Placing an item in this account bank would bind it to your account, and all items placed in it except for materials (and maybe schematics), would be bound to your account. Most class-specific gear is already Bind on Pickup, and wouldn't be able to be exchanged through the Legacy bank, however crafted gear such as Sith Dueling leathers could be made by a Republic Trooper with Armormech, and then given to your Sith Marauder on the other faction, but not sold on the GTN. Legacy-bound items could only be sold to vendors for cash. This would enable people to craft for their alts cross-faction, send certain class-specific items such as Trooper gear found or crafted on the Empire faction and all in all create the opportunity for more variety. I understand that from another perspective this may infringe on lore, though I see plenty of possibilities to make it work even lore-wise. Legacy is already considered a 'family' in one or another way. They may as well have a shared account. No pun intended. All in all, I think the benefit outweighs any lore-based objection; and this is one of those things where I think that Gameplay should go before immersion. With what seem to me like a few tweaks (I'm no programmer, and truly unable to judge the amount of work this would entail), the whole community may benefit. Thanks for reading. If you have any positive and constructive input that BioWare can work with, please do respond!
  10. Other than a few speculations and 'maybe's' there's nothing new in there.
  11. I've been through Nar Shaddaa about 4 times now, and I still love it. The atmosphere and layout is spot-on when it comes to lore, and it forces you to kill most mobs on your way, resulting in lots of xp. The trick is to make sure you have all quests for an area, and don't go to turn in before you've done them all - then again, that counts for every planet and every zone.
  12. big fat /SIGNED I still have nightmares of seeing Revan without his hood.
  13. I have practically the same system and run SWTOR full out @30FPS, with the exception of shadows, and anisotropy on medium. A few differences maybe: I have 8GB RAM and 1GB dedicated (resident) video memory, both which make or break the performance of any game on a laptop. EDIT: actually, n/m, didn't realize the processor isn't dual-core at least. No dual core means you're going to have a really hard time running any recent game these days.
  14. Simple answer to the OP: If you would be in a group of which I'd be leader and rolled 'need' on anything that is not fitting to your personal class, you get booted. Not even an explanation. No discussion. There is one exception: if the group is running to actually farm gear for companions. If it's not for your own class, you're welcome to 'greed' it, which is exactly what it is. Greed. I rather have a hard time with an underpowered group than put up with people *so* greedy that they think they 'need' an item they don't. Hope I won't meet you in-game.
  15. A very helpful post! And just when I was looking for answers in this regard. One stat I miss here is Alacrity. As I understood it decreases the global cooldown, which in turn may very well increase overall DPS. How effective it eventually is, is beyond me though. Any insight?
  16. It's exactly why I pressed myself on getting through Chapter 1 with my smuggler before giving in to my severe case of altitis. Now I have 4 (active) characters and already 2 legacy levels. It's a good heads-up, though I must add that this system was clear from the very beginning.
  17. This is basically how I started playing the game. I saw it as 8 stories in the same universe, based on Old Republic lore, and started off with the intention of soloing throughout the game. ...and then I ran into a merry group of adventurers and the whole thing just became better. There's 1600 hours worth of playtime if you count all the classes, and yeah, I do think that's worth 60$ + 15$ every month. The game beats many single-player RPG's out there (as can be expected from BioWare) and effectively it's a game I can appreciate much more than DA2. Singleplayer or multiplayer? I stopped caring, I think.
  18. Never heard of a Terentatek on Tython. As far as I know Terentateks are only/mostly found on Kashyyyk in the shadowlands (according to KotOR I). It also seems very unlikely that you'd be fighting a legendary beast like that in a starter area. However, if there is such a thing as a Terentatek on Tython, I want to know as well; I've been looking forward to hunting one!
  19. GREAT! Dammit. I have my smuggler in her 30's, my Consular inching in on the 30's... and you just made me want to make a Trooper. When will I ever finish a story!? ...then again, I've been wanting to play a Trooper since I learned Jennifer Hale voices the class.
  20. I remember an early-access-time thread around here on the forums, basically stating that 'his friend's account got banned because he jokingly posted a message in general chat advertising "gold". As long as you help to report spam, BioWare is able to ban. As I understand, they have a zero-tolerance rule about it.
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