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Everything posted by Jazhara

  1. Next to neatly replacing or just removing the vocabulator, I would also like the option to shove my blaster in his mouth and pull the trigger. Until the clip empti--- wait! Energy weapons! I could always just vent some aggression on the droid. Ah... that'd be nice. Or for frustrated Jedi's! Shove your lightsaber hilt in his face, then flip the switch to turn it on. Oooooh sparkly!
  2. Agreed. If it wasn't for the patch, I'd still be wasting time PvP'ing. Now I can finally get a good night's rest! Thanks! And no, I'm not being sarcastic. I really need to sleep.
  3. Agreed. Companions too often act like I got honey on my butt. What would be really nice would be a slider to set their distance, or at least 2-3 setting for close, far and medium distance. I think Fallout 3 and NV had a system like that. Oh.. and with distance, I mean *behind* me. Not to my left, not to my right, but *behind me* so you're not in my view when I try to pick something up or want to harvest a node or click a mission objective. Just.. get out of my way already!
  4. You can probably save yourself about $1000 on that system and still run SWTOR on max by going for i5 2500K with a GTX560. You'd also be able to run BF3 with that on ultra @ 40FPS minimal. That $1000 saved you can stick into another up-to-date system 2-3 years down the road. I don't understand why you would go for the most expensive, newest stuff that will set you back twice as much. Then again - if I would have the money to burn, I'd probably do the same.
  5. I'm having the same issue actually, though I'm at 2100 around lvl 25. According to patch notes, it should be fixed. And a friend of mine was able to complete everything to do with Kira once it was patched. I've seen the icon to talk on the ship once or twice, but when I'd get on my ship, she only responds with one of her canned quotes. Anyone else having issues?
  6. If I remember correctly, it was actually stated by a dev that they were working on a fix for this. I think it was on Stephen Reid's reddit interview, but I can't recall. Damn memory being too small.
  7. Also something to note: Power/Crit attributes on items don't really start popping up until lvl 25-30. When it comes to Enhancements, as the little mods made by Artifice that can be inserted into critted armor, yes, they are also available with the Power/Crit/Surge w/e attribute. But not before +/- lvl 28.
  8. As soon as you're past Nar Shaddaa, 50-100K is about the average yield of loot and quests combined for one zone. Past Alderaan it's 150K... Credits are so easy to make it's almost ridiculous.
  9. They were already sending /w's and in-game mails in Early Access. That said: report, report, report. BW *does* take action against the spam. (even though they haven't taken any satisfactory action against hacks, sadly)
  10. For some reason I found this one very funny - though also sad: Cupid Stunt See what he did thar?
  11. Typically, just today, the following happened: On Nar Shaddaa, Nikto sector, there is a bonus mission that ends with killing a pretty tough elite. At least, he can be tough to solo. I come running up to the location and see him up. There is a Jedi Shadow standing there, ready to pounce, so I invite him to group up while standing right next to him so he can see I'm out for the same goal as him. Instead of accepting the invite he rushes to attack the elite, and declines the invitation. I sigh and roll my eyes, casually watching him fight alone... ...and die - with the elite still half-health. This would be the point that I say 'F it'. I charge alone (with companion), and kill the elite without a sweat (though my companion died in the process >.>), effectively kill-stealing? I can't care less. THAT is the consequence of never accepting unannounced group invites. If you are being anti-social by declining in this situation, you deserve to wait another 5 minutes before the mob spawns again.
  12. You're level 25, according to the picture. It seems you have chosen about the worst looking armor out there and displayed it with the lowest possible resolution. Granted, if the Jedi style of clothing isn't your cookie, you won't like any of the armors, but there are about 2-3 orange chest armors you can get on Coruscant that look better than the one you chose to wear. Not even to mention that you're probably on Nar Shaddaa with your character, where you can buy some nice armor either with credits or commendations. That said: I do agree with the sentiment that gear, for Jedi especially, can be rather bland. Mostly due to the colors.
  13. ^ This. If the objective is clear for people that are in each other's direct vicinity, no need to talk before an invite. Every other time, please let me know what you want.
  14. Look at it this way: You'll be getting another orange chestpiece as questreward for a Heroic in a little anyway. A cooler one that you'll want to wear. Your legs will be changed as well. Oi, and in a few levels they're no good anymore anyway. Up until level 25 you'll probably look like something the cat brought back. After that, you'll have enough money to *make* yourself look good
  15. On either Black Talon or The Esseles (Republic equivalent) both ran over a 20 times, I have never seen bottoms drop. Orange Chest, Orange Weapon, purple gloves and boots - that's it; in my experience.
  16. Never played WoW. Blizzard makes most awesome games, but for some reason they're never to my taste. Anarchy Online was awesome, but really too old now; graphics-wise. SWG died with NGE. GuildWars turned into a collector's game, and roleplaying was absent. AoC was to my taste, but failed to live up to expectations. Gameplay- and story-wise. Aion... ugh, I'm not even going to go there. So far, SWTOR has beaten every MMO I have played and enjoyed, hands-down. I've always been a huge KotOR fan, and seeing how it developed into this huge world, fully voiced-over, immersive and engaging on a personal level, it will probably keep me hooked for quite some time to come. Have I gone back to any other game since playing TOR? -- errr... yes. Mass Effect 2.
  17. Same issue here, and let me add: - Black flickering throughout - Black screen for a second or two when starting conversations with the subtitles visible - Hard crashes that turn the computer off - 10-20 lower FPS, sometimes dropping to 10FPS when things get funky, usually followed by one of the aforementioned crashes. AA disabled, shadows disabled, bloom disabled, aw hell, everything disabled and running at 1024x768 won't even solve it. Since 1.1 I may have played 5 hours total, which would normally be around 30. Not because I didn't want to, but because I got so frustrated with crashes and horrid FPS. It has all the signs of a bad memory leak like AoC used to have.
  18. There are ways aplenty. On every planet you can buy orange armor at the specialty goods vendor. Often this is the same armor you would need commendations for, but you can just buy it with your million credits. Choose the looks of your likes, rip out the mods and then... Then... you upgrade it! O.o
  19. Last time I'll bump this before I start harassing Mr. Zoeller with this. Like it? Sign it
  20. Have a look here, you'd be amazed even more --- only lvl 16 and pwning. http://taugrim.com/2011/11/29/swtor-smuggler-gunslinger-pvp-video-16-in-voidstar/
  21. I'm happy to see some responses! I was almost thinking I was totally off with this heh. Need more votes!
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