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Everything posted by Quesa

  1. Quesa

    warzone error

    Another good example of why I believe PvP in this game is more of an afterthought. Could you imagine how fast they'd be patching the servers if FP's suddenly started logging people out? Thought so.
  2. Sorry if this was asked already but... are you going to stream this so people can watch without having to be in the location and create lag?
  3. No, numbers in general mean nothing because there is no context. Just because you put up 400k damage AND healing doesn't mean much in an object-oriented warzone. It's disingenuous to suggest that the numbers portrayed at the end of a match means alot as I've personally seen very low numbers from everyone in a 6:0 game, as well as other MMO wargames. Furthermore, someone like a Merc or Sorc can sit up on a perch and spam AoE damage spells with no quantifiable end effect. That person may put up some impressive numbers but did he do anything to stop the ball carrier? ... did he score a TD? ... did he save a ball-carrier from death thus assisting in a TD? We don't know, all we have is numbers and those numbers have no context. The original post is taking those numbers, averaging them out and using them as evidence of class power/balance. It doesn't mean anything because of how the classes differ in their damage delivery, survivability and player play-style. I can put this another way. A Powertech can have twice the damage, same kills as an Operative simply because his damage delivery is alot slower thus allowing the target to heal or better utilize skills that slowly regenerate health and prolong the fight. An operative can have low overall damage but same kills because he kills his target in under 10 seconds not allowing much healing or slow regeneration abilities to offset the damage taken.
  4. People may lol at Tracer-spam derp-mercs because it looks funny and incredibly easy. However, there is a fundamental development-derp by tying so many procs and debuffs to a single skill which I think that's what people would really like to see changed. We can see the call to change the double effect of Hidden Strike so that the CC or high damage stealth-opener be a choice rather than an auto combination. It's the same type of thing, I personally think it's bad developing to tie so many things to a single skill and I also believe it makes balancing said classes incredibly difficult because the overall equation is intensely complex with so much riding on that one skill.
  5. The glaring problem I see with this is that the classes work in many different ways. For example. An Operative is an opportunistic killer which spends most of it's time in stealth waiting for the right opportunity. So an Op will unstealth, kill and restealth thus laying out all his damage out in a short period of time on a single target. Then you have classes like a Sorcerer who could essentially tab-dot for low but consistent damage with periods of higher overall DPS through active casting. They also have a powerful AoE that can hit multiple targets. The main issue isn't the overall damage, DPS, survivability or escape mechanics a class has, it's the upfront burst potential of the Operative/Scoundrel which is linked to a hard CC, all coming from a nearly undetectable stealth (which can be buffed +15 with short CD) setting up a situation where a target can be killed in under 8-10 seconds while that target is hard CC'd for nearly half of that duration. So while the data may be correct, the differences in class mechanics and how that classes damage is delivered and HOW MANY TARGETS it's delivered to is something not represented in your data makes it misleading, at best. Killing blows means nothing as I've used corrosive dart on a target, ran away and one of the ticks killed it. Kills doesn't mean much as the mere fact of participating in the death of that person could be anything from CC'ing that target at one point or another to healing someone who killed or participated in the death of that target.
  6. Progression is for PvE, not for PvP. If people want better gear than others, that's PvGear.
  7. I respec'd my 46 op to concealment from a healer. //I'm not all that good and don't claim to be //I had/have healing gear, so basically alacrity, surge and power //My crit chance was WELL below what you'd expect to see from a geared spec Conceal - mine was about 20%. //I'm not biochem //I wasn't buff stacking because at the time I thought the bonus was a 15% bonus to my current expertise, not a flat +15% (der) I was purposfully going after 50's with PvP gear. No, I couldn't tell if they had all PvP gear but from the differences in how hard my abilities hit, I'd say they had a fair amount I was taking 50's down to half health within a stun and if I hit a lucky crit streak, I was nailin them down to about 30-45% health, no problem. Anything not 50 was pretty much a loljoke.
  8. At least it's consistent with PvP in general being a joke.
  9. Mod'd all my gear at around 46-47. All pieces, save implants, relics and ear were modable (iirc), I got about 4% reduction in damage. If you have excess commendations, sure...if not...it's a waste of a grind.
  10. Team counters Operative, more at 11.
  11. The only thing I can see needing a change is the amount of heat generated with Tracer. I also swear I've seen someone spam tracer, reach top heat and then start to lose heat while continuing to spam it. THAT can't happen. It's the same type of thing with the Commando(?) that does Grav Round, or whatever it's called. Not having a stack-able debuff tied directly to your most powerful/spamable attack might not be a good idea either. AKA the armor debuff. I think Warriors have a separate, low damage skill WITH a cooldown to apply an armor debuff. The interruption advice is a naive, regurgitated statement since it's only a 4 second ability lockout. It would be different if the interrupt was also on a 4-6 second CD.
  12. Could resolve start ticking down AFTER the CC has worn off? I've both done this to someone and had it done to me: In a 1v1 situation where it's stealth vs. non-stealth at a turret/door... You can sleep dart someone and the resolve starts ticking away BEFORE the sleep dart wears off thus allowing you to keep someone from channeling said node or door. I don't see why Resolve should EVER start ticking off before a CC duration has completed.
  13. If I was basing my decision on PvP alone, no. PvP is pretty bad. However, the vast majority aren't using PvP as a major factor in their decision - me thinks.
  14. Healing tree of the Sith Sorcerer. Why does a shield enhancement have a prerequisite of a Consumption enhancement? It has nothing to do with shields. I don't understand why it's not an enhancement linked to Efficacious Currents, another barrier enhancement. Seems like it's there because nobody would take Dark Resilience? I don't get it...someone help me!
  15. People aren't rage quitting. They are quitting because the players on their team are horribad. I think you should look up what "rage" means.
  16. Nobody cares that you don't care that people are going to quit.
  17. Quesa

    PvP Ability Delays

    Some people, like me, NEED PvP to be an equal part to an MMO for it to keep my attention longer than a couple of months. This games PvP is atrociously bad. I can deal with OP classes for a time, I can deal with only a few WZ's but I can't STAND how bad the UI is and how unresponsive some skills are when trying to activate them. It really is that bad.
  18. The two weakest factions team up. Been like this in almost every 3 faction game made.
  19. Kinda feels like RIFT. Leveling was sweet, fun n stuff. Get to 50, it's just a strait grind.
  20. Even though the WZ's currently are objective based, you can get top rewards for going for kills and damage. In fact, you'll have a harder time getting top rewards for just going after objectives whereas you'll find it easier to get rewards for just doing your own thing, ie. killing.
  21. I've never fallen through the ground in Hutball but I have charged someone, with my Warrior, and the charge path took me through a structure. The instant I hit the structure, a red message pop'd up (I couldn't read as it dropped me so fast) and kicked me from the game. I appeared on the fleet station dead.
  22. It wouldn't be so bad if Acid Blades didn't give you a 50% armor pen.
  23. If you had bothered to read and then comprehend his post, you might have found that he makes more sense than you do.
  24. How's this for personal experience. I was 46 op, speced and geared for healing. I wanted to see what was up so I respeced into conceal. I purposfully targetted 50's and not only was I taking more than 50% of their life away within a HS knockdown but I was almost 70-75% successful in killing them. If things went wrong, I was about 80% successful in getting away. So, to recap, a non-50 with no PvP gear and not even geared properly for the spec, downing 7 out of every 10 targets with an 80% escape rate? Right.
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