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Everything posted by Nitblade

  1. OK I'll play your game. As they have already waited 12 months and most probably another 3 to go for a total of 15 months since launch before the implementation of SGR content. How Much Longer do you want them to wait for Any content? PvP fans have waited... never mind they already had updates Ops fans have waited... never mind they already had updates Flashpoint fans have waited... never mind they already had updates Bug Fixes... Every patch has them, They have their own dedicated development team Only thing I have to say. Different people, different taste. You, Personally, are not attracted to it. But there are people that are, and would sub for that reason.
  2. I completely agree with the Legacy Wide datacrons (and Codex entries) posted my support for it for over 6 months in threads as they came
  3. Seriously, was that so hard. Finally they took the time to get out of their mutism as should have been done a long time ago and gave us some long deserved information. I was hoping for a bit more then that but at least it's a start. With luck we might see full SGR's before the end of this new year. (feel a lot better to have a shred of optimism about the game then the downward angrier spiral caused by their way of handling customers relations for the last 2 months) Hopefully they will have understood that silence is not the way to keep these forums peaceful. Happy new year everyone PS: Natashina, my hat off to you for i truly believe all this came by your outstanding work and efforts
  4. That's the problem, they can't do it. They still don't know how much content will be gutted from this "expansion" to pad the next update that hits. If you been here long enough you know that Makeb was to be 1.5 and have Cathar. F2P came and wiped that away and it became 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and the foreseeable 1.7 and maybe even 1.8 before we finally get Makeb
  5. here's my 3 Success: 1-Fully voiced story 2-Companions 3-Interresting Landscape Failures 1-Absolute LACK of COMMUNICATION 2-Forum Moderation (i first suggested David Copperfield was a moderator here but as this month advanced i'm more of a mind to say it's Ray Bradbury in a Fahrenheit 451 kind of way) 3-Cartel Market
  6. Quick answer...Nothing It's what I expect, considering the way the new lead is going where they suddenly call a big update into an expansion just to rake some more money out of the already paying customer. And forget about paying with Cartel Coin if you're a Subscriber, it's not bringing new money so expect cash only
  7. How many people here have been hit by this here. I know I have and i've seen some individual forum posters being hit a lot more then me. I also noticed a few times post vanishing as I was reading pages and hitting refresh. I seen page counts drop me back 2 pages at a time when i wanted to go to page 6 and I ended on page 4.
  8. Yuuzhan Vong imo is the single worst mistake of the whole Star Wars expanded universe. I read all the books until the YV book 2 where i was totally disgusted by them. So heck no to that
  9. I played Lineage 2 for a few years and while I played i got 7 Major expansions for only the cost of my monthly subscription. We are/have paid that expansion already every single subscriber of the game since launch. Makeb was in development pretty much since launch, that is a very long time, then dumped on the back burner for the Cartel Cash cow, and is now months later then should have been (should have hit autumn 2012 not spring 2013) It ain't the 10$, it's the continued broken promises
  10. I absolutely love the Togruta but 6 months after promising the Cathar and we still are waiting, don't expect them before september 2013 or so at the soonest would be my guess
  11. Absolutely stunning work there Natashina. You are to be commended for you professionalism and dedication. ps: I am a straight male here and can't wait to see that content in game, more for you then me, but i do plan 1 character to use that option. You have my whole support there. Hopefully BW will start waking up and do something. Merry Christmas to all here, may you get the gift you deserve and was promised to you at launch
  12. Well Hickman said he wanted feedback, he never said he wanted to actually read or acknowledge it. He's perfectly happy letting you type your well constructed post to just send David Copperfield do his vanishing trick like when he did it to the Statue of Liberty. No wonder these forums are getting angrier by the minute, no matter what you have to say, if it isn't an ode to Hickman's Coolaid of truth, it'll be gone in an hour. Heck yeah i'm angry at Him, the level of sanitation reached by this forum of discussion is sickening (not blaming the CM and Mods, i'm perfectly sure where the order comes from). Contrary to someone doing Eaware's management of SWTOR, I'm actually interested in every opinion that people are willing to voice here. We can't understand one another without both side of an argument. Problem is I still like the game or I would have unsubbed right after 1.6 so i'm giving them exactly 1 more chance here, Makeb better be really damn good.
  13. As it stands I opened the screen once. Then I laughed a lot If they slash every prices there by 50% I might consider buying something there
  14. My god Allison, poor you. After all the broken promises and now the lies about Makeb being free to subscriber that turn out to be another monumental Management screw up. And now they saddle you with the amazingly unenviable task of telling us we can't even use our Cartel Coins to make the purchase on top of it. Someone DO something about that man, I still like the game but the way he's treating it and leading it, it's heading straight toward the ground at mach speed. Please get someone that can salvage this in the director's seat.
  15. I used to play Korean MMO on their US service, we had about 50k players and had 4 major events and at least 2 smaller events a year. They couldn't do the "copy-paste" of korean event for localization and different population taste even if they ended somewhat similar most time but a lot of coding was done this side. If they could do it for 50k players how can EA do less for more then 10 times as many?
  16. I was contacting them about David Copperfield being active in these threads. I just happened to mention SGR's in there too
  17. 1) REAL communication with/from Bioware 2) Realization that Cartel Shop IS NOT Content, back to story 3) SGR'S & Cathar, Both being old promises unfulfilled will stop there but had more
  18. Magnificent Job Natashina Fired off a mail to both Joveth Gonzales and Allison Berryman at their forum handles by the private message option.
  19. That has been asked since the Legacy launched, I know i've posted in a few of those threads. But as usual No response from EAware
  20. Well I just can't wait to get a nice screenshot of my new Cathar Jedi Sentinel oh wait, nevermind
  21. Hey i'm with you all for Pazaak & Swoop racing. But if there's fishin to be done I want my trooper to do Grenade toss fishin "Ba-Boom"
  22. You can also check this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1464387#post1464387
  23. hummm, I knew I had better wait to buy that one. Thank god I hesitated and checked in here before buying the unlock. Working as intended or just another major Fail on their milk the customer cartel market?
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