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Everything posted by Nitblade

  1. Legacy shared datacrons Legacy shared bank tab Account wide friendlist Pull down tab for mailing within legacy Armor dyes Dual Spec Make crafting worth doing again
  2. THIS. I've been waiting 9 months for Cathar, who should have been here a long time ago and by what they are hinting I still have 3 more months of waiting for them. So don't hold your breath until late 2014.
  3. Well if you look up on youtube for the BW E3 2012, there's a video with the Cathar teaser. with a bunch of stuff promised for 2012. So unless they can call Doc Brown and borrow his DeLorean they very badly missed their mark.
  4. Let me get this right. You play a MMO-RPG but don't want to level... You only want to be max level and PvP... Then why are you here? Why aren't you playing those game that will give you what you want, plenty of those around that will give you PvP, deathmatch and the like right from the start without the need to do the 90%+ content of the game that is the questing???
  5. Dude have you been on Ilum?? Look at the general chat the only thing scrolling along was "XP Group 300k cred an hour" or any variant thereof droning on all asking for the same prices. That is with multiple groups per instance, so please take the socializing out of here. This event has been hammered to heck by cheaters.
  6. Humm, just a quick thought. Since the majority of players are playing Imperial faction and across both factions more then 50% of the player base are playing full DS... Why is it that there's such a heavy reaction to EAware making a typical Imperial Darksider move?
  7. Wow OP Very well formulated idea. With a sensible approach too. They should hire you as you seem to have a better grasp of what this game needs then their too overt cash grab everywhere we turn to.
  8. Well I just got my answer now right. Early Summer. I wonder if they'll announce the Cathar at E3 2013??? Shouldn't they be a bit ashamed announcing it 2 years in a row??
  9. Well you already have to buy General (without any class based) content, to get Makeb
  10. Concerning Cathar the only thing they say is... You will wait till At Least June 21st (and probably a lot longer then that) and will pay CC's for them
  11. Please someone actually working over there just look at this. JUNE 4th 2012 where you promise Cathar along with a bunch of other stuff. Really look at the date. You're now saying Cathar will only come Early Summer... It takes you more then 1 year to produce a new playable race where there are already character models in game. I've been here since early launch and a sub since then but seriously your development is really starting to look as an Epic Fail. Everything you produce now is CM only. How in the name of reason do you intend to get new subscriber with that... Looking at this you really should just remove the subscription model, period, as you certainly don't seem to care at all for us Loyal customers.
  12. Nope. The thing that killed Legacy was the greatest piece of overhype that was feeding us dreams of awesome Legacy REWARDS. But ended up with a poorly thought out lousy credit sink with hardly anything on it worth buying. (the only 2 things i bought from it are the Black Hole transport for conveience, the rest is just bland and tasteless and not worth the staggeringly high credit cost) and everything being on the Cartel Market for cheap is just adding insult to injury making Legacy entirely worthless
  13. Rofl call me a tentacle head also. I want a Togruta & a Nautolan also. But seeing as we are closing on a full year for the Cathar that were promised for 2012 and they aren't exactly forthcoming with information (seriously their communication level is subarctic on any given subject and that lil gold post finding is like an insane scavenger hunt) Considering they haven't talked about any other species or given any update on Cathar I don't expect the next specie to hit before 2015
  14. Been a big beef from day 1 I'm a synthweaver and i can't for the life of me craft a light armor for my sage without a motherflippin skirt Also this has been asked since week 1. So anything to get light armor with Pants, you get my vote
  15. I just hope I can play my Cathar Jedi before the next E3
  16. That thing's been horrible since day 1. And it's not been fixed either despite numerous threads about it in the first few months. People just gave up on it.
  17. For my part i'm still waiting on the very first Legacy reward beeing allowed to waste credits isn't a reward contrary to EAware's beliefs
  18. Yeah and Somehow Kaon where you can either let a guy turn into a monster or kill him "as he asks you to do" letting him live is LS meh
  19. You preaching to the choir my man! I used to be a lot more active on the forums , but i had a serious flaw in me it seems...I had an opinion that EAware didn't like. Hell in the last 2 months more then 70% of the posts i made vanished in a few Mod-Click thread delete. And just why is it that when those criticism threads get deleted you see a new thread the next day but now it's filled with positive feedback... for the repair cost i haven't been hit quite as hard as others, but most of my toons are in cheap Orange gear with good lvl mods but the best I have is Columi with BlackHole mods and on my Columi toon i'd say about 60% increase (used to be ~1.5k for a round of Dailies now is more like 2.5k) But i know others that got more then doubled like my Jedi Tank friend
  20. Yes please do. The Griefer Imp kiddies are just wasting that event for us
  21. Yeah, but it would be even better if it was actual PvP and not a giant Imperial Stealth Class Griefer Fest Not impressed
  22. Well judging by the size of the fonts & tone of your reply KettleBell, i'm guessing you play Imperial. And it might be only me, but my personal experience there with the PvP section is a heck of a lot of Imps camping the point. Haven't seen many Repubs doing it
  23. That is something I agree with wholeheartedly. I'm just tired of seeing people pulling majorities/minorities out of thin air and labeling them for gospel truth and then using the feeble deflect that it's just "an opinion". If you invoke this show me a link with factual numbers that I can see with 50%+1 or 50%-1 If you don't have it, keep that argument out of your post.
  24. Well i will challenge you to do the same, Provide links with factual numbers and THEN you can state that it is a minority. Not before. Since the start of this thread lots of people keep telling the same thing and No One ever came up with links or number even if always challenged. So please keep your strawman arguments from the debate, and that goes for each side.
  25. I asked the same thing way back before they resetted the forums for the official launch, also why my main is a Trooper Varric ftw
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