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Everything posted by Monotoli

  1. Either you really don't comprehend morality, or you're trolling.
  2. Personally, I never mind geting a bunch of greens.....
  3. Neutral is the way to make double the hard decisions than you did. :-p "Pure" is the morality equivalent of Cartman's "turn to the left!!" in that Nascar episode.
  4. 'Balanced,' not 'neutral.' Picking both sides, rather than picking one. Jolee Bindo from KOTOR, and Keira from KOTOR 2, rather than the Neutronians of Futurama. :-p "I maintain nonetheless that yin-yang dualism can be overcome. With sufficient enlightenment we can give substance to any distinction: mind without body, north without south, pleasure without pain. Remember, enlightenment is a function of willpower, not of physical strength."
  5. They say you can go to planet A or planet B, and then planet C or planet D..... They say it's an option, but ABCD really are a progression in terms of levels. B is higher level than A, but still do-able. The bright side: If you really dislike planet C, you can grind your teeth on planet D and then breeze through C for just the class quest.
  6. The auction house / GTN gets a bad rep because it's cumbersome to search through. It's a good system, though, for browsing and narrowing down items into categories..... But there's one use case that hasn't been addressed. Why can't we just do a simple keyword search? Leave the rest of the GTN as it is, it's not bad, but this simple addition would make it take significantly less time/hassle to use. Agree/disagree?
  7. I can't really give an informed critique of Ops, but I do play a Sniper in PVP and I can highly recommend it. Keep in mind, though, that it's mainly a strategic defensive role.
  8. It takes longer to travel to the surface than it does to travel to the planet. That's just odd.
  9. Not so much a "bump," just surprised that apparently nobody else agrees.....
  10. Why not? We have quick travel to the spaceport, which is just outside the ship but then there's a few unneccesary loading screens involved. There's been some controversy about all those loading screens (they're annoying), and this would seem to be an easy fix. KOTOR had quick travel to the ship and it was extremely useful. As it is, I feel like I'm subconciously avoiding my ship, rather than enjoying it and getting that 'home' vibe.....
  11. As a suggestion, I really like this idea. Think it's perfectly viable for a spot on the Wall Of Crazy. (As a weird workaround that people are bouncing around all these ideas for.... I'll wait until it passes through the Wall.)
  12. It's a minigame with levels..... just wondering what happens when you beat the last level.
  13. You know those ghosts in Mario that get bigger when you're not looking towards them? It's exactly like that.
  14. Just curious. Don't want to beleaguer the pros and cons of space combat, it's fun enough despite some annoyances, but I kind of drifted from playing it. Just stopped feeling like I was getting anything out of it. So.... space war: what is it good for?
  15. Along the same lines, has anybody else ever wondered where Bond villans ever find so many nameless henchmen willing to die for them?
  16. Manta? Do you mean the taxis on Alderann?
  17. Endor speeders were just crazy OP. Many stormtroopers died in bringing us these safety standards.....
  18. They have the exact same story. That makes them pretty similar.
  19. You're debating semantics. It's not a worthwhile debate, and in fact, several people have asked you to stop.
  20. Idk why those 3-4 people ignored this comment and continued rambling. I agree 110%....... and half expect to be called out about how 110% isn't a possible figure.
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