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Everything posted by TheBBP

  1. For hot swapping in the field? For instance, if I am on one of my Commandos and I am Gunnery and want to switch to Medic, can I save the builds for one-button changes?
  2. MMO's are as tedious as you make them. There are a good number of options to break things up, but that entails involving others and not playing the solo game.
  3. You don't think that the removal of decimals won't confuse a new batch of people? The removal of decimals also hurts the ability to be able to be competitive on the GTN on a price per unit basis.
  4. Oddly enough, a comma and a period look pretty distinct from each other unless your vision is bad. But for the moment, I will assume that you suffer from a condition known as "Punctuation Blindness" and you are completely unable to distinguish between the characteristics of decimals and commas. There is and has always been a way in this game to tell if that little critter separating numbers is a decimal or comma... If it is a decimal, it will ONLY have TWO numbers after (to the right of) it. If it is a comma, it will ALWAYS have THREE numbers after (to the right of) it. So, remember when you are trying to navigate the dangers of the GTN, THREE numbers after is a comma, and TWO numbers after is a decimal. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  5. If you spam so hard that the system automatically shuts you down, you should lose your chat privileges for the life of the character. This is also why we need account-wide ignore.
  6. Seriously folks, if the GTN is too hard and you guys need the devs to make it easier for you, they might as well strip this game down to 5 actions that can be mapped to an XBox One and/or PS4 controller and port it to consoles.
  7. No doubt. Happy Veteran's Day and Armistice Day, folks.
  8. You click on the item you want without paying attention to it's price. You ignore and click away the warning that pops up. If you are buying from the GTN, there really is no other way to lose that money.
  9. If you ever need proof that there were people around before 12x XP who could certainly use some hand-holding, just peek at the "GTN Scam" threads. For a long time people have not been able to sort and/or tell a comma from a decimal and folks want to claim that suddenly 12x XP brought in all of the blockheads. SMH.
  10. Bioware, please revamp the classes AGAIN, but this time, revamp and balance them all around Jedi. Is that what this thread is about?
  11. Stahp. Let the OP have his alternate reality.
  12. Out of respect for the millions who have died at war since the beginning of time, it is distasteful that this game has war involved. They would be wise to take all combat out of this game and call the war off or they will be seen to have a serious lack of empathy.
  13. He knows. He is just trying to give his disdain for 12x XP a reason to be.
  14. What a ridiculous statement. It's like someone looking at the gross on your paycheck and telling you what you should be able to afford without taking into account your expenses, taxes and other bills. You have no idea what their budget is.
  15. No joke. At first I was thinking "knee-jerk feminist", but I think (read: hope) that you are right lol.
  16. You did something wrong. I run past all the mobs and do none of the bonuses. Leveling is going just as planned.
  17. That artwork is ridiculously sick. We need that!!!!!
  18. It's hard to even complain about the travel when 1-55 only takes a few decent play sessions.
  19. No doubt. After playing since pre-launch and more than a handful of level 55 toons, I will FINALLY have my first level 55 Imperial character very soon.
  20. You are over-thinking it. The bonus was merely an opportunity to get more folks toward end-game especially with the level cap raise that is coming. They have not shot themselves if the foot, people ALWAYS would like to level faster. BW isn't creating that desire. They are simply allowing the opportunity for people to quickly get up to speed in preparation for the new content. IF it is a repeated thing, I would expect it to be more rare than double exp events.
  21. I too have been around since pre-launch and have leveled a good number of toons since then. I secured my 12x XP bonus last night and I can tell you that it does NOT feel like a slap in the face.
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