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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AdrianDmitruk

  1. The QQ from bads would be endless. Hell, even though I'm a much, much better player than I used to be, my first toon, a JK, would have failed the fight at the end of Chapter 3 if I didn't get multiple tries at it. As would have many, many players at launch because it can take more than one pull to figure out the mechanics thereof.


    I've also had some weird pulls where I'm like, "Huh? Why did that mob 100m away aggro me?" that could have caused me to "fail" a mission.


    It's one thing if you can "fail" a class mission with a conversation choice, but IMO class missions should give more than one chance. (If they only gave one chance, the difficulty would need to be toned down, and I certainly don't want that.) There's a reason why "one death and character's done" is a ruleset followed only by those who want hardcore RP.


    As it is, I feel it's enough for bads to be shunned by the community as such and not invited to group content, and I say this as someone who has cleared and frequently carries in such content.

  2. I'd also like a Statue of the Oriconian Warrior, if you still have one in stock.


    Let me know if you do, as I would need to send a courier toon with the credits to pick it up (no sense spending the CC to do this if you don't have it).

  3. Yeah, the one and only problem I have with mail spam as opposed to chat spam is that if I report it, it costs me a ticket slot.


    Yes, when I saw that people were running into the limit of allowable tickets by reporting spammers, I immediately checked my open tickets.


    I saw a veritable army of spammers whom I had reported, some from months ago. The tickets had never been closed.


    I will no longer report spam until Bioware clears the backlog of unopened tickets. If Bioware expects us to report spammers, then they have a responsibility to actually act upon the reports.


    Now the only thing I will do is just click on the mail so it shows as read. Ignoring spammers will sadly fill my ignore list to the point I can't ignore actual loot ninjas, trolls, terribads in GF queue who do less DPS/healing/aggro than a level 10 companion, etc.


    If Bioware won't police their own game then they should just give us the ability to set our own mail and chat filters, so we can deal with the spam ourselves without clogging up ignore/open ticket lists.

  4. Whoooooosh!


    Im not casting doubt on anything, you are doing a fine job of that yourself - Im just pointing it out.


    You are claiming that your friend left due to F2P restrictions (or at least drawing a pretty clear line to that with your anecdotal evidence), yet spend the majority of your post telling a story of his RL hardships that prevent him from playing, thereby invalidating your point by revealing the possibility of multiple reasons he isnt playing.




    No, I'm claiming that my friend left due to RL hardships, came back to check out the game again shortly after the KOTFE announcement, said "**** the F2P restrictions," and now I'm not even sure he'll be around for KOTFE (which, mind, is sub only, so not for the alleged freeloaders, but if he as a returning player felt that way, why the **** would he come back when he does have more time and spend his money?).


    If someone does something, or does not do something, they can certainly have more than one motivation behind their decision. Those "multiple" reasons aren't mutually exclusive.



  5. You both confirmed why the current model works and cast doubt on why your friend left in three simple lines.


    Nope. I know exactly why he left. He had to move, overnight, with no notice.


    It's taken him a few months to get that straightened out. He's still straightening out his RL **** so he can't be on much.


    Not coincidentally, KOTFE is still a few months off. Hell, he said he wouldn't be on much until late in the year, so excuse me for not posting that part of an hour-long conversation that took place almost three weeks ago because it wasn't immediately relevant. Though given what he was saying in raidcall about the restrictions the night he did come back, I doubt he will have the warm fuzzy feelings about this game even then. And what about when he has the means to sub, and the time to make the sub worthwhile, but still remembers all the swearing he did at EA that night and so decides not to give EA his business after all? (Which, I fear, is a distinct possibility)


    When he left, he was enjoying the game although he felt class balance was off-kilter at the time. He abruptly had RL issues that pulled him away from the game, and that happens.


    Now, his most recent memory of the game is quite literally swearing at EA because he came back and found that all his outfits, that he already had spent hundreds of dollars on (yes, he was an RPer too), were ****ed up because of stupid cosmetic restrictions, and to add insult to injury, he was paywalled from doing warzones with an old friend of his. Hell I offered to outright buy him a warzone pass (something I forgot to mention), but he didn't want to freeload off of me, let alone when he could only be on that one night.


    I'm sure he'll come back to a game when his last memory thereof was swearing at it. Yep, the F2P restrictions sure did their job! Probably of ensuring he won't be back, oh well, that's one less customer for EA's hypercrates come next year.


    Unless you were in raidcall with us that night, you really don't have any grounds to "cast doubt on why [my] friend left."

  6. The difference between free and preferred is so miniscule it might as well not exist. Hell, one of my PVP friends came back as preferred (having subbed AND purchased hypercrates from the cartel market before leaving), but only for an evening, and the conversation upon returning went something like this:


    Me: "You're back, awesome!"

    Him: "Yep, got some of my RL **** sorted out, figured I'd drop in and say hi, missed you guys long time."

    Me: "They finally got around to fixing heal to full..." (he left a couple months after the heal to full fiasco, before madness had the everliving **** buffed out of it, and before sorcs generally were fixed with 3.0)... "You wanna troll some PVP?" (we were a tank/healer combo)

    Him: "**** these F2P restrictions!"

    Me: "Yeah, but we could still get a few warzones in tonight and relive the old happy fun times, if only for a little while."

    Him: "When I sit down to troll, I want to be able to troll for the entire night, but the restrictions are ******** for all the money I put into this game before I had to deal with my RL ****, now I come back and have to deal with all this ****, **** EAware"

    Me: "..."

    Him: "Maybe when I get paid and I can sub again, I missed you...or maybe I'll just wait until KOTFE"

    Me: "I can give you my referral link so you get 7 days' free sub time"

    Him: "Maybe when I can be online more; if I took it now it'd just be a waste"


    Haven't seen or heard from him since.


    As I said way back earlier in the thread, the gap between F2P and Preferred is so narrow, preferred might as well not exist, and the gap between preferred and sub is so great, that I'm now seeing friends who might come back to the game put off by having to deal with EA's vindictive "how dare you take a break from the game, now cough up your money" ****. There really needs to be a preferred plus tier for those who have spent a significant amount supporting the game; to see a friend come back after having bought enough hypercrates to get both Revan's Mask and Nihilus' Mask (just two examples) and subbed for more than a year, and treated the same way as some freeloader who bought $5 in medical probes on the starter planet and left a week later, was really galling.


    He was anything but a freeloader; the game should have welcomed him back with open arms. Instead, he's gone probably at least until KOTFE, if not permanently.

  7. Do you have Statue of the Oriconian Warrior available? I only need the decoration. I did the NiM DP run but the deco didn't drop.


    I'd need to transfer a courier toon to pick it up if you have it available, but that's definitely doable.

  8. There is no such thing as a legitimate credit seller. It's forbidden to sell credits for RL money. Unlike some games, Bioware does not sell credits for cash, nor do they sell game time in a manner that would allow it to be used as virtual currency along those lines (i.e. they don't have anything like PLEX in EVE Online).


    The closest thing to what you're looking for would be the ability to buy cartel market items (like hypercrates), and list them for credits on the GTN--but you'll have to wait for them to unbind (one day plus 18 hours I believe), and then wait for them to sell. Again, unlike other games, we can't place buy orders on GTN--which means you can't sell to a buy order for instant credits; you have to list and wait for a buyer to come along.


    So, as far as anyone offering to sell credits goes, they're all spammers and deserve to die in a fire, preferably horribly. It looks like you'll have to earn your credits the old-fashioned way, by earning them.

  9. For those seeking further clarification as to why we have ended sale runs, it is because we have been caught and our scheming ways have been exposed to all. Sorry Harbinger community we pulled the wool over your eyes long enough and now it's time to do our time.




    Wow raffling off in-game items has been standard MMO fare for community-building in every MMO I've ever played. I could understand if it was a raffle for RL stuff, or maybe even Cartel Coins, but for a loot run that's just draconian enforcement.

  10. I did receive a nexu on my character Andreus even though the last ranked PVP I did was in season 4, and I didn't quite make Tier 1 even then (server pop on BC makes Tier 1 quite...unlikely there, just can't get enough games played).


    I didn't do ranked in Season 5 at all.


    At first I thought it was a gold spammer because the script generates some gibberish for a subject line, but I'm afraid to unlock the mount that I didn't even play in the correct season to get. LOL free stuffs?

  11. It died down for a month or so back around late spring but now the spam is as bad as ever. 2-3 on fleet and a significant number of my toons have spammed mailboxes whenever I log in to troll crafting (which I do 2-3 times/day, so it's not just accumulated spam, it's new spam).


    If Bioware doesn't have the manpower to deal with the spammers, they need to give us the tools we need to FILTER them ourselves, like we can filter spam out of our own e-mail before ever seeing it.

  12. To be fair I think that is because they:

    A) Fell asleep waiting for the pop

    B) Are tabbed out surfing You Tube, Reddit, FB, etc and missed the sound

    C) Got distracted in real life by something like a bio break, drink refill, family, etc

    D) Something else equally as likely to happen which takes their eyes from the screen for 2 minutes.


    At least with a queue number you could possibly predict when you might pop soon so you pay more attention, delay the bio break, etc...




    Also, I'd point out that the sound for a FP queue pop is pretty quiet. If you're listening to anything else, even if you have background noise like a fan running, you might not hear it.


    Contrast that to the warzone pop sound, which you can hear from halfway across a small apartment.


    I wish they'd make the GF pop louder and more distinct.

  13. Total tanks and healers waiting in the queue is rarely going to be greater than zero (for non-tactical FPs) unless they are the only character in the queue.


    This isn't completely true.


    I've had waits as a tank, and I've had waits as a healer. Hell, I've even been queued with a guildie, bringing the tank/heal combo myself, and had to wait for DPS (fairly rare, but it happens). Ignore lists aren't a factor as the only times I've had other people put me on ignore is when I do something like call out a loot ninja and said ninja has a guildie with him to protect him from getting vote kicked. Obviously that's pretty rare.


    Say I'm on my Jugg. Normally I DPS on that character, but if I have to because of time constraints, I will queue as a tank to get a pop.


    In this situation, it's very helpful to know if there is a healer in queue (and if I'm on my sorc, helpful to know if a tank is in queue).


    For those of us who want quick GF runs for conquest, and don't necessarily care which role we play, this information would be a boon.


    0 tanks, 2 healers, 15 DPS ahead of me in queue? Cool, I can respec to tank and instapop.

    1 tank, 0 healers, 19 DPS ahead of me in queue? Time to relog to my sorc and heal.


    WTB queue position info by role pls

  14. LOL


    (Not at you, at EAware's incompetence)


    I've known that their deeds don't live up to their words for a long time when it comes to gold spammers, but this one just takes the cake. It's tempting to alert this post just to bring it to devs' immediate attention, but you posted it right at the start of a weekend so they probably won't see it.


    I would try calling their customer service support line. They might be able to clear some of the spam report tickets for you and/or help you with your actual issues. They can deal with a lot of the...technical limitations of ingame tickets.


    Oh, and while you're on the phone with them, when they ask if there's anything else they can help you with, do bring this to their attention. I know this happens frequently with full ignore lists, but I didn't realize it happens with tickets too. LOL

  15. I just wonder how on earth do devs track those things. How do they know if I don't get a huge amount of credits from a friend I talked out of the game?


    Don't get me wrong, I'm against selling credits or any other thing but I imagine a lot of mistakes can be made druing a witch hunt :eek:


    I would imagine they would be looking at the seller's transfers as well.


    If you received a large amount of credits from a friend, he probably only transferred credits once. Gold sellers, on the other hand, probably transferred to many customers.

  16. I agree that the 4 pc needs to be made baseline. Set bonuses that change rotations are not cool because they turn a bonus into a requirement.


    I would, however, note that the MS replacement suggestion that seems to be a popular idea to replace the 4pc benefits Vengeance a hell of a lot more than it does Rage. In an environment where set bonuses are standardized and we aren't supposed to have a choice of which set bonus to use anymore, that is neither fair nor good game design.


    I'd change it to "Increases the damage of Master Strike or Smash by 8%" or maybe tone it down to 5% if it increases DPS by too much. That makes it relevant to Rage, and Vengeance should be using Vengeful Slam, not Smash.


    FWIW, I only have the new 4pc and I kept the old 2pc. I'm not a big fan of the 6pc even though the community consensus is that the 6pc comes out ahead due to raid mobility requirements forcing us to clip Ravage. I'd note that it took a long time for the community to reach that consensus. The rate limit seems too high for the bonus to be noticed, unless doing content such as dailies where there is frequent but short downtime between pulls. If the rate limit exceeds 30 seconds, it should be tied to a Recklessness-type cooldown instead of a set bonus proc so we can control it, IMO.

  17. Is it possible to have different set bonuses for pvp and pve?


    That resulted in situations where PVP set bonuses were considered so horrible that PVE set bonuses were considered better. For some classes, it was worth it to take the expertise hit, even before bolster, because the disparity was so great. For example, pre 3.0, the sorc heal PVP bonuses were terribad and taking the PVE set bonus for 1.5 CD reduction on innervate was common. Healer sorcs without access to PVE set bonuses sometimes mixed other specs' set bonuses in search of a better bonus; for example, either borrowing the set bonus meant for Lightning to reduce lockout on Static Barrier, or even taking the assassins' 3-charge Recklessness bonus.


    That's the situation that I"m most familiar with, as my main PVP toon is a sorc healer (and almost always has been, except for the time between 1.3-1.6), but there were other classes that took PVP set bonuses into PVE raids because the PVP bonuses were better, as well.


    Standardization makes it much easier to balance, though I sympathize that it makes gameplay a little more dull. I wouldn't be opposed to having 2 set bonus options per spec instead of only 1--only I'd rather have both options available on PVE and PVP gear so people don't feel forced to cross over and do content they don't want--and in many cases aren't wanted by the other players doing said undesired content-- just to get a "better" bonus.

  18. It's already in the game and it's called commendations. You can get 2 Elite and 1 Ultimate piece a week. If those gear set weren't so bad that 186 crafted enhancements are better than the utilmate ones it would work. What your saying is that people should just farm those new commendations and be able to get the best gear for it.


    The other extreme is running the raid 1300 times and still not getting the set bonus to drop, while you watch the guildmates you're raiding with win 5-10 redundant copies of that same set bonus piece.


    Happened to me in LOTRO (granted this was set bonus jewelry in a much more repeatable instance, with about a 1/100 theoretical drop rate). Guildies would have happily traded me the piece they'd won ten times over that never appeared in my loot bag, only they couldn't.


    Eventually I ended up (unsurprisingly) burning myself out on that game and stopped playing it. I think that's the kind of thing SWTOR is trying to avoid by going more casual--but removing failsafes that are presently in the game will result in a certain population that gets burned out by the wrath of dark side RNGesus.


    At least at present players have the option of finding a sympathetic group of friends and setting Master Looter to bypass RNG entirely, or in the most extreme cases, buying a loot run. A loot bag system has the potential to completely remove that kind of failsafe if not done properly (if anything else keep the timer that lets you trade pieces to people who really do need it, when you already have it, as the lack thereof was what broke LOTRO for me).


    The best solution IMO is a hybrid. Individual loot bags to counter loot ninjas. However have a backstop option to get set bonus from (operations-only) comms. The comms cost of a single set bonus piece should, however, be quite high, probably around the cap for commendations, to ensure it remains a last-resort-option.


    P.S. I literally ran that LOTRO instance with guildmates trying to farm that drop at least 1,310 times the last I looked before logging out permanently. That was no exaggeration. With no ML or other failsafe option, combined with lockouts, there will be some people who run/clear the content to get geared but cannot actually get the gear before 5.0 drops.

  19. Last time, the best item I received was a carbonite chamber for my PVE main. :D


    This time, the best item I received was a black/black dye module for one of my alts. I wish it had been bind to legacy, and I considered using legacy gear, but I would have rather used it with non-legacy armor sets. He is an alt I play sometimes, but probably about the fourth character (out of a total of 18) that I would have chosen to use the black/black dye on.


    Second best item this time was the legacy power droid. I do wish they'd make the dyes bind to legacy...then again I could see people spamming disposa-toons until they received a black/black. Perhaps they would need to limit the cantina rewards to 22 mails per server if they made the dye legacy bound.

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