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Everything posted by deags

  1. No one is forcing you to read this thread and it's in the New Player Help Section, so it's not like clogging up The General Section. If you don't feel like answering questions of New players in a polite manner, then maybe don't answer at all.
  2. They don't have to get along to be family you know, trust me i know... Make your SI and SW brothers that don't get along
  3. Not ready Yet, Not ready Yet, Not ready Yet, Not ready Yet.. and still wins. freaking Sentinels... if i was wasting time of pressing wrong abilities on my decp assassin i wouldn't get away with it...
  4. cheers for the further proof, i don't really do endgame PVE so could only comment on PVP.
  5. I really think you don't play PVP so you really don't know every viable spec. currently playing with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200MZhGrRkhMbtzZf0c.1 I've found it to be the most viable Chain Shock spec for PVP, Charge master isn't greatly needed in PVP with a chain shock spec, Waiting for 5 stacks to use Discharge in PVP is an awful idea discharge should be used on Every CD.
  6. hmm what server are you on?.... Sorry couldn't help myself, i will stop now
  7. swiftsure and harbinger won't be as heavily populated when all the Australians and New Zealanders leave in April.
  8. then just make it optional, add whole account of just add 1 character, win win.
  9. Talos hands down, great for little down time, all forms of fight can be done with him, unlike khem because i wouldn't take him into a fight lasting more then 30 secs.., not saying you can't i just wouldn't. Trust me when comes your major boss fights near the end of your story you want talos for that, use talos and don't look back!
  10. Never ending force pool, this is why they are considered OP. I do think force regen needs a change (though not to the level the PTS has it at) but this is the only thing i believe needs changing, They amount Sorcs are dealing out both in heals and Damage isn't overpowered so with a small change to force regen i think it will bring the class into line with other classes to the same level of management needed to play the class well.
  11. Wednesday morning mate, most people would be getting ready for work or already at work depending on how early you were on, i mean really many people have a typical 9-5 job or something close to it, your not going to find high numbers during the time you play regardless of the servers population..
  12. entrench is like the only way to win 1 on 1 though, i play a deception assassin and if a sniper doesn't have entrench ready, i win and fairly easily too, heck half the time even when they do entrench i save force cloak for that and just wait till it's gone. Honestly i have little fear in seeing a sniper in a 1 vs 1 situation but then i really think snipers aren't built for 1vs 1, if I'm already fighting with someone else and the sniper starts shooting me in the back i'm down pretty dam quick, this is where i think sniper have to play alot like a stealth class, as in waiting to pick out the right target quickly and not just start shooting things and grabbing attention on yourself with no backup in sight. I just really think snipers don't have enough utility or enough bonus damage to make up for lack of utility when taking on an assassin, i mean i got 2 easy to use stuns, i can slow you down, interrupt your cast time, knock you out of cover, speed towards you, pop a defensive cooldown that makes white damage a joke, cleanse dots and disappear if need be...
  13. come 1.2 people can just buy blue PVP gear with credits with more expertise then centurion and champion gear. If you are not already 50 i say don't even bother trying to get pvp gear before 1.2.
  14. 23 Male Queensland Australia. so stealing that quote in your sig, love it
  15. not true, if the mod gear(orange) has full set of epic mods at the same level as the artifact gear in this example level 41 mods then they would be equal in stats.
  16. Agreed, and for future class missions i would suggest checking your mission log to see the level of the mission, if the level of the mission is higher then the level of your character then i suggest levelling up before trying it. Personally i did like 90% of my class missions with my character at least 1 level above the mission level and never failed a mission
  17. Legacy abilities can't be used in warzones, so a none-issue.
  18. Ok first off you are right about crits, anyone saying they are getting 5k+ is full of it, however i have been on average get between 260k-330k dmg per warzone and if things are going very well or the match goes the full time i get around the 380k-400k mark, my rotation is no different to what you posted either, so if you truly have never seen a decp do over 260k then either they are doing something wrong or they are getting some awful luck with being on a losing team getting owned all the time. Oh and also for record i don't run pre-mades, best i ever get is some days i get a few matches with my Powertech mate. example of a long/good match here: imageshack link (click on image once loaded for full size) I do accept that deception's survivability (outside of running away in stealth) is laughable and needs some work but i don't accept anyone claims that deceptions are incapable of putting out some dam good damage.
  19. Clearly someone hasn't played a deception Assassin...
  20. it's already very easy to level quickly through out the starter planets no need to give sprint to level 1 players, maybe change it to level 10 where you get to the fleet,can start running warzones and your first flashpoint but before this it's just not needed. It's not a big deal i guess but it's just not an ability that is needed straight away.
  21. He is basically a gunslinger which makes sense For the type of person he is, no need to change him to merc.
  22. They told us awhile ago that they are working on a server transfer service with first priority going to Oceanic transfers which is currently scheduled for late April, no reason to re-answer this question unless there is new information.
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