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Everything posted by EwokLuvr

  1. Pretty disappointed in the models here too. I made a pic back in beta to show 2 of them: http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l533/Baublehead/SWTOR/side3.png Trouble is, at this point if they change them some people will scream that they liked the old ones (you know it will happen). This should have been done right the first time and it may just be too late now >.> EDIT: It looks like they know about the butt issue at least (from the Reddit AMA):
  2. If the game starts to fail (or has to downscale a lot due to subs, lets say), the people that remain will be your best shot at a good community. There are just too many gawkers and curiosity seekers from WoW and the greater Intrawebz here for it to be civil. I have also taken to referring to this as "that game where no one talks" because my guild chat has never been so quiet. Everyone is so busy watching their interactive tele (a.k.a. cut-scenes) to socialize. Maybe that will end at 50 though since I hear there's not much to do there.
  3. It's 200 atm on my server. I just closed the game when I saw it. /shrug
  4. LOL. Voice-over-AFK (almost like Voice-over-IP).
  5. Which faction/race/gender/class? I think some of the sliders may change a bit, depending.
  6. You don't mention which features (or lack of) lead you to this conclusion, so we could not possibly tell you if those items will be any better.
  7. It's no surprise people say SW feels like an MMO from years ago. Most of us had enough of elevators back in SSC
  8. Did they ever state they were trying to beat WoW? If not, they don't have to be as good (hah).
  9. Yep, that's true. The other points people made are funny though, and you can add to the list having all this technology and being made to feel like a "hero," but never being able to get a remote/droid shuttle to pick you up on a planet. You always have to hoof it through gigantic empty spaceports and hangars (some of which allow mounts, some not) to get back to your ship. Wheee!
  10. So where is the "Dalaran" of SWTOR, the place where everyone stands around checking out each other's gear and trade-chatting in between running dailies or PvP matches?
  11. Let me get this straight: you want to organize a boycott of 50,000 people because you can't have the right colored lightsaber?
  12. Ah, just leave it until you think of a good last name for every character you'll ever make. Then you can just go ahead and fill that popup box out
  13. As are safe computing practices, and resisting the urge to download FREE! anything.
  14. I think they prefer Reddit over their own forums: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19827-reddit-ama-with-stephen-reid-on-december-28 Maybe someone can ask them why a 184-page thread about the responsiveness of gameplay goes untouched here.
  15. At least she's not hanging off the back of it. The newbie speeders look like the most unrealistic (and unsafe) vehicles I've ever seen.
  16. Also pretty disappointed that this was the first patch. Oh well, I guess they have 2-3 more to wow me before my sub is out.
  17. Did you have to make sweeping generalizations about people you never met and clearly don't think have anything worth saying?
  18. Heck yes. You already commented on forthcoming content, so howbout a timeframe on the first sweeping bug patch, or what you are most feverishly trying to fix? I'm not re-subbing without either a mess of fixes or information about when they are coming. I just won't. You have like 3 weeks left and then I won't even want to occupy you
  19. I'm trying to imagine Microsoft Anna voicing all of the quest popups in WoW. Hah, why did I think of that? Anyway, I read someone talking about this in another thread and he said he feels guilty every time he hits space bar but can't stop doing it. It was funny because I too suffer this guilt.
  20. Yes, the gigantic space ports and hangars (some of which you can mount in, some not) are truly overkill. We have all this tech and a big arse ship and yet no droid shuttle can come get us, no "beam up." It's always with the space ports >.>
  21. That's what I'm hearing more and more of. And I agree, the "baby boomers" from release are going to be hitting that range momentarily. This issue isn't going to go away; it's about to blow up. And that's the thing: he was really only asking for less bugs and a more streamlined leveling process from 35-50. A guild mate who was 40 was having the hardest time finding stuff to do. The breadcrumb process is really lacking in certain areas, and you can miss entire quests or hubs if you don't drive to every corner of these gigantic maps. I'm also finding more bugs than I would like. It's obvious that they made a giant investment in the world, making it pretty, and the voice-overs and quests for much of the leveling. But you can also see where they ran out of time or money. The lack of information about timetables has never been more glaring than now. As for me, I've already dumped my 35 scoundrel (a most wretched healing experience) and it seems just in time. I'd rather play around with some other classes while they clean up the upper end of leveling and fix the flashpoints than bash my head against an unfinished rock.
  22. That's not going to stop any bot. If the bot has to push 1 to autoattack it can certainly go through a rotation. Anyway... I would like an auto-attack. There are times when I hesitate a second or two for an ability to come off CD and my character just... stands there. In the middle of a battle. It's not natural and makes party members think you're on the phone or something
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