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Everything posted by EwokLuvr

  1. I'm not sure I would advertise being a Goldman employee as a boost to your trustworthiness. It hasn't been that long and you aren't that revered outside of banking circles.
  2. Yes, they said it belongs in a mature game, which this isn't for many years. Cheers.
  3. *applause @ OP* I call it "The Box," that special place these companies try to put their players and keep them, and keep them subscribing month after month. I'm not going back in the box. Ever. You can thank WoW for that. I only even tried this game because a friend begged me to but I knew, I knew... And I was right.
  4. This is the correct advice. Also, I buff people all the time and don't get one in return, but I blame that on the minimal animation/effects. Unless they're really paying attention, they have no idea what just happened.
  5. Ah yes, that works. Thanks Now if only my guild window wasn't showing no one when 5 guildies are online... BUGS!
  6. Why doesn't this work like every other MMO in history, giving you basic information about another character? What I expect every time I type this: Am I missing some other way to get this? The window that pops up is ridiculously not what I'm expecting.
  7. This has some truth to it. Many people play these types of games lonnnnnng after they should quit. Recognizing that time, and finding a suitable replacement activity is quite a bit harder than people want to acknowledge.
  8. This needed a new topic instead of being posted in the other one that is also on page 1 at the moment.
  9. *validates your parking and your opinion* Thanks for stopping by.
  10. This is the only thing they need to do now.
  11. Bonus Quest Updating... ... ... Kill 45 more of those things you're killing! WOOOOOOO!
  12. Oh snaps, grab all the cookies you can, guys!!! EDIT: I'm still party/guild chat bugged. I want my money back <
  13. Or the numbers have stabilized after a busy holiday season... Or the other thing.
  14. This is a thorn-y (lol chat filter) issue. Even Blizzard struggled to get a handle on it (and may still be). Personally I'd like to see a few "stings" where they mass-temp-ban people and take away gear to boot. There's nothing like laying down the law to stop the casual offender. The more determined will always find a way, however. Oh, and AFAIK Blizzard only ever did harsh penalties like that once or twice. After that they just half-arsed it (and probably still are) >.>
  15. It's going to be a long time before many of those items are the way you want them. You should decide what's best for yourself and if you can wait a long time for them. Sorry :/
  16. This isn't a Taris, a bonus, or even a rakghoul problem. Every planet has the same setup. Sorry, just though you should know :/
  17. It's still too soon to post this. The lack of endgame content won't become a ripe issue until the masses reach 50. Then even the fanboys won't be able to hold back the screaming...
  18. While that article on massively may be true, you're not doing yourself any favors by labeling that "proof" of your point. It could as easily be proof that the holiday season just ended. I also find it interesting that you list chat bubbles but not the chat bug itself, which prevents many people from almost all communication entirely. Priorities... ? Sadly, your list looks like it could have been the last 3 months of polishing if they didn't push this baby out too soon >.>
  19. I can see I'm gonna have to break out the blog to fully voice my thoughts on this >.>
  20. The answer is because we already have a ridiculous queue at times on the forum and search functions put a significant strain on a server (well bad enough to make the situation worse if lots of people are searching, which they would be). EDIT: And why they can't handle the traffic they were anticipating in the first place(?) I could not say >.>
  21. Or they're enforcing some sort of rule code(???) that states you can post your opinions but not fight with or attack people personally? Or the other thing...
  22. You had me until you used lack of /roll as your only example (and you were so close!) Luckily, your overall assertion that the game lacks polish in more than a few hundred places is correct.
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