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Everything posted by FMLDestroyer

  1. It is gonna be like you say... Unless they give new servers hopefully all the orders that get in today fill up the servers and the last wave/s get new servers
  2. Really ok.. i didn't get in nov pre order don't expect more then a day tbh..
  3. Or 4 : / or 18 hour breaks between those waves.. with light servers all day
  4. I just expected a time frame and a warm bath and new servers for each round of invites .. maybe some bankai n such
  5. I think i would wait and yet contemplate serious action's towards random people's stuff ......
  6. For those who got in F bug/exploits still left lingering that where promoted by limited people getting in. For those who didn't get in F... we still have no time frame and left in the dark atm regarding everything expect what we already know.
  7. To bad the ratio is 1/10 for people getting in ouch bio u hurt... stop
  8. I wish if it where up to beta testers going in first a lot of us would be in atm..
  9. I think that's the problem this guy must work for Tor... basis everything on dates
  10. Right.. your friend could just /who all 30-40? and post that
  11. Took them over 15 deleted post to let this one stick.. imagine screen shots
  12. Rawr... Lawll... all that nonsense your numbers are 7 14 21 29 47 (26).. enjoy ^.^
  13. Def 50s by the time nov/dec pre order's get in (assuming waves stay on there current track)
  14. So there like ya... its considerably lower then 30-40... anyone actually playing confirm real levels over 30+?
  15. nov pre order played beta weekends... im looking at 1 day maybe 1 1/2 with our current time frame.. almost the time needed to start raiding given a guild went crazyness with the xp bugs )
  16. We are taking questions in "Waves" Today
  17. yup there like look it took us 6 hours to get ready we even stopped the "Waves"... these questions are amazing! ... 50's by morning gg
  18. Reporting bugs then getting told not to talk about them in gold lettering
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