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Everything posted by FMLDestroyer

  1. FMLDestroyer

    Help Dev

    Is there anything I should be worried about going about my NORMAL pvp instance queing for republic side.. will all chars be rerolled today should i even get valor today?
  2. Ya rollback or im done to this is just not ok i spent a month getting to 60 valor.. and they just get it in a day... sith across the worth unite.. republic un sub
  3. 200,000 sith got battlemaster today 10,000 republic un subbed...
  4. Server : Hyperspace Cannon... 200 sith 20 republic in illum.. seems fair
  5. FMLDestroyer


    189 champion bags now.. 7 relics 1 hat 1 chest .... that is it friend next to me ... 10 bags 5/5 set seriously... 3 weeks of raiding ev/hutt 1 piece of randomly assigned loot.. just like the bags.,, Guy next to me 3/5 set in a night.I'm not gonna play a game that you can dedicate 100's of hours and receive nothing significant. The tokens for centurion gear is worse then the daily mods what a joke this game is.
  6. FMLDestroyer

    Stop pvp chat

    In illum disable the ability for republic and imps to /say to each other this causes nothing but problems... People just want to click on the illum quest items back and forth with the opposite faction basicly spiting the idea of pvp in illum.. proof http://i44.tinypic.com/51d2lt.jpg http://tinypic.com/r/51d2lt/5 got tons more just saying disable say in pvp so we can go about killing them.. Also disable lvl 12s in Illum they are just farming valor for the opposite faction here...
  7. Ya vegeta rocks it http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=BqLEWVIXb60&list=PL2552FEA69F01B588 whut
  8. All of our set bonus's suck in comparison to others most other class's get 15% more crit to skills or heavy reduction in cooldown... IMO make our 2 peice bonus dodge = force speed with 100% increased movment speed and call it good
  9. Sitting here 1000 + mats of grade 6 nothing to make that people don't just have or can buy in dailys for only 8 tokens in Armstech.. and nothing to make for myself. I have done 5/5 ev and hutt no armstech recipes tons of everyone else's.
  10. FMLDestroyer


    Help me understand this.. Biochem gets tons of re usable med packs stims as there bop personal items Artifice gets Bop relics Cybertechs get bop grenades and something else basically a free skill in pvp/pve re usable Armtech.. nothing? Barrels replaced by only 8 dailys tokens in illum(think they meant to make it 80) Armortech nothing? Same comment as armstech but for Armoring? Synthweaving Nothing? Same comment as armtech for this but for enchanments? if anyone knows the bop items the crafters can make for themselves please let me know!
  11. The rakata pistols near the medium armor venders for rakata have level 56 crystal 51 mod 51 enchantments the tier below is all lvl 56 on the pistols... this is an obvious bug they should be 58 mods/enchantments like the rest of the gear sold by the vender... the pvp relics dont have stats another bug..
  12. I think these people keep forgetting there getting TokenS from the bags... to buy gear...
  13. The problem here is that the crafted items made are level 48 with level 52 blue's in them ... why 48 why not 50 with 54 mods in them?
  14. this is not an accurate post. I have a level 50 scoundral and while this is true.. it can happen u have to use all your cds where after this huge burst of damage.. your left punching for 1k...
  15. Yup I have about 19 in a row only commendation and the one peice I did get was a relic that is missing stats yay for bugs! If only tatoo had world pvp that rewarded something to bad they took it out of the game due to exploits? O well the champ bags r easy to get
  16. 3 Days ago all harvestable and chests despawned in Tatoo and Illum pvp areas server wide. No response from bioware.. Nothing fixing it in patch... why?
  17. FMLDestroyer

    Pvp Relic

  18. All teir 6 components from all crew skills have despawned for about 24 hours now on Hyperspace Cannon server is everyone else's gone also? In pvp area's Only mind you.
  19. Why does the level 50 dailys have rewards for only 8 tokens per for Level 50 barrels and Armor for Modable gear. But no crystals or cloth or mod's those 3 professions can make some of the top stuff for modable gear normally where its pointless for arms/armor tech cause dailys are 1 level better epic for free basicly.
  20. With dailys at 50 you barely make 100k-150k not much to do beyond that... slicing laughs at that kind of money
  21. Another Example as to the much needed attention so soon after release anything in the works devs???... looks at the devs
  22. To start I am a level 50.. I am armtech scav and investigation. I have gotten a total of 10 schematics leveling up total... I do epic missions 10-15 times daily.. And send out my critical investigation companion hourly.. Splicing friend also level 50. Has 3 million np sitting because each of illums pvp harvests have credit box's and epic recipes (6 epic recipes an hour or so). I have sat and watched as he has harvested box after box like there the common..
  23. FMLDestroyer


    Yesterday I made a thread and now can't find it. The level 50 armstech Scatterblasters' recipes are broken. I have made well over 200 and reversed them into 0 procs. I have gotten blue or purple recipes from 80% of the rest of my crafting for level 50 items without to much of a hassle. While sometimes having to make 30-50 of things.. But the scatterblasters just will not go. I am giving up in hopes that someone can respond saying its not broken.
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