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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by DigitalDreamz

  1. So you have no idea about your own computer? I see the logical thing to do here is blame someone else for your mistake. Seems a common trend around here. A CS told you an answer based upon the information given. It's your responsibility to actually know what your computer is capable of. I mean it's your computer after all, the one you use daily?


    Also there have been great suggestions here. Have you tried them?


    They do not issue refunds for the oblivious. I do apologize.

  2. I'd say these complaining threads are a good thing for Bioware. Let them address EVERY SINGLE COMPLAINT. While some may leave we'll be left with an oustanding game to an already great game.


    Some have legitimate complaints and have every right to speak their minds but most are in it just for the attention. They seek attention whether positive or negative.


    World of WarCraft is the most successful MMO in history. This is a fact. This is backed up by quantifiable empirical evidence.


    Absolutely incorrect. You made that up on the spot by WoW's hype machine and other oblivious players who play WoW. The most successful MMO ever is a China MMO called Happy Farm. It has a total of 230 million subscribers and has an average login number of around 20+ million. As a matter of fact on a daily basis they get double the unique logins a day than WoW has had EVER!! It absolutely destroys WoWs numbers.




    Lineage 2 in Korea came close to doubling what WoW had at peak. It was close to 20+ million subs.





    You'll have to use your ctrl+f and search for the sub numbers. I think it's around 18 million now worldwide.


    Lastly if you break WoWs sub numbers down by region, without Asia WoW has around 4 million subs spread throughout Europe, North and South America. Far cry from what they boast constantly. SWTOR is not in Asia nor in the other regions WoW is.


    If you think about the sub numbers per region for WoW in TBC and early Wrath you'd see that WoW has lost about 50% of their numbers. TBC and early Wrath numbers were around 8 million not including Asia. Now it's 10 million with 6 million in Asia alone. You do the math and see where the game is headed.


    WoW is just western pop culture. Such as Justin Beiber, Thursday night sitcoms and celebrity gossip. Just a trendy MMO where Ozzy Osborne and Chuck Norris can tell you how cool it is to play the game. Where you record yourself play and make MTV style music videos of how awesome your character is! Nevermind how it actually plays. It wasn't the first nor will be the last in doing anything. It hasn't shattered any records or is 'THE MOST...' of anything. Just another MMO.


    I just dislike when someone suggests WoW is the greatest thing to MMOs since sliced bread. It's just another MMO where 'cool kids' go.:rolleyes:


    SWTOR is on the right path and doing great. We've had five patches since release, i'd say they're working overtime to get things situated.

  4. Since I received my Phantom space cruiser, I found out that the service droid that waits for you by your entrance is an actual full fledged healing companion! After talking to him I thought he'd be only a service droid. Out of curiosity I clicked the 'summon companion' skill and out he came! Now have to find him equipment. :mad:


    If going light or dark I found out you have to go FULL light or dark, meaning all your responses have to be the same. Some choices I made were very specific to the task at hand, so I'd pick a light response or dark depending. Told someone I was going for the human spec, a nice mix of good or evil. So ya my characters were neutral well into their twenties.


    Dancing is contagious.


    Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors are no where near as popular as I thought they'd be. Actually I've seen more Imperial Agents and Smugglers than Knights and Warriors. Strange.


    Crafting can get expensive! It's not fun to try and send your companion out only to read "not enough credits"


    Drommand Kaas chat is very...lively.


    Orange equipment can be upgraded with mods, enhancements and armoring all the way up to 50. Selling them isn't advisable. :(


    Darth Malgus is pure ******ness!


    Republic rarely pvp. It's usually Imp vs. Imp.


    So ya some things I've found out since playing for my couple of weeks. What have you learned so far?



    Alright so what you need are two people, one on higher ground and another on lower. When going towards the enemy base have the ball carrier go to the lowest point on the map which is very close to the enemy line.


    If you have them there have another teammate up on the rails above. Everyone always rushes the ball carrier, simply pass to the teammate higher up and he/she will gingerly walk it into the goal with no opposition. Also because of the enemies positioning they'll have to run ALL the way back up the ramp and then back up the bridge rail.


    Last few times we did this we scored 6 - 0 and won via mercy rule.

  6. Well the flip side is these people are on your sever. No cross server here, so catch their name and either ignore it through in-game or blacklist them and let your server know he's trouble.
  7. General PVP zone question:

    Some PVP matches I have been in I have gotten dropped from the "OPS" channel, how do you get back into it? I tried something logical like /ops but to no avail.


    Hutball questions:

    1) if you pass the ball to a group of ppl (friendly and enemies) shouldnt a friendly get it? For some reason I have thrown interceptions, thinking it should hit a friendly player over an enemy.

    2)If you are stealthed, can someone throw the ball to you?


    Thanks for the help!


    If you are stealthed you can't catch the ball happened to me.


    Type /ops to get back into the channel.


    The interception I'm not sure of. I've heard the announcer scream "INTERCEPTION" but don't know what caused it.

  8. I am tired of having 4 level 13 snipers on my team every game.


    Tired of a PVP system that rewards incompetence.


    Tired of huttball, want to do real PVP.





    I am an Imperial Agent Sniper. Most of the time I'm not only the only Sniper...but the only Imperial Agent in the entire warzone.


    Leave the Snipers alone >.<

  9. How is a game with 10 million subscribers dying and becoming F2P? O.o


    10 million subs at $15 a month ... is a lot of money. I'd kill, literally *********** destroy someone, for that kind of money.


    Also, SWTOR lacking 'basic' MMO features isn't a good thing ... Nor should it be justified.


    How can you justify the current 'lack' of basic features? I'd love to hear some proper answers.


    Alright I'm sorry I have to pick on you, not trying to fight but have to clear some things up.


    Your facts are off. The geography of WoWs playerbase is spread out. You see "10 million players" and automatically think it's all here in the U.S paying the same amount.


    --A recent datamining shown WoW has roughly 2 million to 2.2 million in the U.S. Another 2 million or so in Europe and South America combined. The rest is spread out in Asia where they pay literally pennies to the dollar to play.


    --WoW does create a sizeable revenue but Blizzard as a company employs hundreds of people, not to mention the taxes the corporation has to pay, projects such as Titan, Diablo 3 and MoP, server and bandwidth cost, etc etc. Their outlays are enormous.


    --Yes WoW has a F2P model:




    --Lastly WoW is not the most successful MMO ever. The most successful MMO has 230 million accounts, asian farm MMO. They get 20+ million users A DAY!




    --Another popular MMO in Asia peaked at 19 million:




    --Aion in the U.S has about 1 million subscibers. In Asia they're climbing up close to 4 million. Not bad but according to WoW folk the game is dead, but as you can see with proof it's doing quite well for itself.




    --They are all pay to play models.



    As far as the MMO functionality I can only provide my anecdotal evidence:


    --Going through starter area my Imperial Agent I had to group for:


    "The man with the steel voice" ( 3 quests )

    "Factory Recall" ( 3 quests )


    --The starter planet Hutta there was a total of 100+ people at one time. People everywhere questing and planet chat was filled with the usual banter. After the group quests I finished up on Hutta and left the planet.


    --Next I flew to the the Imperial Fleet. Again other players scattered throughout and general chat active. As a matter of fact I was doing some warzones where I met some really cool people and got a guild invite!


    --Got the quest to do Black Talon, found three others to do Black Talon. Talked about either killing the captain or letting him live and killing the traitors ambassador. ( I elected for him to go to prison, my sith counterparts disagreed ).


    --So I'm rather confused what you mean by "basic MMO features". I did group quests, flashpoints and warzones. Saw many people throughout each planet and chat was filled. So I'm unsure what you mean, it is very much an MMO to me.

  10. I believe the problem may be more complex than just this fix. It's probably going to a few different fixes, and a lot of specific test cases to really nail this down.


    But I agree, this could be the first step in helping the "feeling" of things being wonky at the moment, however, claiming this is the golden fix before we can even verify is shooting too soon IMO.


    The very strange thing is a friend has NO ISSUES with the ability delay. Smooth as butter, yet I myself have experienced the ability delay. Yes I agree there may be more underneath the hood here but as you mentioned it's a step in the right direction.

  11. Are you truly so naive? The GCD has nothing to do with this issue.


    The UI and activation times along with the GCD are synced now. So you now will see the proper time left on abilities and won't have a delay. What was happening was when you though the timer was up you'd move or try another ability but the actual GCD or activation time wasnt finished.


    UI with in-game GCD and activation times were off.


    It's patched.

  12. I'm going to keep bumping this thread until bioware cannot ignore this. THEY WILL FAIL if they don't fix this.


    How about you STOP bumping this thread and actually read the patch notes?





    Combat Bug Fixes

    •Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.



    It's been mentioned AT LEAST a dozen times in the last few pages already.


    I am not paying to report bugs, I just dont. If you go to a resturaunt do you cook the food you order also?



    You are WAY off with your analogy here. It would be the equivalent of going into a restaurant and having cook give you a dish and you critique it....which is done all the time.


    If you have to cook the food then the proper analogy would be to actually code this game.

  14. I currently have a 37 Smuggler with 300k, after maxing all proffs and buying every skill avaliable for them. (expensive stuff people!)


    Shame I can't give those credits to my Imperial Agent, I like playing my IA better. Think I'll skip slicing and get UT.


    This is really odd. Have a smuggler and also an IA?! Same here we should hang out...:cool:

  15. Entire patch notes can be found here:




    They fixed the ability delay unless you can't comprehend what you read. It was a UI bug that would cause it to be a few tenths of a second ahead of the actual activation time. So what you THOUGHT you saw was a finished ability but in reality the UI was just a bit ahead.


    It's been patched, you can stop jumping on the bed now in a fit of rage.

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