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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by DigitalDreamz

  1. Personally I think Trion did a really good job considering the resources they had to ply into a game. They are nowhere near the size of Blizzard or Bioware so the financial backing wasn't there. That said, I would love to see an MMO brought out by all three working together. :)


    I couldn't imagine how expensive it is to actually run a big budget MMO. YOu'd have a 24/7 cs crew, patch crew, expansion crew, server costs, power costs...


    *Head Spin*


    All three look great but RIFT and WoW have a much smoother feel to them. I do notice that SWTOR has much much greater detail in far off textures, such as the sky, moon in the background and buildings way up in the sky.


    RIFT and WoW focus mainly on the things in front of you and don't draw graphics that far out.

  2. Justin Bieber is an R&B singer, and for a teenage kid he can sing pretty well, he can also play a few instruments, i'm not a fan of him or his music, but i don't have to be to show people the respect they deserve.


    I can easily retort this but in all honesty I can really care less to have a discussion about Justin Beiber. I brought him up to show the ridiculousness of judging something by shear numbers.

  3. Hes not trolling


    my level 18 operative wrecked level 50's in these games, you just dont have all your moves so they have more tricks


    by the same token i saw a level 11 healer spamming his only heal and keeping that stupid sentinel alive long enough to kill me -_-


    Yea same my Agent Sniper crushes in warzones. I play smart, don't over extend, observe the field and then finally pick a spot. In order to do well you have to be VERY aware of your surroundings, when to flee and when to attack. Too many times I see people go in all the lonesome get destroyed then ***** about it.

  4. I've played Wow, Aion, Rift and now Swtor... i think swtor looks fine but not great, hoping for improvements with patches or gfx drivers.


    The most important thing for me is not crisp graphics but more like how the style and mood is. I think Swtor nailed it pretty well, but sometimes it's feels kinda sterile.


    My number one gripe is the combat... it feels cluncky and not smooth. I play a Bounty hunter for my main, but using your abilities does not feel fluent at all. Jumping and running around also looks stiff. It often feels "laggy" and like your not completely in control of you character... i think this is one of the things that Wow mastered spot on in most cases.


    I like my sith warrior alt more, but haven't played it enough to make a final judgement.


    I only pray that future upgrades can fix this, i don't know if it's only me feeling it, but as much fun as i'm having at the moment i'm not sure i'll stick around if they don't improve the combat.


    Yea hopefully they fix the small lag/delay inbetween skills. I'm sure they will noone would want to leave it like that.

  5. Maybe people ignored it because what you wrote was utter garbage.


    The aesthetics in this game are repetitive and uninspiring, and offer nothing outside of a few main cities, which you can't even fully explore. Shut up, fanboy, your aesthetics are cheap and 2D compared to any other game that allows you to actually access and explore the scenery.


    Opinion vs. Opinion wonder who'll win.

  6. I accidentally purchased an 8k mount at level 11 because I thought ctlr-right click would show your character riding it.


    I bought an orange chest armor from the GTN intending to fill it with mods and give it to Jorgan, then I realised only players can wear orange armors that have "trooper" (for example) as requirement even if the companion is indeed of that class.


    Hmm that's strange, I've equiped Kaliyo with all the pvp gear at 20. There were two pieces of orange gear as well.

  7. WoW looks better and more importantly than anything else plays better than both Rift and SWTOR by a country mile. I am bewildered that a game that is 7 years old trounces anything released in the past 2 years. How does that happen?


    It's not like Blizzard didn't update the graphics in any way with DirectX 11 support, new lighting/shadowing and water effects. Oh wait ya they did. WoW has had a few cosmetic surgery.

  8. Now I am sitting on 24k. Is there anyway I can make up 16k by level 25 by just looting an and questing? I don't play the AH and I stopped the crew missions and crafting because it will cost money.


    I just had to get that moddable orange quality helmet lol.


    Why did you buy a helmet for 10k at level 24? Even if it's orange at that level I wouldn't pay for it. You can get a nice pvp helmet free as long as you grind out the commedations.

  9. I still have an active RIFT sub and am going back to it once I get to level 50 here, and then I'll keep this sub and let it settle and come back here when I get bored at RIFT again etc.


    As for the graphics, you did not really show a fair representation of RIFT :)


    Other than that, good job, all 3 games are beautiful in their own ways.


    Best I could find for RIFT in my search.

  10. Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.


    Besides the different take on dungeons, outdoor events, rifts. Also that is a pretty cool feature.


    Anyway this isn't about what RIFT did or didn't do. It's about the graphical capabilities for those who say SWTOR looks old and outdated.

  11. Rift is a very good game. Too bad people discarded it so quickly.


    RIFT is a great game I agree. I remember talking on a twitch chat and mentioned that RIFT is really cool. All I got was WoWtards going 'lol how many subscribers?!?!" 'Game's dead blah blah blah"


    By there Logic Since Justin Beiber sold a lot of records, he's more talented than 99% of musicians.


    It was rather annoying.

  12. The SWTOR video takes forever to load but it shows the potential of what this game can achieve. WoW is by no means ugly WHATSOEVER and actually looks really good. RIFT obviously looks detailed and colorful. SWTOR has tons of detail in far off distances though, also with ships flying across the sky really adds to the effect.
  13. Here are three games I've found videos for with the graphics turned up to the highest possible settings. Remember to watch it in the highest possible settings on your video stream.


    Here is a 20 min video of the starter smuggler area. Full textures, graphics and a very high resolution:




    Another SWTOR one of a Jedi Knight:




    Next up we have RIFT in patch 1.6. Just a small video of a person soloing mobs:




    Last up we have WoW. Complete with DirectX 11 and everything on ultra.





    Not only are we looking at graphical presentation but animation quality as well. But I'd like everyone to take an unbiased look at all three, note when the games were released (Meaning how long it's been out and what year it's been released) and comment on which they feel is the best (obviously state your opinion) graphically looking and which runs the smoothest.

  14. By that logic, WoW was DOA. Does anyone even remember how awful the itemization was until BC? This game is perfectly fine in comparison and nobody but you is going to quit because of that.


    Paladins didn't have any healing plate till 60 raids. So you'd have to level, do all quests, all instances then entry raids till FINALLY you got some healing plate. Then Ret didn't even have a tree for a few months upon release.


    I believe the OP is just on to start stuff.

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