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Everything posted by Jaavik

  1. Unfortunately, they will give priority to the person who was there first. It sucks, but there's no real way to work around it. I would suggest alternate spellings like Jaksynn, Jaksenn, etc.
  2. I honestly wouldn't mind some kind of "death penalty". It makes the combat a little more meaningful. When I played City of Heroes, dying would cause you to earn a specific amount of XP at a reduced rate. Once the "XP Debt" was paid off, you started earning at the regular rate. Depending on your level, the XP debt would only go to a set limit.
  3. I'd have to go back and check it, but I think the quote: "While we do not have a scheduled time frame for the launch of such a service... " had to do with transfers OTHER than the initial free transfers (such as transferring to a specific server not targeted or transferring from PvE to PvP, etc.)
  4. I guess I can understand it from a "flow" perspective and controlling the population. Doesn't make it any less frustrating. I would be willing to wait until the "first phase" is done if I had a reasonable expectation of how long I would be waiting and I could still do it for free. I'm not asking to go to a specific server, just a specific server "type". If the cost of transferring is reasonable, I may consider paying for it. But if it's the cost of "another game", it'll be difficult to justify paying to move a small amount of information when i can just take that money and try a new game. As far as "being patient" again... If we're talking "weeks", I can wait, if we're talking "months", I'll unsubscribe and try something else. But I'm right back to where I was. Waiting for some mysterious amount of time to pass before I get any info on what i want to do, then another mysterious amount of time to actually do it. It's heartbreaking because I love the game, but they've gotten enough of my money while I'm not enjoying the game as I'd like to play it.
  5. Yep, but the point I was making to Synxos was, that there are no "lasting effects" to a character that was on a PvP server that would make the possibility of a PvE character transferring onto a PvP server "unfair". It doesn't give that PvE player any kind of advantage or disadvantage.
  6. Yeah, I think it was a "Damned if you do - Damned if you don't" scenario and I'm not really blaming Bioware either way. They had to make a call, they made it. It's just a shame they didn't have a back up-plan to fix the known results of the choice they made. I don't pretend to know what goes into programming that, so it may have been unavoidable for all I know.
  7. Since being "killed" on a PvP server doesn't actually affect you in any way (other than having to travel back to where you were), I don't see the problem. And in many cases, due to the population problem, many people on PvP servers don't even run into opposing factions much while leveling. And since other MMO's allow transfers of PvE players to PvP servers, I think it's absolutely ADORABLE that you are calling anyone else "dense".
  8. That's not what I meant. I don't mean let them go ANYWHERE they choose to. I know they want to build the populations up on specific servers so it isn't all concentrated on "Fatman". I mean come up with a selection of specific "targeted" server types : One Specific RP PvE Server One Specific RP PvP Server One Specific PvE Server One Specific PvP Server Make these the "targeted servers" to transfer to and then give each subscriber on the "Origin Server" the choice of which one they want to go to. It doesn't seem like this should be a problem unless there is some kind of coding difference where a character cannot just be moved from one type to another. If that IS the case, then what about moving to a Role-Playing (RP) server. The game itself isn't even involved with the RP so there is NO coding involved, it's completely done by the players choice. So why couldn't a PvE player move to a RP-PvE server? See what I mean?
  9. What kind of instability are you referring to? I guess I just don't understand why you have to sacrifice one for the other.
  10. I personally remember forum posts by the developers when the forums were absolutely FLOODED with complaints about 6+ hour queue times when the game launched. Bioware tried to explain to people that there WOULD be an initial drop-off of subscriptions (as any new game has) and they didn't want to have the population spread out among too many servers. The problem being that who knows how many people quit because they paid $60 or more and couldn't get in to play the game in a reasonable amount of time. Either way, it wasn't going to look good for Bioware unless they were ready at launch with the capability to merge servers when the subscriptions dropped. So Bioware caved and opened more servers, and just like they predicted it, once the initial hype was over and subscriptions dropped, we were all spread out over too many servers.
  11. Understood. I just don't want to continue waiting AND paying for a subscription. I'll probably cancel and just play something else in the meantime. Like I said, I REALLY like the game. I've tried to be patient and now that the time is almost here, I find out that -for me- I have ANOTHER indeterminate amount of time to wait, and the possibility of milking me for "God knows how much" to move them. I would just have hoped that Bioware showed a fraction of the loyalty to me that I showed to them. It's disappointing.
  12. I get this as far as "how they are planning to do it". What my question is about is whether there is some kind of "technical (or code) difference" that makes it impossible for them to allow a PvE character to transfer to a PvP server. I know they are concerned about a PvE player ACCIDENTALLY being transferred to a PvP server against his will, but Im sure there are plenty who would LIKE to transfer to another server type. I can't be the ONLY one...
  13. You may be right. I'm not entirely sure. This was in the initial period before Joveth started the new community team that was actually talking with us. So chances are that this was the suggestion of another player, instead. But if you ARE right, that means Bioware DIDN'T offer any suggestions of what to do in the meantime and we were left to our OWN methods to enjoy the game. It may be my own fault for "trying something new" but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only subscriber running into this issue. I would hope that Bioaware, under the current circumstances, would maybe consider a little flexibility with US, since we (who REMAINED subscribed during this time) were being so flexible with them.
  14. So..uh..NO... This is the problem I'm running into. They will be available "at some point in the future" but not with the free transfers starting on Tuesday.
  15. That's pretty much what I was considering. But it depends on what price it's going to be to transfer. I've paid a long time on a dead server waiting for free transfers, only to find out I have to wait another unknown amount of time to get the transfers that will actually work for me. I'm just going to spend a few days thinking about it. Under the circumstances of how upset their player base has gotten over this, to only have such a "piece-meal" transfer service offered is really disappointing. They really should have considered the possibility that their loyal "re-rollers" may discover they like PvP, Role playing, etc while checking out other servers. Especially since the most crowded server (Fatman) was PvP only. I hope they change their minds on this one. If Bioware can reconsider allowing a more OPEN "targeted transfer" of PvE, PVP and RP versions of both, and just allow us to choose which one we WANT to go to, then I'm staying. But I've wasted enough money waiting. There are other games out there.
  16. Have you ever heard of "Rifftrax"? (http://www.rifftrax.com) It is the cast of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and they sell audio files of them 'riffing" recently (and not so recently) released movies (They have done ALL of the Star Wars movies and the Star Wars Holiday Special - which is HILARIOUS). They riffed "Birdemic" and that's how i saw the film. It's awful. It's "supposed to be" some kind of horror film that is heavily caked in an "environmental message". There's a scene where the main characters just came out of the theater watching Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and one of them declares he is immediately going to buy a Hybrid. The main character makes a ridiculous amount of money selling "solar panels", etc. And The birds are attacking and killing people because "they are destroying the planet". The CGI birds look ridiculous and the heroes have OBVIOUS toy guns that they are fighting them with. I highly recommend it if you like bad films.
  17. I get that. I just don't think I can wait any longer. I really like the game, but I want to start laying down some roots with a fun guild, enjoy the Legacy I've worked hard to build and play the game the way I want to play it (PvP). Now I'm stuck with another "indeterminate amount of time (i.e. SOON)" before I can "pay them" to put my 50s on a server I want to play on with a guild I want to play with (I've been following a guild I want to join and have been keeping in touch so i can find out where they are going), or starting over from scratch and going through the exact same story quests to re-create the character (and Legacy) I want to play. I'm down to the LAST piece of Imperial Pilot Gear from doing endless mind-numbing space missions. There's NO way I'm starting THAT from scratch... I just don't think it's worth it to me anymore, which is a shame because I really like the game, but I want to move on to build my legacy with other characters and new story-lines. So for the first time since it's launch, I am seriously considering moving on and ending my subscription. I knew I wasn't going to be able to transfer to ANY server I wanted, but I was under the impression that they were going to make "targeted servers" available for transfer, but not FORCE me to stay as PvE when I have discovered PvP is more for me.
  18. Although I get the point that you were trying to make, I don't agree. I was told by Bioware to "be patient" and I continued to pay my subscription. I was told to "re-roll" as a way to play on a POPULATED server while I waited for a way to transfer servers. Although I know it was a result of so many fans being frustrated with long queue times when the game was launched that they opened so many additional servers, Bioware stated the reason they didn't want to (which is what we're dealing with now), but eventually caved and opened more servers. So here we are... In order to enjoy the game, we were told that re-rolling on a populated server was the option we had if we wanted to enjoy the game under the understanding that Bioware was working on a "fix" for the population problems. So I did just that. In my desire to play with other people, I decided to experiment and rolled on a PvP server. Since trying it, I have found that I like it better, More action and tension when you can be jumped at any time and have to fight for your life. I was waiting patiently the entire time, even DEFENDING Bioware against many of the people who QQ'ed about "mismanagement" and "broken promises". Now while I am not implying that Bioware made any kind of promise that I would be able to consolidate all of my characters onto one TYPE of server (Such as moving from PvE to PvP), it was never explained that it WASN'T going to be allowed (I could be wrong, but I'd like to see the link to where it was explained) when the transfers are finally made available. While waiting PATIENTLY, I went ahead and continued to play characters on my MAIN server (who were my favorites) and leveled them to 50. I also played on the new PvP server with some new toons, deliberately trying characters OTHER than my favorite to play (Imperial Agent). Had I known that I wouldn't be able to move those characters to a PvP server from a PvE server, I wouldn't have continued to work on them and just rerolled them on the PvP server (Dear GOD, the sheer amount of mind-numbing Space missions I did to get the complete Imperial Pilot Costume set ALONE). I'm NOT claiming to be misled. But I don't see why a PvE character cannot be moved to a PvP server with the initial Free Transfers. It doesn't make sense to me, but I am open to an explanation to the reasoning behind it. I have a pretty strong Legacy on these characters and was eager to play them on PvP. Starting a Legacy over from scratch, or going back to waiting for the "appropriate transfer opportunity" will cause me to finally unsub. Anyone who has seen my previous posts know that I have defended Bioware on many occasions and have been called everything from a "Fanbot" to a "Bioware Employee" for doing so. I've been patient and I've waited because I love the game. If I'm being told that I have to wait for ANOTHER indeterminate amount of time in order to get the transfer I needed, then I'll move on and play a different game. I'm sorry, but i just can't wait any longer. And after however long it will be, I will probably have to PAY to move them. Once I see that I can transfer them to a PvP server, I MAY come back. depending on what else is out there that I decide to try. ...did I mention I was being patient?
  19. Anyone ever hear of a movie called "Birdemic?" Ugh... I think I threw up in my mouth a little just typing the name...
  20. I have to agree with Setsugetsuka. I do agree that George owns the films and he has EVERY right to do whatever he wants to do with his own property (to our horror). They do not "belong to the fans". What the fans actually paid for, they got (i.e. previous ticket sales, previous VHS/DVD releases, etc.). They did not pay for "creative control" of George's work. At the same time I can agree with YOUR frustrations. George, who personally fought against colorizing films because of their "historic quality", has absolutely NO respect for the "historic quality" of his own films. It shows a severe lack of consistency in his beliefs. Although I don't agree he should be "prohibited from altering them", I think it would be a simple "gesture of kindness" to his fans to release an unaltered "Theatrical Version" of the films, so people who loved them can watch them as they were, and people who worked on them can see the work they did. I can't understand why George is so stubborn on this issue. It's a simple solution and everybody gets what they want. But as we see with this thread alone. If Lucas is starting to feel "attacked" by his fans (justified or not), he's less likely to make that gesture. It's a Catch-22...
  21. Yeah, after I posted that, i read a little further into the thread and saw the answer as far as a "later opportunity". I'm a little frustrated that server transfers are finally here, and now I'm back in the "coming soon" category to get the transfers I needed. I guess I'll just play my re-rolls on the PvP server and maybe "someday soon" I'll be able to reunite my legacy. I'm trying REALLY hard to be patient... But it keeps getting worse...
  22. It's a little extra frustrating because those of us who were trying to be supportive and patient with Bioware in simply re-rolling on another server so we could play the game while we wait are now finding out that there isn't a way to transfer all of the characters we have onto the same server (since I started on a PvE server and rerolled on a PvP server) . The fact that I WAS trying to be patient and "re-roll" on another server had me experiment and try out the PvP server. I realized I was enjoying myself much more and was looking forward to a time I could bring my 50's over to do it as well. I'm REALLY disappointed that we can't transfer from a PvE server to a PvP server on the initial "free transfers". Is there a clear reason as to why?
  23. I agree on this one. What if we WANT to transfer from a PvE server to a PvP server? I have 2 50s on a PvE that I was playing on with friends. The friends are no longer on the server (moved to Australian server) and since then, I re-rolled on a PvP server and found that i like it much more. Can any consideration be given to allowing transfers from PvE to PvP servers (or Vise Versa)? I would even consider paying for it if it was my only option. If not can we get a clear explanation as to why we cannot do it?
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