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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. I've seen many people ask similar things, so I'm not commenting on just your asking it. The most likely reason why they don't borrow/share code with anyone else? Because everyone else won't share such things with their competitors.
  2. Oh, missed that. Yeah... no sharing of bound items via the bank, unless as Kajuratus suggests and a BoL roll option is added.
  3. Hi, Really more so minor annoyances with the forums and some things that would be great to see improved/added in. My Posts link - Yes, you can use search and search for yourself... link would make it easier. Refine search code for better chronological order - This SS should say it all (and yes, that was a fresh search). Ability to delete posts - nuff said If anyone else has any ideas/thoughts, feel free to share.
  4. But in-game money cannot be converted back into real money for you to use on other things outside of the game. I think that might be a defining difference. Either way, though, I'm not sure I'd be up for supporting having any of this linked to the CM. For me, it seems like something that should be used to kill time/break the monotony... not a full fledged competitive sport.
  5. Yes, it'd be great if the gear that comes with or you get as rewards (but are meant specifically for your companion) were moddable. Qyzen looks a little funny wearing armor with the Havoc squad symbol on it....
  6. Agree with OP + Tatile. Only thing in OP's list that I'd be hesitant on is the Sale Screen Enhancement. A problem I see steming from that is that it doesn't tell you that the average lowest price for something is 300 credits... but the lowest price is from this one person at 20 credits because they just stuck it up for the default price.
  7. ~3 months later... ~5 months later... I've gotten so I just switch the SWTOR music off, then have a web browser open in the background streaming music from a radio station I like.... Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
  8. I haven't found a guild to join yet, but I would certainly agree with this. Considering how many different characters everyone can have and the fact that most people would want a few to most (if not all) of these characters a part of the guild, it only makes sense.
  9. Agree with OP. Makeb is supposed to be a sort of Chapter 4 for all the characters, thus logic flows that you should complete Chapter 3, first.
  10. It's probably the console games that keep em going....
  11. I have been reading the posts. Some how or another you have it stuck in your head that he is using the OTP as an excuse for leaving when his real complaints are something else and that he hasn't really tried to solve it yet before complaining. As I already said, one can have issues with the game without them being the root cause for dissatisfaction. They are merely the other "straws" that ultimately breaks the camel's back. He does not need to give you all of the details of what he has tried so far. You are not CS and he has already been in touch with them... should that not say enough?
  12. And your getting after him for the unnecessary information is unnecessary.
  13. Ninja edit ftw. You are making assumptions about him. Yes, he has other gripes about the game. That does not mean that they are the root cause of his wanting to leave. That's a leap of logic that does not flow smoothly.
  14. And he wasn't asking you to solve it... so why would he give you the nitty-gritty details?
  15. He came here adding his voice to those that are fed up with the rings and hoops. Your point 1 on your first post to him (and subsequent post) were attacking. So following those up with a "here's how not to get attacked" is still a form of attack. Quite frankly, there are some people that are going to have this problem no matter how hard they or anyone else tries fixing things on the client's end. People deserve a place to have their voice heard for the frustration they are going through. Again, don't like it? Don't read their post. If they're crying for help but provide no details, then either move on or request more details. Pick on things that are not factual, consider it as being ignorant/misinformed (because that is not being rude), but don't pick on how they posted by saying nobody cares. That is being polite.
  16. I shouldn't be saying anything, but... Kilora, Andryah, Yes, everyone has the right to their opinion, including your opinion that the way he expressed himself was wrong. Picking on specific points he is using in his argument is one thing, however, you are attacking his method of expressing himself. That's just plain bad etiquette and being rude. You don't like the way he is expressing himself? Just don't read his posts. If his method of expressing himself is that bad, then obviously he won't get any help/serious consideration from anyone. [exaggeration] Not everyone has to be "prim & proper" in the way they post.[/exaggeration]
  17. Bleh, sorry... let me try to clarify a little. Currently gear is setup with this basic idea behind it: Main Stat Sec Stat Bonus Stat Presence falls under the bonus stat category. I think they'd have to rework/create companion specific gear to get it all in neatly. But again, my personal opinion on the matter is that it should never have been included. It just seems like a covert way of "buffing" you companions to being closer to comparable to a PC without it being "behind the scenes" type of number spoofing.
  18. Because then another stat would be removed from the companion's gear to make presence work. Personally, they shouldn't have had the stat in the first place....
  19. Not ragging on you or trying to flame you or anything... but I believe the power draw from those is minimal. Also, most ISPs highly recommend that you don't do that with your modems.
  20. Tezeretz, man... try to avoid feeding the Rakghouls while visiting Taris....
  21. To the first: Second: Aside from his bullet list at the bottom of his initial post, he was actually 100% on topic. Again, how he decides to express it is his choice. Finally: I wish they had a smiley face on here that actually looked like it was laughing.... >.> Ok, if you want to go that route... yes, fine. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, even if that opinion is that other people's opinions are invalid.
  22. His post and his right to express it the way he wanted is still valid. Just because you do not like the way he expressed himself does not make it invalid. You also have no idea what time he and/or his GF have already spent in trying to troubleshoot the problem from their end, so saying that his "energy complaining is energy wrongly spent" is ill-placed.
  23. You need to understand something... your modem actually has two IP address, both are from separate IP ranges. One is on the side that connects to your computer and the modem will assign a third IP address to your PC that matches this same range. These IP addresses are invisible to EA/BW. The IP address that EA/BW can see is the internet side of the modem... the part that communicates out through the cable/DSL line. This one is assigned to your modem by your ISP in the same manor as how your computer is assigned an IP by the modem. You cannot see this IP from your computer unless you use a web browser to log into your modem and view the settings... assuming your ISP even gave you the password to be able to log into the modem in the first place.
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