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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. Actually, I don't think Darkside is the absence of life. If you remember from Ep V, Yoda sends Luke into a cavern, stating that it was strong in the Darkside of the Force, yet we clearly see that there are still critters and what not in the area. EU suggests that Yoda picked Dagobah to hide because this Darkside presence would mask his own to Sidius and Vader. I would think, in order for that to happen, the Darkside presence would have to be phenomenal and as such we shouldn't see any creatures anywhere near it (like, probably that whole quadrant of the planet).
  2. I'm not 100% sure that's what Ashera is saying either. It's more like run Raid with main, win roll, equip gear. Logout then in on an alt and find system generated mail with the equivalent piece of gear in it meant for that alt. However, I still maintain that it is a bad comparison. Gear is locked behind tough group content. The datacrons most of us are asking to be put on Legacy, not only are they not behind group content, but they aren't even being guarded by anything in most cases. Those few that are, are solo-able. But, seems I've been ignored for apparently calling Ashera an "elitist" constantly in this thread (... I don't think I've even ever used the word "elitist" in these forums until the incident that got me ignored), we can expect there won't be a response to that. Not that I was getting many replies to being with.
  3. That's not guild "content". Those are guild activities, or events, that rely on "common" content to even happen. I think your and mine definitions of "content" are different. First... those are ****** guilds and I agree that those ones blow. But second, if they can't be arsed to do anything together, then they aren't going to be able to fully utilize the extra content we are suggesting. And further measures can be put into place to guarantee that, too. If that's one of your issues with it, then why not be constructive and suggest that? Did I not just get through saying that? ^.^ Yup, looks to me like I did.
  4. Well, right... I guess what I meant to say is that we're trying to apply real rules to a fictional thing that is someone else's creation. After all, we're not actually going to see flying cupcakes shooting laser beams in SW, no matter how much one wanted it because it is "unrealistic" in the SWU. Unless of course you take it as a play on words and give a targeting drone an exterior shell that looks like a cupcake.... EDIT: The Jedi Master walked into what appeared to be a droid work shop. He could feel a sense of danger in the Force, but all he could see around him were rows upon rows of cupcakes. He reached out with the Force to try and isolate where the danger was. As his sense in the Force passed over the cupcakes he paused, aware that something was wrong. "Those aren't cupcakes...," he said to himself. Suddenly the cupcakes flew up into the air and started circling around him, letting loose with laser bolts. "Those are Battle Drones!"
  5. roflmfao First time in this entire forum I have ever used the word "elite" (or even insinuated it... and anyone is perfectly welcome to search my post history to verify it) and I'm immediately accused of having used it continuously. Way to go, Ashera!
  6. Yeah, and probably the reason that seekerofpower stated is exactly why it hasn't been done. Although, really, we're trying to establish "real" rules on a fictional power. It's all up for interpretation (except for GL, of course )
  7. Thread titles cannot be edited. Furthermore, it's been stated over and over in this thread that the requesters recognize that there are more important things (ie, bugs) that need fixing. Your logic and reasoning has me lost. How is this thread not about guilds? It is not a thread by 1 guild requesting features for their guild only, but is a general request for features to all guilds. In bold... but that's not what you and some others are doing. You're not coming in here saying "love the idea, but hate it being guild only. Can we have it for everyone?" Instead, you're coming in saying "No, I don't want to see guild only content. BW, don't implement!" See the difference? The first method supports the idea and then expands upon it. The second just straight up bashes it and for no reason other than personal taste. Haha... these are not "entitlement" perks. They are added content that makes being in a guild actually worth something more than just a stupid XP boost. While we're talking about equal distribution of content... "I want to be able to run Knight story line on my Consular." "I want to be able to get PvP gear as a reward from Ops and FPs." And yes, that is the same thing. Want to run the Knight story line? Roll a Knight. Want PvP gear? Participate in WZs. Want to be in on guild content? Join a guild. And for the record, I am not part of a guild, nor do I have any burning desire to be because there is very little point. But I still support this idea because it adds content and QoL to a segment of the game. I'll tell you this, too... if you were to start a thread requesting more non-guild content, I wouldn't be going in there and posting about how "this can't happen until guilds get some loving, too." I'd post in there saying "/support!" because... again... it adds content and QoL to a segment of the game. ------------------------------------------------------- TL/DR? You don't like it, great, post so and move on. Don't go flaming and trolling other people in thread in an attempt to frustrate them into not coming back and (essentially) allowing the thread to die. You like the base concept but not the way that's being asked for? Then post a constructive post!
  8. Yes, as the thread had progressed, the suggestion had evolved to recognize that and the suggestion was put forth to (essentially) tag each Datacron with a lvl req (behind scenes for the Unlock's use) and then have it applied to the toon only after they had reached that level.
  9. Umm, this thread is about guilds, yes? So why would someone suggest options for non-guilds, seems that'd be off-topic? That would be the purview of a different thread. ---------------------------------- Way to go elitism. Shooting down one suggestion simply because something else is not already in the game and available to you is (IMO) a narrow minded approach and quite frankly, stupid.
  10. I love how well folks read posts around here... ---------------------- You do realize that things sold from out of the CM with stats on them would thus fall under this same category, right? The mere fact that this is F2P model puts in a lot of P2W concepts. But, the real kicker on these is that you don't actually have to pay money for them. Items from CM? Resellable on GTN for credits. Datacrons? You can still pick those up yourself without the use of the unlock. So it's not true P2W as you can still acquire them without paying. ----------------------- Yes, just like you have.
  11. Well, they kind of are using them as well, really, it's just that they're not classified as "slaves". They're droids.
  12. I think I understand what wolfninjajedi is trying to explain. It's like thumping on a piece of glass. Older, weaker glass can't take as many thumps before breaking as new, stronger glass can. The thumping on even the newer glass eventually weakens it, though, and so eventually becomes just as fragile as the old one is.
  13. No, it's not. Being able to get insta lvl 50 character allows one to level a character without actually learning how to play the character. It allows you access to game impacting changes with no work. Datacrons have insignificant impact on the way the game plays. Please... explain to me this "content" you speak of. And no, it's not pay to win. The stats gained from all of the datacrons is less then the stats on a single piece of high-end PvE gear. Several times less, even. As both sides have stated, the impact it plays is insignificant. And because I know it's coming from someone: "Well then, if it's so insignificant, you don't need it then, do you?" No... we don't. We're certainly not going to /quit (or /ragequit) if we don't get it. But it was a "nice QoL" improvement for us that we're suggesting. So why are we fighting so adamantly for it? Because of people coming in here saying it's a "terrible" idea, it's promoting "laziness" (which is an insult towards us), and that it's going to break gameplay. We believe these statements are false, and that is why we are arguing. Someone don't like it? They don't want it? That's fine. They're more than welcome to come in and say "no thanks" and if the idea is implemented, they don't have to purchase the option. But coming in with insultive and false arguments will get a response.
  14. Well, really, it kind of is. The primary argument offered is because it is promoting "laziness", with a secondary of its somehow hurting other people's game experience. The mere argument of laziness in a video game makes me laugh to myself. Putting aside the fact that many people would call you lazy simply for playing a video game, a game is supposed to be a form of entertainment, something that we can kick back and be lazy during and not stress out over anything. Obviously a game cannot go so far as to have an "I win" button in it because then that just makes it no fun for 95% of everyone. And yes, it is entertaining finding and reaching all of the Datacrons the first time, maybe even the second. But the third? Fourth? Tenth? It's no longer fun or entertaining... we're just going through the motions. And some are just a source of frustration for those who are bad at the jumps (which, by the way, we all know full well BW will not invest the energy into fixing because Datacrons is practically the only place where it becomes an issue). As for the hurting others' game experience, as both sides have agreed on, Datacrons are an optional, minimal content in the game that is not needed to play. We are not suggesting putting in a Legacy unlock that just *poofs* gives all Datacrons without your ever having seen one. We want you to have to visit every single one at least once in order to gain the bonus. For both factions even. This just means one only has to run the Datacrons 134 times (67 each side), rather than 600+. People already complain in this game about "repetitive" side quests of go here, kill X many of enemy, return... and so quite often skip them, using Legacy unlocks (and XP boost consumables) to boost their experience gained so they can stay on top of things. I'd say the Datacrons are just as bad with repetitiveness. So we're asking for the option to "skip" them on the alts, but still be able to stay on top of things... same as the skipping of side quests.
  15. What I would believe is a person corrupt with evil powers would use it willy-nilly how he pleased and wouldn't give two bits about rebellions because (with that level of power) he could just swat the fleets out of existence. I would believe in him flexing his own power muscles, not having someone else do it in his stead. Or, more accurately, I believe that a Force wielder's power in the Force isn't actually that powerful (where raw destructive power is concerned) and as such still needs these constructs to provoke fear and intimidation in the populace because he really wouldn't be able to just cast an enemy fleet away with the wave of a hand. Because really, someone with that much power, could've just wiped the Jedi out of existence with ease and wouldn't need the elaborate ruse to be able to assassinate them all. He could've bent people's minds and wills to serve him without going through the risky operation of a multi-decade facade of befriending them and hoping that they'd willingly make him their Emperor. Yes, we know he was overconfident... but that just makes him more likely to use his powers than not.
  16. And the mere sight of him knowing what he's capable of wouldn't be... why? I'm just saying... if the Force really is that powerful (or rather, a Force wielder is), then the train of thought behind that one-purpose weapon is severely flawed.
  17. The biggest problem with Ashera's arguments is that they have been calls of mere laziness from the start. Hasn't been until these more recent posts that (s)he used the buggy argument. So to me personally, it sounds more like Ashera is grasping at straws, now.
  18. My only issue with this line: if the Force really was that powerful, and Palpatine (as stated by GL) was one of the strongest Force users ever, why in the tar would he build... not one, but two!... planet destroying super-weapons? Wouldn't it be easier (and perhaps more personally satisfying for him) if he just sat on the bridge of a Star Destroyer and reached out with his own Force ability to squeeze the stuffings out of the planet? I think Vader was hinting at something else, not just raw destructive power. I'd really love to hear a statement from GL as to what he feels as though Palpatine's (or anyone's, really) limits were in the Force.
  19. Yeah... I'd say that you used the wrong wording... and misunderstood the question. EDIT: Also, the excerpt taken from the book... there's a disconnect somewhere between the book and the movie as the events in the movie did not play out in that order.
  20. Ok, I think I'm understanding a bit better what you're trying to say, but you're still off. Referring back to a previous post: Yes, it is capable of more. You were way low on your estimate of the brain. It is capable of (roughly) 20 million billion calculations per second (or 20 Peta-flops). To put your number into perspective, that's 1.68 million million, or thousand billion (Tera-flop). That's a factor of a little more than x10,000 less. Now, the world's fastest computer to date: the Titan, at 17.59 million billion calculations per second (or 17.59 Peta-flops). So in straight numbers, you are correct... the human brain is capable of more calculations per second than a computer (to date). However, the margin of lead is less than you believed. The real kicker I find on the Titan? With a little over a third of the number of processor cores as the previous leader (560,640 vs 1,572,864), it beats it out by over a full Peta-flop (previous leader was 16.32 Peta-flops). Imagine the possibilities there? Additionally, you really can't directly compare the brain to a single processor (or regular PC). Each neuron within your brain, actually only operates at 200 Hz. It's the fact that we have ~100 billion of them with roughly 1000 connections each that makes the calculations so high. Also, we can multi-task... a PC processor (non-multicore) can only take serialized inputs. Furthermore, you cannot take the full processing power of your brain and apply it to 1 application like a supercomputer (the Titan) can. Our brains are more like multiple regular PCs, each with it's own dedicated task(s), that then feeds back into one source/output. Final thoughts, though? A calculator is akin to 1 section of the brain... the part that does math. So, when comparing calculation speed against a calculator, it's actually unfair to also take into consideration nerve signals for moving fingers and heart beat and breathing and everything else. A calculator doesn't have to worry about any of these. As such, I still maintain it is faster. Just for a quick comparison, time yourself on the following math problem, first in your head, then punching it into a calculator: 1549 * 7543 (<- and really, in comparison to what a lot of calculators are capable of handling, that's an extremely simple math problem). And while you're doing that and thinking about the method you're using to multiply it out, also take this into consideration: the way a computer (and calculator) does multiplicative math is it takes the first number and adds it onto itself the second number of times (see last paragraph in link).
  21. I'm referring to the evasive the torpedoes made to avoid the asteroid... that goes well beyond simple homing technology. Yes, Luke did use the Force to determine when to fire. However, the initial question asked was about the 90 degree turn the torpedoes made and Wolfninjajedi is saying Luke used the Force to make them turn (and as such, was impossible for a non-Force user to make the shot).
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