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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. If I remember the back story correctly, Han rescued Chewy from slavery, and thus the life debt.
  2. I didn't say that you did say that it made it into the hole, but you are claiming that it was impossible for anyone else except Luke to do it because the shot required the use of the Force. You really think that a bunch of analysts and commanders of the Rebel forces would be that dumb as to look at the DS schematics and say "yeah, we just put a couple of torps here and all will be good" and fail to realize that the shot is actually completely impossible? Plus, as I stated, we already have the tech for those types of things. And actually, in universe, I refer to Ep II where Jango shoots those Torpedoes at Obi-Wan....
  3. I'm starting to wonder if Ashera has me on ignore.
  4. Month late, don't know if anyone else commented, but to your explanation on why the torps made a 90 degree turn... no. If you all recall correctly, they said to shoot the torpedoes inside and it would start a chain reaction that would reach and detonate the core. Red Leader's never made it inside the hole... thus "impacted on the surface." The reason behind the 90 degree turn could be in part the targeting computer giving the command at the right moment (and yes, this is entirely possible... we have the technology today), but the most likely reason for the turn (at the time) is "Hollywood" magic.
  5. If I recall correctly, Star Trek method of space travel is slower than Star Wars and allows course corrections on the fly while Star Wars does not. I'll refer to my closing thoughts on this whole debate for this one. For the most part, these were just the human operator entering the final coordinates and the on-board computers doing the rest. My over-all thought on this train, though? You're comparing apples to oranges. Yes, they are all FTL travel methods. But they're all from different Universes and thus have different rules and laws apply to them as their creator sees fit. As for the brain's processing power and speed... let me see you perform a calculation faster than a simple calculator. The biggest leap(s) we have in getting computers to perform the same complex calculations as the human brain is not in the speed, but rather in part the programming behind it and trying to give it a level of "intelligence" to be able to come up with solutions to problems it was not pre-programmed with. Also saw a comment earlier about some fighters being too small for astronavigational computers and that's why they used droids? You do realize that a droid takes up space and yet could fit into these fighters, yes? Also: A-Wing. ------------------------------------------- As for the topic, I don't think it has anything to do with "cost" of the labor. They each have their highs and lows. Really, though, I think it's a combination in part sign of status (or attempt thereof), flaunting of wealth, and just a very simple need to declare oneself as being "better" than others.
  6. This is why I will never take the way something "looked" in a movie as an indicator as to "facts" behind canon. There could've been issues with the actors, the director, time constraints, or even things happening that are invisible to the naked eye (such as Mace channeling the Force back around at Sidious), etc. going on that you really can't tell unless you hear/read a commentary by the creator or a book that expands upon what the movie depicted.
  7. But you can sell that sniper rifle (or the extras you get by rerunning the FPs/Ops) for credits, and then in turn use those on other things. And so to you, the fact that it was initially released as Legacy invalidates the request to make something else similar to it as it wasn't released that way? It'd be very easy for BW to make the Datacrons become a Legacy effort to collect. And the fact that they are optional makes them different from Datacrons how? And what "content" is being taken away by not having to repeatedly do the datacrons? To slightly modify an earlier statement, and the fact that it's a minimal bonus makes it different from datacrons how? Like the side missions? Like Companion stat bonuses? Again... what "content"? There are only a select few that actually have a mission tied to them....
  8. To support this some... gear raids are repeatable. As such, they have an endless amount of content that can be brought out into the environment, essentially flooding things if it wasn't kept under tight control. Datacrons are non-repeatable, non-transferable (ie, you cannot sell it to someone else). There is a finite amount. Further, they do not overshadow or make anything obsolete, so impact nothing outside of your own character(s).
  9. Chriscshunter, I point you back to the reference I made here.
  10. Vaapad worked in part in his being able to take his opponent's power and turn it against them. He also additionally started to get some more power (unknowingly) off from Anikin's fear. So in a sense, it wasn't under his own power. He just had the ability to harness and use others'.
  11. Yeah... I'd say HK-51 is a bit better than +30 stats........
  12. Which doesn't make sense seems there's no other datacron like that in the EU (that I'm aware of). ----------------------------- Either way, I really don't get why people are so up in arms over its promoting Laziness. So what? It does not affect the other person's gameplay in any way.
  13. Sorry for being late to the party... work today was just simply... obnoxious. To go ahead and tempt the Rakghoul post... actually, those who aren't that good at PvP would not benefit from the removal of Expertise. Being on a level playing field, they'd still be bad, but now they don't have the ability to be up on a higher pedestal (fully geared vers partial or none). I think that should say enough. Huh... with the font type this forum uses, I always thought your name ended as double-L... copy/pasting this to a text editor for easier muti-replies reveals that it's not. While I'm sure you probably weren't concerned (or weren't aware that I was using Ls), my apologies. Yes, the current problems are still problems that need to be solved nonetheless. I can see your concern on how more people would flood to PvP, but I'm still of the viewpoint that there won't actually be that many. This is a point that we really cannot argue, as the only way to know what would truly happen is to actually do it. Nonetheless, I have already stated (at least, I believe I have) that gear progression in PvP should be made harder to compensate. IE, reduce Comms awarded. You can get close to 150 for a good game? Well, I remember when 2.0 first hit and the weekly cap was put in (200, wasn't it?) that people were making note it was enough to buy 1-2 pieces of gear. As I'm noticing now with the weekly cap removed, gear prices are anywhere from ~500-1500 comms, so they've significantly increased the price, making it more difficult to gear (than what it was previously). They can easily take this a step further by reducing the number of comms awarded in a WZ. This makes it take longer. Absolutely. But expertise (in a way) does actually do this, too. You have 1 piece of expertise gear while the other person has 3? Guess what? Skill no longer applies as much. Yeah, with the decrease of the tier gap in PvE gear (and thus the corresponding NPCs), things do get easier... if that's all you do. But you can still make things harder to kill behind the scenes with the NPCs. Possible examples: Increase their HPs, increase the amount their heals do, increase their damage resistances. You can't really play around with their damage much, because this would directly affect the ability of the NPC to kill the player... the opposite of what needs to be adjusted. As for the PvE player reaction,... yeah, there will be negativity. It's cause they've become accustomed to the inflated system we have now. The same will happen within the PvP community (which we're already seeing). There will be much negativity because of those that rely on Expertise to be better than non-fully equipped players, and because of having to make getting top end PvP gear harder (take longer) in order to keep it from being the "easy way out". This may be a PvE game with PvP tacked on, but it's not how it should be balanced. Otherwise it just causes balancing problems. The perception may be that the current existence of Expertise helps them balance it to PvE better, but they're already creating new PvP gear to go along with the new PvE stuff... so... what's the point?
  14. I have no problems with the suggestion. Personally, though, I just RP it as being a part of my Trooper's HUD in his helmet. ... ... Yeah, ok... that's a little hard on the other three characters....
  15. Eh, I wouldn't mind some kind of holiday/event that's for everyone, then you Founders get a little something extra out of it.
  16. The Suggestion Forum (subsection of General: Link) probably would've been the better place. But, as to the idea... I guess I don't lean either way on it. I'd really like to see a more intuitive sorting, such as sub-trees where the advanced version is tied to the base item instead of free floating around the list. One thing though (if memory serves correctly... at work, so cannot verify), if you open the crafting window and your inventory at the same time, click the Reverse Engineer button, then hover over the icon for the item in the Crafting window, I think it can tell you there. I don't recall fully, though, so will verify when I have a chance to log in later.
  17. Yeah, I know... quoting a year old post.... I just love how the number changes in every other thread I read... It's THREE. Been well over a year or two since I've watched the movie and even with my memory of a rusted trap remembers that 4 went to confront Palpatine, and that's including Mace. ------------------------------------ Anyway, my personal look on it is that they are roughly equal (Sith vs Jedi). A Sith uses the Force mainly as an offensive weapon, while a Jedi uses it mainly as defense. Now, as to GL's statement (in these last few posts)... well, the darkside is stronger and as such the strongest Jedi would be one who could master both sides and remain "standing", so to speak. But that's the darkside of the Force... not Sith in general. Sith bring about other things that weakens their own power, bringing them more in line with Jedi. In-fighting being one of them.
  18. Far as I'm concerned, he managed to do this because he had a power greater than even the Force backing him up for those three... ...it's called "Hollywood". If there indeed was a commentary from GL stating how the fight went down, then that is the truth.
  19. Actually, putting solo mode onto the existing group content does take away from them. There will be a lot more people that will opt for doing the solo rather than the group, making finding groups that much harder than it was before.
  20. Ok, thanks. I thought it might be, but knowing how... "unintuitive" some of the mechanics behind crafting seem to be, I wasn't sure if this was just another case of it. Guess I'll submit an actual bug ticket on it. And yeah, I expected the chance of a blue/purple being returned to be low. As was, I already had 4 Chrysopaz sitting in my cargo hold (and GTN prices for 2 were still far less than the end product was selling for).
  21. Ah, I had forgotten about guarding. Thank you for pointing that out. There may be a way to track someone in the vicinity of a node and get credit that way, but it'd have to be coupled with other changes, including (but not limited to) better afk tracking, which I'll cover in a bit. Also, I highlighted some lines in your last paragraph. Yes, I am fully aware of that and am in agreement there. But... this bug/exploit is not related to expertise itself (or a lack of it), it's a part of a different mechanic and so shouldn't be used as a reason why the change cannot or should not be made. It is still a bug/exploit, regardless of which way one feels on the subject, that needs to be fixed. And of course, with any new system comes new bugs/exploits. Those need to be worked through and patched up (the more before hand the better). The problem, of course, is that not any one person can see every angle and knows how to patch every hole. For afk'ers, a possible solution would be lowering the afk timer for when in WZs to about 2-3 minutes and if you go afk even once, you forfeit all comms (possibly even get booted from the match). Now, in my experience so far, TOR's afk algorithm needs some massive improvements... (I get marked afk and eventually booted while clicking through and reading codexs? Or playing around with my skill tree?). Now, what about those that suddenly had something come up in the middle of the match that they had to take care of? Sorry... but you're still essentially having to leave the match and if it's long enough for a 2-3 min afk timer to hit, then it's long enough to make a significant impact on the game. It's the same concept behind Ops... "Sorry guys, something's come up"... then what? Ask the group if it's ok for you to afk the reward? No... you leave. Unless of course it's a 1-2 minute deal (and/or running with actual friends/guild mates) and they have no issue holding up for a couple minutes. Go ahead and try that in a WZ... ha! ("Hey everyone, hold up and stop shooting for a few moments... so-and-so just had to go afk cause his dog peed on the computer...." ) --------------------------------------------------- @Asherall: Just because I haven't participated in WZs in this game does not mean that I do not understand how PvP works. Also, even if I hadn't done any PvP/multiplayer stuff in my life, I personally am not so ignorant or stupid to where I cannot do research and learn the system. (And because I know someone may take that line out of context and harp on me about it... no, I do not think that research ("book" smarts) is a replacement for actual experience ("street" smarts), but neither is the reverse.) The point being, though, that one doesn't actually have to participate (and/or have "street" smarts) to be able to grasp the basic concept of how it works. (And if anyone feels as though that there is enough to "discredit" anything that someone else says on a subject, then you have my sympathies for being so closed minded.)
  22. Yes, they are the purples. I RE'd them because I was upgrading and they were bound to me. I figured that through RE'ing 7 of them, I might get enough materials (or pretty durn close) to recreate 1 to sell on the GTN seems the prices for them were 20k+ at the time. Especially seems the tooltip for RE says it returns some of the materials used to create the item....
  23. I had 7x Advanced Power Enhancement 9 that I RE'd. The mats required to make each one are: 2x Thermoionic Gel Suspension 2x Chrysopaz 4x Nextor Crystal 2x Sacred Artifact Fragment And what I got for the RE: 4x Eralam Crystal 2x Sacred Artifact Fragment 1x Lost Artifact Fragment Except for the Sacred Artifact, none of those are actually used to make that enhancement.
  24. Yeah, and while I can certainly understand some people thinking that people are going to flood to PvP for the "easier" grind of gear, the reality is that the fluctuation won't actually be all that big. Further more, if it was made a bit harder to get the WZ comms, I think that'd help some. Making it near impossible for people to afk camp a WZ and still get comms would be one way. I'm not sure if WZ comms are awarded as a set number each time or not, but they shouldn't be. Just sitting around and doing nothing shouldn't award you anything. You should get a scaling number of comms dependent on how much you participated in the match. That I think would go a good way in making the grind less easy. But really, there are many other games out there that have PvP and PvE coexist without the need of a separate PvP stat and they do just fine. If they can, then why can't this game? And I know someone out there is probably thinking "well, this game isn't those games... it should be different"... well, tell that to the devs in copying WoW.... Sarcasm aside, having a separate PvP stat actually introduces a couple of new problems that were detailed out a few posts ago (previous page, I think?). EDIT: Well, first post on the previous page is perfect. I quoted Lokozar and added another point to it.
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