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Everything posted by VenthiosLestaran

  1. You'll dig hard on support skillset weapons then. Lots of support style abilities to protect your fellow players from incoming damage and adding to mitigation. It will take some getting used to, but if you're tired of whackamole with HP bars, that may be a really a really rewarding experience. That the giant bubble you drop to reflect enemies shots and protect your team mates is a little more satisfying than +2771 a few times over. Sounds like it to me anyway. But I can only speak for myself. Coming from a top teir raid healer and tank in WoW, I know how you feel.
  2. Extremely well written post, wish more of this type could come out of peoples fingers and minds. We'll just have to see where it goes, time is the only way to actually tell. People can predict until they're blue in the face but, time is what will always give us the answers we seek to find in these circumstances.
  3. Well that's a pretty understandable outlook Drake, but don't let a few bad apples spoil what might be a great experience. I didn't when I used to read the SWTOR forums before launch, it was TERRIBLE. I enjoyed my time in SWTOR but, it's just not gonna keep me. That kind of thing happens in every MMO.
  4. I'm sorry Amksed, ANET has already confirmed the Micro store will only be for cosmetic items, exactly like GW1. Which I heavily support, I LOVE options to look good. Paired with the skins you get for doing difficult things in game, I think it'll be pretty fun. I see what you're trying to say, and it's factually wrong. Why can't we post the truth? About everything?
  5. He's nuts Rasheth, a nutty troll. That's really it. Also, GW2 isn't out yet. You can go buy it in a few months though and give it an honest whack if you want. Personally I hope SWTOR thrives. There is a lot of room in these genre for improvement, and I think Bioware, and ANET both can bring new stuff to the table, in the future we'll hopefully get some amazing stuff don't you think? Also, apology accepted. You didn't have to apologize in the 1st place, it was my fault you misunderstood.
  6. You missed the point Rasheth. The moderate fans - the ones that aren't insane are the ones I'm trying to glorify. For both SWTOR and GW2. The "Fanboys" as they're called here that defend everything that they can, without looking at it from a critical point of view are the ones I'm referring to. A fan is different from a "Fanboy." One is positive, one is negative. I may be off topic in parts of my posts, but I'm responding to what people have to say, as I feel I should respond. My investment in SWTOR is done, yet still I stay and try to use my time positively. I should have been clearer though when I made these statements. There haven't been many over zealous white knight defenders here, but they are in other threads. It's two sides of the same burned coin in my opinion.
  7. Some of what you're saying is absolutely correct. However, the data I have to work with is for NOW, not six months from now. The data presented, is saying the game has a healthy sub count. Do I wonder where people are when I play? Oh yeah. I'm spending the last 16 days of my Sub helping people with heroics. I'm flying All OVER, and I see maybe 30-60 players on Jung Ma imperial worlds, from Nar Shaddaa to Corellia, even less on Corellia during prime time. Trust me, I wonder the same things you do, however I simply reserve judgement until I see actual hard evidence that the population is dropping, not that I just feel it is. We have to remain unbiased if we want to make proper judgements. Something you clearly haven't done. I played WAR and RIFT as well. RIFT recovered, war did not. You're not alone in your observations, you're just presenting them very poorly.
  8. Keep up the good work Strike - you're doing the community a service by working on this poll so hard. Also the fact you're trying to keep it as legit as possible. If only every poster was a good as you.
  9. In a way Mekrath, but when people start screaming Obscenities? It's too far. ANET damn's these people just as much as any rational person or company would. With as much as GW2 is being looked at, these fan's are going to stand out. Unlike say SWTOR's fanboys who defend defend defend. These irrational people go on the attack, and it looks bad. I haven't seen many cases of fans screaming obscenities at cons.
  10. Thankfully Anet has let people demo both low level and High level content, not just 10 minutes of gameplay - but 40 minutes. Plus events. It's a Lot for them to show off so freely and allow people to get their hands in at the conventions. Their experiences have been very positive.
  11. These people are in for a stark shock when GW2 is nothing like GW1 in any way but lore/races and quality of gameplay. The system is completely different. ANet isn't making their game again, they're just using the IP. Personally I hope rabid foaming fools like that just, don't show up.
  12. Well..SWTOR for one by the latest sub count. Naturally that may change for better or worse, but the data we have points to positive for this game's future, if we like to play it or not Russ.
  13. I'm very glad for this reason that Arena net doesn't have their own forums. They've been actually really really forthcoming about information on their game, showing how it works in pretty good detail, as well as the changes they're making through the dev process, some of which has been really big when you think about what it means for the game itself like their energy system. You should check it out, if nothing more than to learn about what it has. I did, and was really surprised and happy. GW2 Guru forums are very nice and friendly.
  14. You're trolling right? I mean you can tell me. You'd have to be.
  15. I was really hoping I wouldn't see a post like this. There is just No reason for it Russell. I mean, if the game drops off after a few month it drops off. The sub count is probably accurate for the time being and that's great. I was also wondering why there were so few people Everywhere I went during prime time with no available way to switch shards/instances. But, ending your post promoting GW2 is only going to sour people off the idea because of your ranting post. GW2 is looking like an awesome game yeah, but this isn't how it gains fans, only haters. I personally recommend anyone who's tired of gear grinding to look into it, that's how you promote that kind of thing, not by this. Yuck.
  16. I payed for the 2nd Month. I have till the 18th, I will not be resubbing. I have no motivation to log in at all. I did, when I let my sub roll over, but that has certainly changed. Please don't be so condescending. There are some of us who are actually legitimate.
  17. I'd like it to move out of wow's shadow. It has a bit, with the voice overs and storytelling mechanics. However they've kind of missed a few key marks. It's alright though, future MMO's will hopefully take what Bioware has done with TOR and apply it to their games. While perhaps balancing VO vs Content/Leveling speed a little more. Progress is progress as far as I'm concerned. While I like all the VO's, I kind of like being able to read a quest text quickly and accept it, if it isn't ultra mission critical such as "Go and visit Scout Tankaret on the hill." I don't need it to be told to me in a three minute cut scene with dialogue choices. I'll keep my Eye on TOR and see how it's doing while I fiddle with GW2.
  18. I have to admit, when I first started reading the insane extreme posts from both sides in this thread, this was my reaction. Even if SWTOR Lost 700k subs, it would still sit comfortably at 1 million. It would be in peoples best interest to let this go until we see how things are further down the line, I mean there's just no point (never was any) in saying game is doomed! Let it speak for itself, if it dies, it dies. If it soars into the sky, it soars into the sky. People have Way too much invested in a game in both love and hate it feels like. If you dislike it for your own reasons, cancel, if you like it - pay for it. Let SWTOR stand on it's own slightly awkward walker legs.
  19. Number's look great! Good going on SWTOR's behalf. Let's hope they hold up for you guys eh? My sub runs out on the 18th I think. I just don't like it. Tired of the same formula of gear grinding, been doing it too long. My problem alone. Haters will hate. Trolls will troll. Fanboys will always be retarded and blind. Bronies? We love and tolerate everything - even all of the above. Keep your chins up, stay modest, and enjoy the game guys!
  20. I could be lying. I was asking if she needed to post directly, because she doesn't waste time on this tripe
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