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Everything posted by captainmerkin

  1. Im finding it to be grind free mostly, have an absolute pile of quests to do on tatooine and alderaan still not to mention tarsis which I literally only ran through doing class quests. I seem to get 2 levels an evening at the moment, and the 30's are flying past and likely I will have to abandon loads of stuff I get past in level. definately an easy grind in swtor
  2. trouble is, your whole thread is about you and you only... you want others nerfed because you are not good enough as a player to beat them.. You are basically a tank covered in armour and guns with a blind driver, its all well and good to have the best kit there is but that goes down the pan when you dont know how to use it. I have been 2 shotted by sith maurauders and assasins recently in pvp and had no chance, but I have equally whittled them down in revenge and killed them back. Learn to play, its early yet and you have lots of time to learn the ropes.
  3. I would very much like to see the worlds having mixed level content and an increased size with less zoning, add ruins, temples, caves and all kinds of stuff for exploration and enjoyment. Put named characters and unusual quests into these places with long, random spawn times, make them a challenge that actually rewards with unique titles, appearance gear etc.. I know this is not swg but one thing I truly loved about that game was pure exploration, they did the worlds really, really well and they were open and a pleasure to explore fopr many months, and exploration paid off in some cases (I unlocked my FS slot through farming Jedi/Sith and exploring), but just for the sheer hell of it there were some amzing locales to explore.
  4. I enjoy the orbital stations, not really sure why but I think they are cool!
  5. new content is new content and thats always a good thing.. and who doesnt like butchering zombs
  6. I was typing more here but changed my mind as whats the point of bothering replying properly when someone makes such a pathetic list of something already being discussed elsewhere.
  7. This game is not based in episodes 1-6 and your reference is pointless as swtor is based thousands of years before those stories, who knows if there were "zombies" or not, for all we know neaderthals could have been zombies we know so little about them (zombies that liked drawing gazzelle on cave walls). There are zombies in hundreds of different movies and games, people like killing them, why shouldnt swtor have something similar
  8. bargain, knights of the old republic online with my mates and 3200 hours approx of content across both republic and sith sides and classes and advanced classes.. awesome indeed
  9. I encountered this for the first time last night when I went looking for a fight on tatooine and hit exhaustion zones... Really want to electrocute someone as well. Remove exhaustion zones on pvp servers. /signed
  10. ALL mmo's launch, get a load of players on board, players use up their free month, some go, some stay, some new ones join its just how it worked. It happened with WoW, WaR and just about every other game out there, its old news and hardly relevant at this stage. Look at subscription numbers in 6 months, not at birth
  11. trains dont give you refunds if they are delayed why should Bioware.. I am happy to pay and downtime has been necessary and minimal to be fair.
  12. flobbablobba graaak, dalawawa jedi! bungholido moraarggghhos?
  13. I had some difficulty on anderaan as I landed there at lv24 and couldnt hurt the mobs much, so I did some space, pvp and went back for bonus series and do some more on tatooine as I ignored about 70% of it rushing class quest. went back to alderaan at lv26 and carried on with class quests, completing them and act 1 last night at lv28 then getting lv29 on tatooine shortly after whilst just running around whacking things. I left about 40% of the content on each planet as I went though one I learned about getting more companions! so there is a tonne and you should be around lv28 - 30 when you land on alderaan if you dont skip and rush it all like I did.
  14. running at around 40 on load with dual fans and various sinks on card, also using watercooling but thats not for the gpu.. all seems totally fine to me, runs higher on bf3
  15. My 7 alts always have a huge amount of rested xp it does make them very, very fast to level when I use them.. perhaps a bit too fast, but it always balances out in the end
  16. happy with how it is, but have a very powerful computer so would appreciate being able to crank it.
  17. To be fair I would personally like to see no useage restrictions on sabre colours as I like green and blue most but am a nasty sod so cant use them I do however think there should be some, very, very rare ones so you actually achieve something unique(ish) by finding it.
  18. I understand that legacy affects my alts and as I have just hit legacy lv1 on my main I realise that this may be an issue as he is based on the shadow runner wheras my 7 alts at various lvs between 5 - 20 are on another server (where my real life friends are). How can I transfer my main to this server so that it benefits the other characters when legacy starts doing what is planned? I dont want to reroll my character as I am fond of it and am a casual player so lv30 is no small time for me!
  19. Well as a healer I do not think you are in a position to judge if this is happening or not, most likely hes been healing others to achieve this. or simply converting health to energy and healing himself.
  20. have not seen anything solid to indicate this is true, Im a sorc and do heal from time to time in pvp and find results to be fairly in line with what Im casting and its hits when looking at the scores after.
  21. as a sith sorc I tend to focus on willpower + crit got around 20% unbuffed, so thats a 65% with lightning talents I think on crit, which is great for procing wrath. I have not really played around with surge and dont see it often or know what it does exactly. Have started having energy issues in protracted battles and warzones but its generally not too bad unless a hard fight.
  22. Welcome to MMO's and the internet in general where things have to be updated Updates make people cry, not updating makes people cry, pretending to update seems like the best option as people are just cantacirous little toads.
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