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Everything posted by captainmerkin

  1. costing you how exactly? insert dvd install.. patch
  2. it works, keep it.. it doesnt work, change it..
  3. Long distance relationship is currently proving most useful despite its obvious flaws.
  4. Not sure where you make those judgements... I beta tested WoW and then played for several years, I played age of conan (which I personally though had an awful engine) for some time, have played Eve since beta, city of heros, planetside, swg till they removed creature handlers (and then again some time after that for a while), warhammer, everquests.. You can find years of posts across the internet under this very same username relating to all of the above. I did not however play Dark age of camelot so cant give opinion on that, though I heard it was a decent game. What am I missing with the AoC engine? I really found it clunky and slow, really didnt like it (other than some meaty combat bits).
  5. Im not specifically defending the engine, I know sod all about the engine and am basing what I say on my experiences with it, which have been smooth and problem free. If you are having problems with it and I am not, should I base my opinion on the engine around your experiences or mine? Personally I think I will base it on my own which seems somewhat more relevant to me. The problems you mention dont affect me as far as I am aware, therefore I can only assume something is not right with your configuration or how it meshes with the engine, and I hope you get the "fixes" you need and that they dont cause problems for me.
  6. no idea what you are going on about, but I am not having the issues that have been reporting with the engine... trust me if I was I would be screaming bloody murder. well done for spending so much on something that apparently from your tune doesnt work correctly.
  7. well to be fair my rig is fairly powerful and brand new, windows 7 performance score of 7.9 which is as high as it gets if I heard correctly. Game does however run smoothly on my 5 year old rig as well.
  8. broken how? textures are nice enough, game works, Im getting no ability delay, no fps issues..... see a number of people harping on about this but not something that affects me in any way, yes sure there have been a few bugs but nothing worthy of major screaming as of yet. sounds like you need an upgrade more than they do
  9. I have had no problems with the engine, it feels just like any other engine I have used in mmo's though perhaps a little better in places.. what are the issues with it? Ability delay does not affect me, nor fps loss that others are having (running on max settings myself). I would much rather bioware spent the money on plot and character development / content etc.. than on building a new engine from scratch. cant really think of anything missing from it that needs to be there, someone enlighten me?
  10. not sure how you are getting to have such a tough time, there is very little to challenge me at these levels :/ the ocassional champ will cause me to heal up, but everything else all good, especially as a sorc!
  11. Pleased to see development in pvp, its one of the things that is very frustrating at the moment. The mechanics are fine, balance seems reasonable so far though I have yet to test other classes in pvp. My main gripe is with hutball being the only game I can get to play in 9/10 of warzones, I really enjoy the other modes (especially alderaan) but cannot choose them. Please either enable selective warzones or same faction warzones asap. Preferably do both.
  12. so what if they have patched a few little bits that you dont care about one iota? they have also patched plenty that needed it and will continue to do so.. do you really think they used a specialist to type out the baby names? No that specialist was probably used to work on something that required his skills to fix and others were put onto that. grow up and let them patch what they can and will, I have no doubt they will get the more complicated stuff fixed soon
  13. I smell rage I think you avoided looking at the other fixes there old bean, perhaps go dust off the reading specs and have a look through patch notes dating back from 20th Dec 2011 through to 5th Jan 2012 and you may spot a few other things have been patched
  14. christ on a bike.... people complain about lack of patches then they complain about patches then they complain about money they spent you dont get a discount on a bus or train because of time wasted because it stops at every other stop between the one you get on and off at. Stop complaining about pointless stuff, every mmo needs constant updates and patches, get used to it. And consider yourself lucky they have been beating their downtime estimates quite considerably, CCP gave game time only after about 4 years of consistant harrasment because of their failed windows and patch times, I have been in eve since beta and their downtimes are long and excessive in many cases and 1 hour a day as standard was still in place last time I logged in, thus equating to 30 hours a month approx (though they often beat it down), post patch... 10hours to 2 days of downtime. In the 9 years of eve I have played the basic daily outage adds up to over 3,240 hours of downtime, not including the many patches and faults over its 9 years that has led to several days of downtime and long maintenance. I have never once complained massively about game downtime unless it hit several days, its a nesseccary evil in all MMO's... deal with it.
  15. do you guys actually care how someone else finds the game more than how you find it?
  16. id rather they catered for the star wars fans than wow fans, I stopped paying for wow a while ago now I want to pay for starwars. fortuantely thats what I got.
  17. I enjoy the warzones... but.. I can only get in hutball 90% if the time and am sick to death of it. I really enjoy alderaan and the spaceship thing, but cannot get to play them unless I just sit and play 10 - 15 games of huttball first. I used to like hutball as well
  18. cant say I had noticed any issues with textures, looks quite nice on my new beastly machine.. but I dont have anything to compare it to, whereas you apparently do?
  19. they are looking into server transfers, but no news yet.. I also need to move servers with my main.
  20. Jawa...... they are crafty little sh*&s
  21. it most certainly didnt fail and it stood (all be it poorly) the test of time, swg was a great game at launch and for some time after, they unfortunately took the game a direction the players did not want. Im just glad I sold up my force sensitive for £2000 and left when I did.
  22. you are trying to compare a game that is less than a month from launch to one many years old.... were you even there when wow launched and in its beta? I spent nearly a WEEK stuck on a boat in WoW because of a bug that trapped many thousands of people in it, I had around 40 quests before lv25 that could not be completed, had missing npcs, some didnt even have complete text or objectives added to them, my hunters pet vanished for nearly an entire day every time I tried to summon it, there was massive lag, server downtime on a huge scale, pathing issues like nothing I have ever seen before or since. WoW was a very incomplete product when it was launched and these exact threads were rampant all over their forums, which is WHY those issues eventually were fixed. Dont even get me started on eve online Look around you, everything from your camera to your phone and even your toaster is now expected to recieve patches and upgrades from the day you purchase for many years onwards.. I remember playing games that you could not patch because they were on a sodding audio cassette, now console games require patching on day one even if they are single player.. Now tell me just what did you expect with swtor?
  23. well I did say last year it would likely be gone with this round the corner... ah well at least that frees up the IP license for others to use in future
  24. If you would like to play a star wars game based around "modern" star wars, then I suggest you go play star wars galaxies.. as the license is already in use it is highly unlikely that anyone else could use it for a product so similar. Bioware also took a shine to the old republic and this is their puppy.
  25. I would suggest you write a formal complaint to the address of bioware rather than asking on the forums.. In short you are however not entitled to a refund as this game is a digital non returnable product which you have used. Somewhat considered in the same bracket as a used **** mag. good luck to you
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