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Everything posted by JeffrenBrek

  1. Surely BW is going to run out of 3rd Party Factions sooner rather than later. After Vitiate I can't think of anyone else for Republic/Empire to team up on.
  2. Did I seriously see someone try to claim Talzin is more powerful than the Sith Emperor? Surely not...
  3. Not a fan of TCW/Rebels, but Traviss' work is just as bad. I mean, it's just utterly laughable how overpowered she makes the Mandalorians in LOTF. Two random Mandalorians nearly kill Jacen in Revelation, Tahiri gets outright destroyed by random Mandalorians, the superb uber Mandalorians single handedly beat back anything the Vong threw at them, and after about two Chapters in Sacrifice the entire galaxy is scared of Mandalore because reasons. If that's not favoritism, I don't know what is.
  4. It's a factor in low level PvP, so it should be looked at. If you still only spam Force Storm even in 60 PvP you're likely bad anyways.
  5. JeffrenBrek

    Cheaters in Pvp

    Yeah, why a group of Sorcs that spawn camp and obliterate everything that lands could be a problem, I literally have no idea. Some people in this thread
  6. Honestly SPC, you have no right to trash talk anyone.
  7. I found the caps used for REGULATORS obnoxious.
  8. Why would anyone need a mentor for playing AP PT? A donkey could play that.
  9. The Ebon Hawk was a ship in the Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic.
  10. He said top tier pub PvPers. Tell me how that possibily applies to Republic? On Topic though: Yes, ever since 3.0 hit Reps have been utterly woeful. For the live of me I don't understand what on earth happened. Yes, you can point to some good PvPers leaving but it's really the pugs that act as if their brain has been stolen after 3.0 hit. I see so many Sages with stats like 160k Damage and 90 Healing, Guardians that don't break 150k damage and Vanguards that don't peform nearly as well as their class is capable of.
  11. All hail the glorious Supreme Leader.
  12. Take your pick. Either works, but I'd like to add the PvEr that queues for PvP in Yavin gear and is absolutely terrible.
  13. Once again PvPers suffer because PvE bads want their conquest fixed. /Discuss /Thread
  14. This was good entertainment. Thanks.
  15. SPC complaining about about other players being bad. Irony at it's finest.
  16. The banter if the VIP is a Merc or Marauder.
  17. This thread is a new classic. Mercs have the ability to make people pay. Hilarious.
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