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Everything posted by JeffrenBrek

  1. Imagine actually thinking this server is dead though.
  2. No problem getting queues. Quality of the pugs is a different matter.
  3. 30-59 PvP is even worse though. Yes, 60 can be frustrating and unbalanced but playing a lvl 30 against a lvl 59? Have fun with that.
  4. I predict the first flame fest will break out by the time this thread has two pages.
  5. Reminds me of the old Engineer/Lethality Sniper build where all you did was just throw both of your grenades. Looked good on the scoreboard, but did absolutely nothing in terms of the overall match.
  6. I'm sure PTs are screaming in horror as their class is nerfed into the ground.
  7. When something as poor as that looks good, imagine how good an actual new Space Sim would be.
  8. I've been banned from game and forum for a week.
  9. Kudos to you if you are a Sniper and are actually trying to play it in ranked. Especially with the amount of Hatred Sins around.
  10. Parts of it work together, others completely disregard each other. An easy example: I'd say about 85 % of the series contradicts the comics.
  11. Nihilus lightsaber fighting style is probably that of a Vengeance Juggernaut. Anything else, he is most definetely a Sorc. And considering he loves draining people as well as fire lightning, he's most close to a Madness Sorc. As for Sion, yeah most definetely Immortal Juggernaut.
  12. I am in a good state, by the way, thank you for asking.
  13. For the love of everything don't wear Yavin or gear above it in WZs. Please. I'm tired of seeing 3 PvE Heroes get obliterated in an instant because of 1.2k Expertise.
  14. Operative, Sorc, Merc. In that order.
  15. I don't think you read my post thoroughly enough.
  16. The ISD thing is a myth. The shield generators are actually not exposed, although video games like to make it seem that way. The reason it worked on the Executor was because it was being pounded by virtually the entire Rebel Fleet.
  17. Not quite correct. All we know about Mandalore during the Yuuzhan Vong war came from Traviss' LOTF books and her E-Novella Boba Fett: A practical Man, unless you want to count the small cameo Boba has in the final NJO book. And no, he does have trouble with them. They even manage to slash his knee or leg, if I recall correctly. He does s laughter a bunch of Mandalorians in Invincible, but that was different book by a different author. I agree, Tahiri is certainly not a top-tier Force User of the area but she's no push over either. She should be able to handle a few Mandalorians given the ordeals she went through. But her character got utterly butchered post NJO anyways, so who knows where Tahiri stands. I concede that point. What annoyed me was the fact that suddenly everyone got scared of the Mandalorians. New technology or not, they were still pretty ravaged and had no real manpower. A few elite Commandos that can take on an army? Sure. Enough to wage a galactic wide war? No. But this is only a minor point. I don't mind that. What I mind is the needless amount of Mandalorian that has nothing to do with the plot. I felt Bobas Wife plot was completely out of place and served no purpose at all. I feel the same about her Republic Commando novels. I absolutely loved the first one, the second was okay but after that it turned into a Mando Lovefest/Jedi bashing affair. On the other hand, I do agree she gets a lot of unjustified stick, like how Mara died. I felt that was handled perfectly well and don't quite understand the complaints.
  18. Well, he's right. There are no players on Jung Ma, server's dead.
  19. I try not to flame people, but when they act like complete braindeads I sometimes cannot help it. If I see someone is struggling because of simple mistakes that are easy to fix, I generally try to help them though.
  20. Did some ranked WZs, not a single bit of lag during any of them.
  21. There's only one Lizard on this server.
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