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Everything posted by Reginlief

  1. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to do it in solos with a hybrid sage healer spec. Sages are actually a really strong class in solos.
  2. There was no win-trading here. I will admit I did some queue syncing with others but we didn't always get on the same team and if we got on opposite teams we treated it like a real match. Nobody that I play with throws matches, I think that's lame.
  3. For the record my Vanguard is actually slightly undergeared. Yes I have my set bonus and everything but most of my gear is on the imperial side. My Powertech is min/max 67s. For example, I have a really crappy relic with no augment that I never bothered to replace since I rarely play pubside. Pretty much everything on my left side also has level 50 augments (+18 Aim, +12 End) except the bracers. http://i.imgur.com/JVeSjts.png
  4. The problem is, you could just get really lucky in the first 10 matches. There are people with over 100 matches played with 1400~ rating that are struggling to get to 1500.
  5. A friend of mine mentioned the other day that you could achieve tier 1 rating in your first 10-12 games of Ranked Warzone Arenas. I was lucky enough to be able to confirm this and capture a screenshot of it right after my 10th match of solo ranked. http://i.imgur.com/VpvDBwt.png Did you guys (developers) realize how easy it was to achieve top tier rewards? Now I can retire after 10 games if I want to. Why is so much emphasis placed on those first 10 games as opposed to any other(s) you play? http://i.imgur.com/vAwKTYt.jpg
  6. A friend of mine mentioned the other day that you could achieve tier 1 rating in your first 10-12 games of Ranked Warzone Arenas. I was lucky enough to be able to confirm this and capture a screenshot of it right after my 10th match of solo ranked. http://i.imgur.com/VpvDBwt.png Did you guys (developers) realize how easy it was to achieve top tier rewards? Now I can retire after 10 games if I want to. Why is so much emphasis placed on those first 10 games as opposed to any other(s) you play? http://i.imgur.com/vAwKTYt.jpg
  7. Pyro Powertech levelling through PvP http://www.twitch.tv/rejinleaf
  8. Pyro Powertech levelling through PvP http://www.twitch.tv/rejinleaf
  9. Let's be realistic here, Focus needs some kind of nerf. It's been OP since launch, the only other spec that was nearly as OP was Assault Vanguard and that got nerfed into the ground. I'm not saying that Focus should be nerfed into the ground, but it needs a fair nerf. I like Andrew's idea of having the leaps apply a single target debuff, one at a time, with possible %25 dmg increase to non-debuffed targets if that is too much of a nerf. IMO, the other replies disagreeing with this are people who play Focus and don't want their precious OP spec to get nerfed. From a neutral point of view it's easy to agree that it needs some sort of nerf.
  10. My operative's name is "Cull'Me'Maybe". I play heals spec. Some people whisper me saying "playing lethality??" No, the idea is that I will cleanse as a healer before a sniper/gunslinger culls.
  11. I wouldn't say it's boring on this server (because you don't play the same team over and over usually) but it will definitely be nice once server transfers ACTUALLY come out so we can see/play against some of these new teams. In fact most nights I've run recently it feels like we'll play 6-8 games against 3-5 different teams, may not seem like many matches but certain people have to be up for work early thus we cannot drag the ranked pvp into the wee hours. Point is, we're playing different teams and not just losing to/winning against the same one over and over again, which most would find boring. I say this because the server I was previously on was a PvE server and it was rare to have more than two teams queueing at one time, if any at all.
  12. So are you guys transferring or not? haha
  13. Wow lol, so many essays have been written on this thread since I last checked it. Damn. Hurry up and get over to PoT5 so I can play with/against you
  14. It was never serious. Nobody voted for you and you put yourself on there.
  15. I already have 55s on PoT5 and I can tell you it has been the best experience I've had playing this game so far. The East Coast PvP server is where you belong if PvP is your main focus... It's that simple. Larger pool of talented players, thus more guilds that want to run rateds. Wider variety of team compositions and strategy. Of course there are bads too, as there are on any server. I can name 3 republic guilds off the top of my head that make me cringe when I see them on my team... It's just how it is. You might get the wrong impression if you get stuck playing 1 or 2 games with these terrible premades. But IMO the average pug is much more aware of objectives and how to work together to win the warzone. All this being said, if they make transfers PER CHARACTER, I will most likely move two or three from Shadowlands -> PoT5 that I don't have over there.
  16. Churb uses my account too, and that was him talking to you.
  17. SO many things should have been available a year ago. I'm the exact same way with originally rolling pve (friends/first mmo), and finding out that pvp was a lot more entertaining. Also, what was the reason for Invalid Target leaving? They were really good competition for you for a while no? I had work tonight but Yoda and the others did ranked for like 6 hours, played at least 4 different teams, when I got home from work at 1am they were still going and rotated me in. You guys are going to have a blast over here. Can't wait.
  18. On PoT5 I would say Imperials do better in regular warzones; there are a LOT of bad republic premades, but in rateds the top Republic teams have the upper hand at the moment. In regulars it can really go either way, it's pretty competitive and lots more fun.
  19. Uhuhuhhhhh I love you cayl. give me a kiss
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