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Everything posted by Talkative

  1. Top ranked merc award is like the smelliest piece of garbage award. Probably not something you want to brag about.
  2. I don't think this thread can receive enough attention.
  3. Nah, we say it. We're not in the majority though. There's actually three significant kinds of PvPers: the Raider Who Is Bored, the ultra-casual who only does PvP because other stuff requires time, the "hardcore" PvPer who is actually relying on gear crutches to maintain their advantage over new entrants because PvP is "their thing." There are more, obviously, but those are the three largest groups I've encountered. I played WoW back in vanilla, as a Paladin, and got Sulfuron because my guild felt bad for me basically existing to buff the raid (vanilla WoW was really awful, something lots of people seem to forget). I proceeded to decimate everyone in battlegrounds and open world PvP. It as a marked difference. Why? Because Blizzard made raid gear so exceptionally better than the honor gear that there was a horrendous gap that could not really be closed with skill. All BioWare needs to do is delete expertise and create a new template for every type that emphasizes Endurance even more. That'll be the template PvP gear uses. Raiders won't be "forced" to PvP to get it because they can just get crafters to make them equivalent item modifications for their slotted gear if they so desire the heavy Endurance gear (although I have no idea why they would). Heck, use the same loot for both PvE and PvP as long as the item drops for PvP stay random out of those bags. Nobody will honestly give a crap.
  4. Nothing to do with it.
  5. Most constructive post of the day...until now. U mad?
  6. File this under things to immediately regret. Kind of like OP's name.
  7. They're not identical, they're similar. There's a difference.
  8. Learn to ESDF is probably all that needs to be said in response to OP.
  9. Huttball is there to prevent that. I rerolled Repub to avoid Huttball, although I had wanted to go Repub from the beginning.
  10. This isn't going to happen for a long time it looks like. There's still a lot of wait and see left before they start trying to really balance servers and factions, let alone people's WZ queue times. As long as they don't start talking about WoW-style arenas PvP in the game should be fine, although Ilum could use some work. Right now we just run around trading caps with the opposite faction for quest completion. There's no real incentive to take/hold Ilum.
  11. It takes a lot more awareness and skill to successfully heal in PvP which is why it's absolutely mind-boggling that they receive the fewest medals. Like I said, I quit my healer entirely. He was geared for and capable of Eternity Vault. Now he's shelved probably forever because of frustrations with a single system. But it's fine. I've got my Scoundrel now. I'm happy.
  12. Actually the big reason Alliance outnumbered Horde (and they did, and it was quite significant) was because Alliance had Paladins for their buffs and their Priests had anti-fear shield. Ergo summa raiding was much easier for Alliance than it was for Horde. I got recruited right out of my Alliance guild when BC came around to play a Paladin for a Horde guild on Mal'Ganis. I was hardly the only one. It was probably the only time Paladins were ever wanted (kidding). As for SWTOR's faction imbalance problem? It'll resolve itself. The person who said classes are mirrors is an idiot and obviously doesn't have a clue.
  13. Yep. Not worth the waste of time that is healing in PvP in this system. Good luck getting PvP to be enjoyable when there are no healers and everyone is just training everyone else and no objectives can be accomplished. Especially looking at you Huttball, you horrible, horrible waste of a warzone.
  14. It had a lot more to do with Anakin and his squad advancing at the speed of plot than anything substantive to point to and say "that's why."
  15. Eh, Mako is okay. Her actual storyline is way more interesting (no spoilers, but it's very well done) than romancing her wherein she has about all the facility of the socially awkward computer nerd she is. About as unfulfilling as the Risha romance for Smugglers, actually. Which is odd when you consider that the worst relationships really ought to be the ones involving Jedi.
  16. You're thinking of codependency's evil twin brother dependency.
  17. Healing is so incredibly important to PvP success that I've just stopped doing it entirely for the lack of returns. I realize the Warhammer team has some stupid ideas about PvP, but let's be serious BioWare: fire them and hire a team that isn't dumb. Keep in mind this is the team that managed to run PvP into the ground in a game designed to be focused around continuous open world PvP. I think that really says everything that needs to be said.
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