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Everything posted by Talkative

  1. Hold on. Let me parse this. "Level 19 Scoundrel does not get focused when out of stealth." Really? Because I mean I know I focus level 19s ALL THE TIME in PvP. When you get high enough to have developed a reputation (40s at least) you'll find the other team -- particularly good players -- will expend a lot of effort trying to keep you out of hiding if not focusing on you the second you drop out of stealth. The real skill in Scoundrel/Op play isn't button-mashing, it's running away. The better you are at pillar humping and fleeing the more successful you'll be. But yeah, expect to get focused if you're any good and you keep PvPing. They want you out of the fight and fast.
  2. Retired my healer. Healers please do the same.
  3. They picked the server name because it sounded cool.
  4. I deleted my map. What do? But seriously: premade or deal with bad pugs. It's not like this is a surprising new choice.
  5. Also separate queue for premades and I'm all about it.
  6. So quest? We're not even sure what Legacy levels will mean. For all you know it'll all be social stuff you don't care about.
  7. I could get behind OP. I feel bad for the guys who have already hard grinded valor, though. You definitely won't get the support of the badiators who need the gear imbalance to compete, though.
  8. They decided it was fair for PvPers to suffer RNG the same as PvErs. It's not an unsound decision. Stop behaving like spoiled children.
  9. So to summarize you're bad and get ganked by level 20s in green gear so you're cancelling subscription. Am I getting this right?
  10. I'm going to farm you either way. Just grind it out.
  11. No. Because if there is ever arena BW will simply lose customers left and right.
  12. Huttball is neither more nor less frustrating as ranged. Being on a pug team is what ruins it.
  13. Those of us who know how to PvP may realize it's an awful mechanic, but plenty of badiators love it because it does exactly what you say: provides an enormous crutch over ungeared opponents.
  14. Vivendi doesn't own Blizzard. Blizzard is technically a subsidiary of Activision, which is publicly traded. So blaming Vivendi is like blaming KFC for SWTOR PvP.
  15. Fact. I recall logging out to go to bed only to log in the following morning and find the same AV match still going on. You knew ALL the players by their name. People flat out fled from me because I had Sulfuras except some of the better geared folks on Horde side. We'd have epic duels in the midfield until some newb would try to gank one or the other. That is what Ilum should aspire to and why cross-server PvP destroys PvP. Without the sense of community provided by a single server with a major battlefield to control the PvP scene just boils down to who cranks the most and whose crits are biggest. One of the things that made AV such a fierce battleground was that you knew everyone and you were always out to prove yourself. Provide an awesome global buff for Ilum control and set it up similarly to AV and you will have happy players.
  16. Re: MVP voting. Mine always goes to the top healer, even if it's obviously me and my medpac. Because BW apparently does not understand that dedicated healers are much more efficient than part-timers and thus you will get many more of the former than the latter. So...they can't get the medals, they ought to get the MVP vote.
  17. AFKers happen. If BW takes the right approach, banning these people should cut down the AFKing a bit, especially with the unfriendliness of the PvP gear progression.
  18. Talkative

    Valor rank 41

    Fully geared at the same. RNG is RNG. Welcome to the pain raiders go through. Don't worry though: the gear grind will be over quickly relatively speaking and then you can post about how you're cancelling because there's no reason to PvP any more.
  19. When I tell you not to get peeled off the door chasing a kill and you immediately do just that, you're the idiot. Just to be clear. There are decent pubs and great pubs and crappy pubs. It takes someone who has been called out for losing warzones several times to make a suggestion like this. Name and shame I say. Get these scrubs learned or burned.
  20. Real PvPers will do what we always do: grind it out.
  21. It'd be really hard to pay the licensing fees as free-to-play. So I'm doubtful.
  22. Talkative


    When there are dozens if not hundreds of people who actually have Biochem maxed out telling BW it's OP...it's OP. Just disallow non-PvP consumables in PvP. It will still be the best for operations, but hey, whatever.
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