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Everything posted by Aerion

  1. I doubt that anybody who actually is good at playing his class will feel the need to call other players "bads", also "I played X since beta", just... just don't use this argument it's not nearly as impressiv as you think, if you think Guardians are the summit of awesome, good for you, but people still have the right to voice their opinion without having to listen to you going on about how bad they are because you are such a pro. Anyway you should work on your reading/comprehension skill since I've been saying for multiple pages, that I think that Knights don't need a buff, but a tweak of some of their mechanics. Now read carefully: The Force Push change was a nice buff but it neither improved aoe aggro generation for tanks, nor did it make DPS Guardians less squishy or, aside from specific situations, less kiteable.
  2. Should I even bother to reply to that? Probably not, but here we go. Nobody says that Knights are broken, just not being as good as other tanks and having some issues regarding effective combat range and surviability. But I think I see the problem now, if you can get your opponents down to 65% health before they even take 5% of your health, you just happen to play agianst the worst players imaginable.
  3. Well I obviously can't grasp the full implications of this buff since I'm nowhere as pro as you, but yes I think I've got a basic understanding, however my points still stand: Force Push was hardly useful before and the buff only adressed, not fixed, one of the Guardians issues, and only in specific circumstances.
  4. The fact that Forse Push now resets Force Leap was a buff true, but it was needed to make Force Push actually useful and didn't really do anything to fix the Guardians issues. The cooldown reduce of Enure was a buff, too, but again, it wasn't really what Guardians needed, since Enure isn't all that useful if you don't have a healer on standby and it surely didn't fix the Guardians surviability issues. And the change to Freezing Force wasn't a buff or a tweak, it was a bugfix. So you were able to get to 50, PvP and run HM Flashpoint? Great, so do I and everybody else, nobody said Guardians can't do well, but the other classes can do better. Also nobody is beating on people who like their Guardian, heck I love my Guardian, do you think otherwise I would spend my time posting here? But the "lololol l2p noob" attitude isn't helpful because, again nobody says that Guardians are broken, they are however at a disadventage.
  5. Of course easier is better, provided a players skill stays the same he will perform better with an easier class, it's not like there's a limit on how good you can get, aside from that, they aren't just easier to play, they can do thinks Knights just can't. Also we didn't had any tweaks unless you count "Force Push now resets Force Leap".
  6. He wouldn't have a point anyway, nobody is saying that you can't be a good Guardian, it's just that you can be better by investing the same amount of work with pretty much every other class in the same role.
  7. I was mainly talking about the DPS specs. Since I've never tanked any Hard Modes or Operations, I can't really judge how the Defense spec holds up, should have mentioned that.
  8. I agree with the general sentiment, even if not with every detail, of this statement. I think the current problem of the Guardian isn't that he can't perform well, but that it is a lot harder for him to do so, and even if you're a good player, which I claim to be, there are still some handicaps namely like Jeffery, GarfieldJL (and the Devs) said: Antikiting and survivability. All in all I think the Knight doesn't need an outright buff, but some tweaking of his combat mechanics.
  9. It depends how you define "fine", Knights as a whole are not necessarily weaker than other classes, but they are harder to play and can't perform well in situation that don't necessarily give other classes problems, so their effectiv performance is lagging.
  10. Of course there is no need for every talent in the Defense tree to be defensive, I never said that, but if a tank/DPS hybrid spec is better at tanking than a pure tank spec, like you suggest, then something is wrong. Just like a DPS spec should make you a DPS and not a Offtank like some people in this thread seem to think.
  11. Why should they? Shouldn't a full tank build be better at tanking than a tank/DPS hybrid build?
  12. I have to diagree with that, not with the tanking part, since I haven't tanked any Hard Modes or Operations yet I can't really talk about that, but with the DPS part; if you pick a Advanced Class that is listed as DPS and you spec into one of its DPS trees than you have every right to expect it to perform just as well as any other DPS class/spec.
  13. You know OP, calling people who voice complains that you don't agree with QQers is not really constructive. However lets look at the points you list: 1. We have one of the highest burst dps in the game, achieved through the focus build. That's true, I personaly don't like the way the Focus spec plays, but I can't say that it doesn't deal high burst damage, still I think that the highest burstdamage is dealt by Rogues/Operatives, but that's not the point. 2. We have one of the best MAINTAINED dps in the game, through the Vigilance spec. Again, I won't disagree that the Vigilance spec deals good maintained damage, I don't know if it's the best, and I doubt that anyone can say it for sure, in theory, but there are other problems in practice, I'll get to them later. 3. We can tank pretty darn well, and off tank any time. Yes we can tank pretty darn well, but the other tanks can do it just as well if not better, so I don't see how this makes us the best class. 4. The way we create mana ( focus, force bar) is unique in that we can create our own focus by just attacking guys instead of waiting for the bar to eiher to cooldown or regen. The truth is that all classes are in an constant equilibrium of gaining and spending resources, a Knight can just as well be focus starved as a Consular can go OOF or a Bounty Hunter can overheat, there are different styles of resources, but none is superior. 5. Honestly, you so called Tankers( Soresu ) "think" your weak. Think again. You guys take forever to kill, its disgusting. And don't get me started on how many defensive CD's you guys have. If I had to make a list of classes that are hard to kill Defense Knights would probably be somewhere in the middle. Serveral classes are a lot harder to kill and most of them hit harder. And the many cooldowns (three if you count in Enure) are part of what many Defensers complain about: They have barely any Damagemigration without them. Now lets get to the problems I mentioned earlier: Most of your points are true, if exaggerated, but they are not the problem people complain about, the real problem is that Knights have to work harder than any other class to archive the same results. They have to use more abilitys, watch more cooldowns and procs, they have to work just to stay in combat range and they have it a lot harder to prevent enemys from capturing turrets or plant/defuse bombs. This is what people complain about, nobody says that Knights are simply underpowered, but they are at an disadventage because they are by far the hardest class to play.
  14. This is the current problem of the Jedi Knight, he needs to utilise far more abilitys, cooldowns and proccs than other classes to get the same result. Furthermore the Jedi Knight lacks the utility and adaptability of other classes and is therefore far more reliant on his teamates or favourable situations to fully use his potential.
  15. Weil Medipacks nur einen Spieler betreffen und niemanden Stunnen.
  16. A lot of players feel that certain skilltrees are viable only in PvE and less useful in PvP, or the other way around. Is this intentional or is it your ultimate goal in regards to class balance to have every skilltree be viable in every kind of content?
  17. Das stimmt zwar, aber sollte es so sein? Ich denke ein DD sollte nicht plötzlich zum Offtank werden vor allem dann nicht wenn andere DDs problemlos mehr Gesamtschaden verursachen und unter Umständen nebenbei trotzdem noch Schaden verhindern bzw heilen können. Außerdem ist es meiner Erfahrung nach überhaupt nicht sinnvoll als Wachsamkeit gespeccter Ritter in Soresu Form PvP zu bestreiten.
  18. Since a lot of players feel that some classes have more/better/more useful ways to utilise CC and Utility in PvP and that some classes are weaker against these kind of abilitys, could you explain your stance on the subject?
  19. Grundsätzlich kann man sagen dass Tank Gefährten kein Problem damit haben Aggro zu halten, wohl aber damit am Leben zu bleiben, daher sind die wichtigsten Stats für sie: Ausdauer > Verteidigungswertung > Schildwertung > Absorbationswertung Ausrüstung für T7, und Droiden allgemein, erhält man fast ausschließlich durch Questbelohnungen, Cybertech und Markenhändler allerdings sind die meisten Droidenteile, auch die nicht orangen, modifizierbar so dass man nicht ständig neue Teile braucht. Übrigens, dass T7 nicht viel aushält muss, wie schon angedeutet, nicht zwingend an schlechter Ausrüstung liegen, momentan haben Tank Gefährten allgemein, auch mit angemessener Ausrüstung, eine eher kurze Lebensdauer.
  20. Exactly my opinion. However people who quit should be kept from joining a new WZ for at least 15 minutes, long enougth that quiting a losing battle istn't efficient, not for the sake of their teamates, who probably are better of without them, but for the sake of the player who has to take their place by joining into a battle that's already lost.
  21. You actually have to be a good player to achieve with a Jedi Knight what other classes can achieve by facerolling, and if you ask me that is a form of UP even if the problem are class- and combat mechanics and not the raw numbers. Also like several people have said: Aoe spamming your way to 400k damage doesn't mean that the class is OP especially since a Jedi Knight who actually plays in a way that benefits his team won't even come close to numbers like that, 99% of the time.
  22. (It's technically a bounty hunter song, but it fits the Smuggler's attitude much better.)
  23. You are aware that Strike build Focus too, right?
  24. I think removing the cooldown of Sundering Strike is less of a Focus and more of a rotation issue, however if the cooldown should ever be removed Victory Rush would need to be changed.
  25. Leveln ist mit keiner Klasse schwierig, obwohl es mit dem Kopfgeldjäger/Soldaten deutlich einfacher ist als mit dem Jedi Ritter/ Sith Krieger; wirkliche Unterschiede tun sicher erst im Endgame, vor allem im PvP auf.
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