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Everything posted by Tmanarl

  1. Congrats to The Order of Sixty-Six and Solatium for their HM kills! Does anyone know if this is a server first? Dreadful Entity kills haven't been tracked thus far, and I can't recall if anyone else has ever claimed a kill before. Either way, that's a pretty big accomplishment. Congrats Epic!
  2. Sorry Te'fia, no offense or shenanigans. You caught me in the middle of reformatting the Legacy tab to try to make it cleaner/more clear for those guilds who had finished content before 2.0, while still showing those that made progress after. My goal was to have 2 separate sections of the tab, listing the before and after, therefore several listings were in the process of being moved. Nothing was lost though. The more I worked on it, the messier it got so I'm reverting it back to the original code and closing off the Legacy tab from updates. No asterisks, no before/after 2.0, nothing. It should be correct now, but please double check.
  3. Good catch; that was a typing error on my part. Yes, if a guild would like to include their progress on legacy content, I will add it into the Legacy tab. However I have marked all entries that are added or changed after 2.0 with a (*) symbol. This way the achievements of those guilds who completed it prior to 2.0 will continue to be recognized.
  4. Updates are in. Sorry, I was out of town all last week but should be caught up now. Got your updates, some things were already listed but I've added the others. Post a screenshot of the HM Dash fight when you get it and I'll add that in as well. Congrats on the kills for everyone else as well!
  5. I tried to kill Thorazine yesterday in the PVP area...I got squashed.
  6. Wow! Congrats to both Ascension and EPIC for their kills on NiM TfB! As far as this thread is concerned, you are the first to claim it correctly and the screenshots back it up as so. Your progress will be documented. Keep it up!
  7. I will have some conflicts coming up over the next week and a half or so. After that I am free as a bird.
  8. So then don't use the droid parts for the kit. Use something that is cheap to make with mats, like earpieces. The kit you receive from REing is standard. They are all the same no matter what piece of high level gear you RE. Meaning, whether I RE a high level droid part that costs many mats to make or a high level earpiece which takes a few mats, I still get the same result: 1 MK-9 kit component.
  9. I've done this fight on 4 toons now, all different classes. Here's what you do: Pull out your healing companion. Completely ignore the adds. Stand to the side of the boss and attack. Use your interrupt when he channels Gravity Well. Simply step aside when the boss channels the big laser. Rinse, repeat and profit.
  10. Ask the people in your guild if anyone can make them. If you're not in a guild, get in one! Between all my guildies, we can craft every max level augment in the game. Most of the time they just want the 4 purple mats and will churn one right out for you. My main is the only one that is full augmented. She is a cybertech, which makes earpieces that can be REd for the kit pieces. All it takes is 1 or 2 runs of HM Hammer Station to scavenge the mats. Easy.
  11. It wasn't rude; it was a valid point. I've had a sub since Day 1 and I have around 3,600 cc in the bank. I've never paid a dime for any of them, so I fail to see why you couldn't have done the same?
  12. My guild runs ops on Thursday nights starting at 5pm pst, and Sunday mornings at 8am pst. Most evening other than Sunday night I am available.
  13. Let me clarify, when it comes to the most challenging content in the game, which in this case would be 55 level Nightmare mode operations, any guild claiming a kill using exploits or any means not originally intended by the developers WILL NOT be counted towards progression or server first clears. This is in effort to protect the integrity of this thread, our server reputation as well as the guilds putting forth the effort to clear it how it was intended.
  14. Grab a beer, grab a seat, it’s time for a “Come To Jesus” speech. Let me start by quoting the very last thing I said before all Hell broke loose: This was and still is my wish for us, but after 2 days, MULTIPLE PMs and 8 pages in this thread (3 of which are actual on-topic progression), it is clear to me that this is not the case. Friendly being the word that I was hoping to get across. What has transpired here recently is anything but. Let’s start by identifying the overlying issues arising from this thread: 1. Should the NiM Dash’roode kill by REIGN be tracked in this thread and counted towards progression? 2. Should they be recognized with a “server first” distinction? 3. Should any kill by any guild that uses hacks, exploits, or tactics recognizably departing from the norm be tracked in this thread and counted towards progression? 4. If a single member of a guild makes disrespectful, sexist and vile comments on a public forum towards another guild or individual, should the entire guild be held responsible? Let’s go through these 1 at a time. 1. Should the NiM Dash’roode kill by REIGN be tracked in this thread and counted towards progression? This to me is a moot point as the declaration did not follow the pre-established ground rules discussed in the original post regarding screenshotting as proof of the kill. Here is a quote from the pertinent section: These rules were established at the creation of this thread to circumvent the issues that arose with the closing of the previous. As the pictures linked in the pages that followed did not satisfy the primary requirement of the screenshot being taken while still inside the instance, the kill will not count towards progression. To me there is a sliding level of leeway when it comes to claims of boss kills. Any claims to boss kills on story mode do not require any kind of proof. These fights are certainly within reach of most competent guilds who approach them, and requiring a screenshot as proof will only waste everyone’s time, yours and mine included. Either way, if someone wishes to make a false claim of a story mode boss kill, they have their own problems (which I will discuss later). Hard mode boss kills do require a certain level of proof, as the increase in difficulty also decreases the number of guilds who will successfully down it, thereby raising the chances of false claims being laid. A screenshot with obvious proof is thereby required. Nightmare mode, ESPECIALLY for newly-released content which is currently the most difficult in the game, will require fairly rigid, undeniable proof. This is content that a very small percentage of guilds who attempt it will complete successfully. If there is any room for doubt on a claim of a Nightmare mode boss kill, it more than likely will not be acceptable. These rules are fair, equitable and only serve to uphold the integrity of this thread as well as the raiding community on Begeren Colony. 2. Should they be recognized with a “server first” distinction? This also is irrelevant as the proper protocol was not followed. Fairly plainly written. In other progression threads I have viewed, this is the common, accepted practice. I have a feeling that server first distinctions are not terribly important to most guilds on our server, which is perfectly alright. If you want that distinction and are truly racing for it, toss in a clock. 3. Should any kill by any guild that uses hacks, exploits, or tactics recognizably departing from the norm be tracked in this thread and counted towards progression? Here’s where the situation gets most convoluted and is frankly a difficult problem to come to a decision on. So many people feel VERY strongly on both sides of this issue that it will be impossible to come to a conclusion that will satisfy all parties. So let’s talk about it first. I used 3 terms in the question that while similar, all mean something different, however, from a certain perspective could all mean the same thing. Hack. A “hack” is probably the most self-explanatory one. It is the malicious breaking into game systems to achieve something not added, intended or accepted by the game developers. This term has the most negative connotation out of the 3. Example: using a 3rd party system to hack the game to alter your character’s health pool would be considered a hack. While this is not acceptable to me or any rational player, it is also against the Terms of Service and could result in action against your account. Obviously boss kills achieved with “hacks” are not accepted. Exploit. I have seen multiple definitions of this, all typically carrying the slant of the person giving it. I have seen things like, “the intentional utilization of specific game systems in a manner not intended by the game developers to achieve a certain goal”, or “pulling a boss to a certain location in order to mitigate certain mechanics of the fight”, or even “cheating”. This is tricky, as it really comes down to the person viewing the situation to determine their thoughts on it. I will save my thoughts until after discussing the last term: tactics recognizably departing from the norm. This would include such things as: • Standing on the ship parked next to Captain Grimyk in order to avoid any damage from the adds in Cademimu. • Pulling Thrasher from his arena into the sarlacc pit, killing him instantly. • Pulling Dash’roode out of the sandstorm, thereby mitigating several fight mechanics. • Grouping with players many levels higher than you in order to gain massive experience during Double XP Weekend on Ilum while the Gree Event was occurring. These are 4 examples (of which there are numerous more) that I pulled off the top of my head. All 4 of these are examples of situations where players can manipulate their surroundings in order to mitigate certain mechanics or make things easier to achieve their desired goal. I think everyone will admit that these examples are “tactics recognizably departing from the norm”. Out of these 4 however, only 2 of them have different distinctions. 2 of these were altered by Bioware to prevent said action from continuing. The Thrasher example was discovered while on the PTS and was fixed before making it to live, and the Ilum example was fixed after the second time it occurred. This is where I would draw the line between an exploit and using your surroundings to your advantage; does Bioware do anything about it? Some things might be too trivial for them to worry about and they don’t bother changing it. Some situations might arise where a group uses their surroundings to their benefit in a way the developers never even imagined, and perhaps they chalk it up to player creativity and leave it in-game. Or perhaps even still, (and this might blow some minds), maybe the developers intentionally provided a way out, just to see what would happen? Why else do you think a shuttle craft is parked so conveniently near the Grimyk fight? It’s certainly not for looks as the entire fight happens underneath a large smuggler type craft. Grimyk didn’t use it to fly there, he has his own ship. While I am not advocating for or against the Dash’roode “technique”, as it has not yet been addressed by Bioware, we have to consider it a tactic that recognizably departs from the norm. Now, before anyone gets in a tizzy, let me finish. I have a lot more to say. 4. If a single member of a guild makes disrespectful, sexist and vile comments on a public forum towards another guild or individual, should the entire guild be held responsible? This was probably the most disturbing portion of the thread that I had to read. What was posted was absolutely one of the most despicable things I have ever read, ESPECIALLY as it was posted (presumably) by a member of our server, directed towards another member of our server. While at the time of this posting, the post in question had been removed by moderators, the damage was certainly already done. I read it, I had the post PMed to me by other concerned community members, and in what was probably most disturbing of all, a user from outside our server and country for that matter saw the post and felt the desire to express his/her disgust. Now, I do not know this person, or even if they are truly from another country, but I couldn’t help but think, “What if this is the only exposure they have to our server. What will they think?” Will they think the entire server is full of sexist bigots? Will they think this kind of behavior is acceptable to us, or even encouraged?? Now expand that thinking from this one person to everyone who visits our server forum. Is this the kind of impression we want to give to others? In driving home tonight, I had a lot of time to think about how I would respond to this issue. While going back and forth between issues, I kept coming back to the same question, “What do I want for Begeren Colony?” Here’s what I came up with: • I want for this server to be a community that fosters friendship, teamwork and acceptance for any chosen playstyle. • I want for this server to be recognized and respected by other players, servers, guilds and developers as demonstrating the above. • I want for this server to be a friendly place that players of all style, skill-level and interests can call home. These are the things that I want for our server, and I do not want anything to detract from that. I would want for any of the established “hardcore” raiding guilds like Drop It Like It’s Hoth or Suckafish to be able to browse our forums, check out the raiding community and think, “They’ve got a good thing going there.” We already have a bit of an obstacle to overcome as it is coming from an RP server, where people already think, “Oh God, those roleplaying weirdos probably try to squeeze in some LARPing in between their PvP matches.” Why would anyone want to put us at an even further disadvantage? No we’re not on a powerhouse PVE or PVP server, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be respected for accomplishing the EXACT same things they do on other servers. Now what was posted in this thread was awful, there’s no denying that. It was unacceptable, uncalled for and unwanted. While many community members placed the blame on a certain individual, unfortunately there is no way for us to be certain if they are who they say they are, or even who we think they are. I will say that evidence points strongly in one direction, and that doesn’t look good. Is there a chance that it is a random troll that actually has no connection with the guilds in question? Sure, it’s possible. But on the chance that it is a member of a guild residing on our server, then action must be taken. We all would agree that what was said was completely out of line and unacceptable, and that kind of behavior should not and WILL not be tolerated. A lot of what action should be taken falls to the guild leader to carry out. As a guild leader myself, I am constantly aware of how my actions in and out of game will affect others perspective of myself and my guild. I have always strived to represent myself the same in game as I would in real life, and that mind-set has served pretty well so far. I think I have made a lot of friends that way and have only ever upheld the respectability of my guild, Sigma Squad. However, the sad fact of the matter is, the guild leader is not the sole representative of a guild. No, every time you type “/ginvite” someone else automatically becomes a representative of your guild, whether you like it or not. Everyone in your guild carries around your guild tag, from the moment they log in to the moment they sign out, they represent YOU. Most guilds I know have some sort of application/screening process, and each guild is different. There is no denying the fact, however, that when someone in your guild does something stupid, in effect, your guild did something stupid. This relates to the example I discussed above, how if one person on Begeren Colony posts something stupid, that leaves a bad taste in the reader’s mouth in regards to our representation. This was illustrated brilliantly just a few pages back when a former member of Begeren Colony who very recently transferred to Bastion, and listed that information in their signature, decided to post in our thread, inciting the anger of one of our community members. Now how does that make Bastion look? Because of this, I cannot allow any type of disrespect, trolling, sexism or prejudice of any kind to be attached to this progression thread. While I understand a guild leader cannot control everything their members say, know that there will be consequences. I am not into blind justice. Questions, PMs and conversations will occur between pertinent parties before any thread banning, but know that this is a possibility. Really and truly, what it will come down to is having respect for yourself and for your guild. If your guild downs a boss using “unsavory” techniques and you wish to advertise your kill in this thread, feel free to do so. However you do this knowing full well that you and your guild may lose quite a bit of respect from your fellow community members. This is where it comes down to each individual to do the right thing. Now, I realize this was a tough read, and rightfully so. There were things in this post that needed to be said, and things that I hope were heard. I do not presume to be the leader of Begeren Colony; that’s not my place. Who am I? I’m just a guy who cares about the perception of our server. I’m just a guy who leads a guild on our server and happens to moderate a progression thread. I’m just a guy who is SO passionate about this game and our community that I have an OCT 2008 forum account, Day 1 early access on Begeren Colony and a sub that’s never lapsed. I’m just a guy on Begeren Colony.
  15. I have it on good authority that Zuhara will cover all our repair bills.
  16. Awesome! I would love to get some friendly competition started between BC's top guilds for the NiM server first distinction.
  17. No. This is incorrect. They had chat bubbles in Beta for several patches, but ultimately got rid of them due to the immense strain on system performance. There is no "fix" in the works as the engine the game is built on can't handle the stress. It's not gonna happen. End of story. So you and Glzmo might as well find some other defeated topic to champion because this chapter is closed. Sorry.
  18. Any guilds working on NiM on our server? This thread has been quiet...
  19. Yes. Sorry OP you were misinformed.
  20. I can tell you for a fact the Dromund Kaas planetary equipment vendor sells orange main hands.
  21. I'll toss my lot in with this too. I started noticing this more and more recently. It is most obvious on my DPS lightning Sorc. When using Thundering Blast, it's a 1.8 sec channel followed by a large force bubble shot at the target. Too many times I will start the channel, watch the cast bar move to completion and then....nothing. No animation, no attack, no damage. I was not interrupted the ability just fails. That is at least 2 seconds of wasted DPS and even more time with me womdering what the hell happened and having to cast it again. There IS something to this Bioware. You should look into it.
  22. I am experiencing both of these bugs as well.
  23. Reminder that NiM Scum & Villainy was released to the live server today. Good luck to any groups attempting the server first clear, and we are still looking for the server first full clear of NiM Terror from Beyond. Don't forget to screenshot your kills with some kind of proof of the difficulty.
  24. I'd be interested. Maris Imperial Agent - Medicine Operative Full 69 gear with several 72 pieces. Available most nights save for Thursdays and Sundays.
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