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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kleinone

  1. Do you want this game to succeed? Games, especially big games, have to do well. A game such as SWTOR, that has spent a HUGE amount of money, must get a lot of subscribers or it will not stay afloat. That means it has to compete with the oh so horrible WoW.


    Yes, however, there are quite a few people who like this game more than wow because it does not include some of wow's "features" yet people are here complaining every day that this game does not have everything needed to be a direct wow clone.

    As for needing a lot of subscribers, I think it has that now. I don't think we have to worry about the game being a success financially, I'm quite sure they have made back the development costs all in one day, on the 20th. Its all about how big of a success it will be. It just needs to be better than wow, and it is. Build a better mousetrap, and all that. It cannot be better by being the same.

    There are also people who don't play wow, and don't want to play wow for some of the very reasons you listed, and are playing this game instead. If you love wow, you should play it. It seems to have all of the "features" you listed that you want. I like SWTOR, like it is, and thats what me and my other sadistic minority folks prefer. There is no need to demand that every other game must clone wow to be a success. We will prove that is not the case.

  2. My understanding from one source is that they don't really do anything particularly noticeable. But you should buy them and find out for yourself, and then post your results here. I don't think they are the holy grail of gaming, but anything that supports companies trying to make it easier for me to be ingame longer deserves some financial backing, if not just to encourage development in this area. Good for all of us.
  3. It alleviates some of my fear about new content. While I certainly don't expect it in a few weeks/moths after launch, its very good to know that its been in development for some time and they had the foresight to know that it was going to be needed eventually. It remains to be seen what they are actually going to do with the legacy system and new class quests and such, but it sounds like they already have a plan and have been putting it together so we won't be stuck for a year or so waiting on voice actors to get things done.

    Excellent interview as well. 25 minutes and I wished it was longer, thats very rare for me.

  4. Can the OP name one MMO ever made that has a more non existent death penalty than this one? This game was designed from the ground up with you in mind, to make it as easy as possible for you to die over and over and never have to worry about it. The idea that its too tough is really baffling to me.

    Yes, I have a job too. I'm an adult and don't have tons of time to play either. But if you could just press a button and spring back to life with full health as soon as you die, what would be the point? Why not just be invincible? Would there be any difference?

    The only difference now is that you have to wait a few seconds/minutes before you spring back to life, and you have to click the self heal button for a few seconds before you are healed fully again. You get to be invisible when you do that. Then you have to pay a few credits the next time you are at any vendor, to repair your gear.


    Seriously, it couldn't be any more designed with you in mind, every other MMO I've played in my life has actual penalties for dying, not just a clock and credit fee. The very reason this one doesn't is so it appeals to you, the very casual gamer.


    I still think you might be trolling, just to get a laugh. If so, you got me, well played.

  5. If you think melee in PvP is annoying, play a ranged character with cast times. You'll find something else to complain about (hint: it's getting your line of sight broken by random stacks of crates or the 6 Inquisitors/Consulars on the enemy team Force Stealth/Speeding away before you can finish them every time).


    This is pretty much what I was going to write. I think people should have to play a class before they can call for a nerf. Its not all bubble gum and roses on the ranged side, and I fear the heavy armored melee class the most when I PvP (assuming they close with me)

  6. I love WoW players, so dependent on damage meters and 1 button macros to spam all their abilities for them. Bioware =/= Blizzard, they don't cup your balls while you go pee. They just show you where the bathroom is, you have to pee on your own. Lets try use more then one button shall we? =]


    THIS +1


    I hate all these WoW players, and all the garbage they are trying to bring over here. They just never stop crying.


    "ohh i wish i could decide if i like someone or not! could you make a meter for me like we had in wow? ohh i don't like to push more than one button and actually have to time it with cooldowns, could you make a macro for me like in wow?"



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