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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kleinone

  1. Like most games that have only been out for a week or two, the game is about getting to the endgame, not endgame content. Its wayyy to early to be concerned about that. It will come, once more people, normal "I play 20 hours a week" people, start to get to 50. Theres not supposed to be a lot of "endgame" in a two week old mmo.
  2. As a heterosexual male, I too am waiting for SS romance so I can create a female character, have her be into chicks, and not feel weird about it. Currently all my characters are male due to the requirement that all my characters must be straight.


    But man, the day SS romance is implemented, I'm making me a body type 3 blonde who is going to be all about the ladies.


    - The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


    I think the republic trooper quests are pretty good. You get betrayed and travel around the galaxy hunting down and killing your former squad mates one by one. Its lots of fun.


    The jedi consular quests so far have been kinda like what you described so far though, a bit underwhelming.

  4. My main is republic commando and jedi sage, but dammit if everybody and their brother didn't tell me how awesome the imperial agent and bounty hunter storylines are, so I rolled one just for the story, and now I'm playing imperial more than my republic main and loving it. It was peer pressure!


    But yeah, after playing on republic for so long before my switch, Its pretty amazing how many people are playing imp. Fleet is always full, groups always forming. But you gotta wait for a PvP queue, and its lots of huttball, etc.


    Overall I think it is more fun on the PvP side to be republic, thats for sure.

  5. Couldn't stand playing WoW, logged off and uninstalled. Won't touch it again even with a 10ft pole. I might reconsider if Bioware took over its development and added bioware story telling.






    I know, plus its all gnomes and elves and dwarfs all that stupid cartoon fantasy crap. I don't know how any adult can stand looking at it for more than 5 minutes. I have no idea why kiddies love it so much. Its just dumb.

    Have you seen the banner ads on every webpage with the gnome bouncing up and down and waving his hands around? My god, so stupid. Painful, even.

    Its the Justin Bieber of gaming.

  6. was fun as a single player game


    some issues that made me quit:



    Yes you can have my stuff

    im not going back to wow (done with that game but it kept me entertained for a whole hell of a lot longer then this pile of rubbish)




    Good Sir,


    You mentioned in your OP that I could have your stuff. Please let me know what server you are on so I may stop by and collect said stuff, as you are clearly leaving and do not need any stuff. I will create a character on said server to obtain said stuff posthaste.


    Thank you in advance, for your stuff,



  7. I play a gunnery spec'd commando, (turret) and while I've noticed this a bit with some of my abilities, I had no idea it affected melee players so much until I watched that video. This would explain why sometimes classes would close with me in warzones and then do that little dance there instead of hitting me. Seems to be a good thing for those of us playing my class, but I understand where the whining on the forums is coming from.

    This is probably the only legit whine I've read on these forums for god knows how long, and really needs to be fixed asap. It could easily be defined as gamebreaking, for melee PvP'rs in particular.

    That said, I'm sure they must know abut it by now, and are hopefully working on a fix. I just hope its an easy fix, and not some major code thing. I don't know if these kind of mechanics are the type of things that can be easily corrected by software programmers.

  8. here we go again :rolleyes:




    so smugglers and consulars will also be nerfed, right ? cus you know, they are mirrors


    sounds like someone is mad about dying in pvp


    Yes, generally when I'm talking about one class, I'm talking about the mirror class too. Its just that nobody plays a smuggler, and everybody plays SI/Ops so its easier to focus on those. Of course you wouldn't nerf Ops and leave the smug alone. Also, SI's mirror uses "project" which takes time to travel to the target and do damage, and SI does instant damage, but thats for another thread. Just pointing out that your "mirrors" are not always reflecting the same image back, if you know what I mean.

  9. Yes of course they are OP, this has been common knowledge since forever ago. Its why they are the most used class in the game. At some point they will be "balanced" and then it will probably be troopers or some such class that will be OP, and then they will be the most played class in game, until they are "balanced" etc. This your first MMO?
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