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Posts posted by Kleinone

  1. I actually broke out laughing while watching this once, just hearing the epic music play while someone moved the UI window around.




    That made me chuckle a little bit too

  2. It was absolutely designed this way. The poster who said it was probably done to limit gold farmers has a point. Its also just more "fun" to be rich. This is an ultra casual mmo, with no death penalties, obvious arrows pointing you down the corridor from quest to quest, and huge credit faucets everywhere. Everyone is supposed to be rich, its part of the "fun"' experience of this theme park.


    There are some sinks, like the 6 credits you pay for interstellar travel from planet to planet and back to fleet, but the faucets are everywhere. Everything you do, warzones, quests, kill a random mob, pick up mats just lying everywhere every 10 feet on the ground of every planet, literally everything is a credit faucet. It must have been designed this way, there is no other explanation.


    The nice thing is, there is no real need to worry about inflation, because there is nothing worth buying in the long run on the market. Its all commendation driven, or quest rewards. All good gear, for just about every level. So everyone gets to be rich multimillionaires, and no one has to worry about gold sellers or spending time credit farming, and prices on the GTN don't matter because there is nothing really worth buying. Its kinda genius from a business standpoint, but it remains to be seen how it works out.

  3. This happens to me occasionally as well, I think the bar is a little bugged.

    I remember thinking last time "OK the bar is definitely full and solid now, this isn't right"


    Its not just sorcs that can do it though, I was thinking more BH. Either way there is a lot of CC in the game, and having a resolve bar that doesn't work well is no fun.


    I'm sure its on their to-do list.

  4. This was definitely designed as a PVP change. When you are close to a win/loss and you have to add sprint to a buff rotation that already includes stims and your self buff, it starts to get time consuming.

    I just wanna get on the speeder and get back into the fight for that east node already!


    For PVE content, which is admittedly easy, it would not be a problem. Its not really the same kind of thing, not the same pace.


    Overall, its a good change. People were running around with sprint on their hotbars, if you can believe it, because it gets used so much in WZ's.

  5. I think in some ways the OP may have a valid point. It wouldn't hurt Bioware to put in some actual difficult content for its more active subscriber base.


    Sure it might only represent >5% of the population, but actual challenging and difficult PVE content is a nice thing to have, if even only for the purpose of having more end game stuff you can try to do.


    If they put in a special title for a 2hr run, then they are probably surprised that people are doing it in less than half that time. It may not be working as intended, and I think "nightmare" mode was supposed to be very difficult. Its just not implemented that way.


    The whole game in general is kinda easy, I think thats something that most people can agree on. Perhaps it just needs some balancing.

  6. I'm glad you covered the entire 105% of the SWTOR population with your detailed and thoroughly referenced analysis. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


    He knows its true cause his facts told him too!

    I'm 105% sure of it! Want proof? Just take my word for it! I'm already 105% sure!



    Obviously, when people present percentages as facts like this they are usually just made up out of thin air just to support their own personal opinion, and therefore have no basis in reality or meaningful discussion. Its still funny to see it done so blatantly though.


    These forums are just full of gems.

  7. My server has been growing pretty good over the past two weeks if fleet numbers are any indication. At first I just thought it was pop imbalance, but I have a republic and imperial char and I checked both fleets. both were up from the high 160's-190's (pub/imp respectively) to 210's-260's recently, both last night and tonight. Maybe its been a good week for new sales? Haven't checked the starter world pops yet.

    I'm so tired of always having to focus on an objective. Lately, my favorite time of a warzone is when we are either up by like 4-0, or down 5-0, or way up or way down in civil war, and I can just go nuts trying to do damage. I'd love a map where we could do this as a team from the start, just an all out team deathmatch free for all, with no one to constantly complain that "your not doing it rite, noob" cause you killed someone in a corner.

  9. 1. EVE online. Its pretty awesome if you can get into it. The skill system working offline, the market, the crafting, the crazy amount of freedom, playing with everyone on one server, and playing poker for isk against other people trying to earn enough to buy another PLEX so I can keep my account going next month without actually having to pay anything myself. Really good memories all around.


    2. Anarchy Online. The early days of this one was lots of fun for me, I really liked the lore. Nothing too revolutionary in game play though, probably just number two from all the good memories playing with friends, and yelling "Were with Omni-Tech, were here to help" before attacking some poor slob clansman/hippie. Or memories of my Atrox tank enforcer and his bent Beam, like hes swinging around part of a building. Or being ridiculed for being genetically engineered to not have any sex organs while trying to /dance in a bar...then going off in a corner to drink (this had to be like 2002-2003 ish) The world also seemed to be huge and just begging to be explored.


    3. The Old Republic. As someone who didn't ever play WoW because it looked too cartoonie and silly, and who doesn't like all the high fantasy elves and gnomes and magic missile and that kind of crap, the experience of themepark mmo's like this is new to me. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I'm already feeling the tug of the sandbox. I'll probably be here for a while though. In time, if I keep playing, this could rise up to 2 or maybe 1.


    Honorable mentions are SWG back when nobody knew how to make a jedi, when I played an empire bounty hunter. I left that game before it went to crap, but have fond memories of it.


    Another mention would go to Perpetuum, the first real EVE clone. EVE with robots!


    Also the Face of Mankind free beta. Never played after beta though, didn't like the live changes, with all the safezones and stuff. Innovative however as all questing/missions were completely player created. Good times there too.

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