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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Kleinone

  1. I doubt that. They are probably just waiting for server populations to stabilize.


    this is the quote


    "Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available."


    That's what it seems to mean to me. Do you think they are intentionally not letting people who want out of these servers a way out?

  2. The no reward for open world PVP is really bad. I got my first bad guy kills today while questing, and I couldn't seem to find what I got for a reward. I kept thinking I must have missed it, whatever it is, but later I learned that I get nothing. This is ridiculous. The only thing I can think is that they must have thought it would be a good credit sink, where one person has to repair their gear. They just hope we kill each other for no good reason I guess, and enjoy doing it. Its a mess. Someone had to mention this in beta.
  3. I want both.

    I also want real open world pvp, with very limited or no safezones anywhere, and possibly sovereign territory to fight over and claim. I also want death penalty and kill rewards for pvp outside of warzones, so you really have to keep your eye out when your running all over tatooine, even if its something simple like you loose 2% of your credits and it goes to the winner, etc.

    However, I highly doubt the devs are even thinking about doing any of this, and even if they somehow were, it wouldn't be implemented for a long time. I think these kind of ides are not for this kind of game.

    This is a story driven, single player based online game with lots of loot and warzones for the pvp nuts. Its very good for what it is, but for what many consider to be real pvp friendly gameplay, it might be best to look somewhere else.

  4. Why, pulling someone into the acid or flame vents and then stunning them is a viable tactic, even more satisfying if the target is carrying the ball.


    Seems cheesy though, and would also appear to give an advantage to the empire side that the republic side cannot counter in any way.

  5. I'm a 30 commando, I've only put points in gunnery so far, and I can tell you one thing, my heals are completely useless. They have been for about 10 levels now. I've taken them off my bar, the time it takes to activate them is a waste for the 5% or so it heals. Also, the aoe effect, mortar volley, creates a big blue circle on the ground where its going to hit for a few seconds so anyone who wants to get out of the way has plenty of time to move. As far as I know, the sniper classes don't have that problem. Once in a while, I stick one on a few guys trying to capture a turret or something, and it feels gratifying, but thats it. I mainly stand still and try to fire my grav round 3-5 times and hope that no one closes with me, and I certainly don't feel overpowered. My sith juggernaut alt on the other hand...That shield mod in the off hand is what makes him a tank, not the heavy armor.
  6. I got lucky, only got hit once, or at least so far. Two charges would have put me over by about 10 bucks as I use this card and account for online purchases only, and don't keep much money in it. Of course the 39 dollar overdraft fee would have made me very upset, and if they are double charging people, it might be a problem for some.
  7. There was a sticky back in beta:


    I know it doesn't mention macros but as much has been said.




    Some aspects of The Old Republic are often questioned but are in fact 'working as intended'. This section includes details of those.

    Under Graphics preferences, the Anti-aliasing option is not yet functional.


    The Combat Log is disabled.


    Some chairs and benches cannot be interacted with.


    In multiplayer conversation, rolls are intended to be over 100 at times. This allows players to 'crit' on a roll!"


    Very disheartening for me to hear. I hope that the reason it is still disabled for release is that they are considering keeping it that way.

    Also thought the crits on a roll during a convo were kinda cool. I wonder if crit chance with your weapon affects it?


    On topic, I too have had the mouse issue, and have a G500 mouse that works on all other games perfectly. It gets wonky.

    And I've often thought that mail in my ship would be nice, although I'm not usually on my ship for any extended period of time, and if anything it should be an upgrade that can be bought like anything else.

  8. I think it prolly does, its a huge huge credit faucet, and could lead to a messed up economy quickly.


    Edit: I'm referring to my beta experience, where you could get rich with it very quickly from missions. If it has been reduced since then, it may be okay and I may not know what I'm talking about.

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