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Everything posted by Kleinone

  1. 8.7 is a little generous. I'd maybe give it an 8.5
  2. The three I remember from my history that reward open world pvp are EvE online, Darkfall and Mortal Online. I know there are more, and this game is not meant to be like those games, but those spring to mind when I read your post.
  3. As there are no rewards for engaging in OWPvP, you should avoid it if possible. There is no upside, its a credit sink (gear repair)
  4. Dude I wanted to play a hutt class since forever but I always seen them as more of a tank class with CC and lots of pets/companions.
  5. Its true. Roll one on whatever server you are on. Spend 30 minutes doing the starter quests. Look around. Imperial agents. There EVERYWHERE. In 4-5 days when all these alts start 3-hitting everybody and killing players before they can stand up, there's gonna be enough threads complaining about operatives on these forums to blot out the sun.
  6. I'm a trooper and I see the same thing. The initial close, with the force jump and lightsaber attack is pretty cool, but then its like leapfrog over your head and all around. And my commando spins around with that huge autocannon like a top, while standing in place and not moving his legs. Its kinda comical really.
  7. Mine persist through death. Of course I craft them. I think your just not using the right ones.
  8. Looks like expertise is getting harder to get.
  9. Are we absolutely positive its supposed to come at valor 30? Because I don't have mine either.
  10. I was thinking about this as well. Also I beat a man in a cage to death with a rusty mace while he pleaded with me to stop. Then he was resurrected, and I did it again. Skyrim is really kind of sick in a lot of ways. TOR is tame, but seems to make the news.
  11. Kleinone

    We Hate Huttball

    I play republic, so I don't see huttball that often, but I also hate it and would like to have the option not to play it. Of course, my character is not force sensitive, so I actually have to move slow when I have the ball, and look to pass it as soon as possible to someone who can force run, so that might be part of what makes it suck for me. I did roll an imp the other day, just to try something new, and was a little surprised at how much huttball there really is. I only got to about 12, cause I started PvP'ing at 10 and it was like 80% hutball. I can't enjoy that, because hutball sucks. I don't know how you imps do it. You must really really love it. Honestly, if you don't like huttball, and you like warzones, you have no business being imperial. Huttball is for imps. Welcome to imperial PvP.
  12. This. This is about exactly what I was going to post. After the nerf to the loosing sides rewards in the recent patch, people are already skipping out as soon as it looks like they aren't going to win, with no reward on a loss, no warzone would ever actually finish because as soon as someone went down 1-0 in huttball or lost 2 of 3 of the nodes on alderran, everyone would just quit. To do otherwise would be a waste of time. Ask yourself, why would anyone stay on a loosing team until the warzone ended?
  13. I would much rather have a lvl 12 like the OP on my team than a higher level afk'er. Anyone who is actually trying to contribute to the cause is warmly welcomed and appreciated when I'm on.
  14. This kind of behavior was easily predictable by anyone who understands anything about basic game theory. You don't even need "A dedicated team with years of PvP development experience" Players will do what they are getting rewarded to do. They will not do what they will not get rewarded to do. I'm a bit surprised that nobody on the dedicated team ever stopped to ask, "why will the factions try to stop each other from completing the goals? Why wouldn't they just cooperate with each other?" If I had reached 50 during the beta I could have told them about this, I'm sure someone else must have. Its as plain as the nose on your face that this would be the result of the current system.
  15. Kleinone


    Play republic. No more huttball all the time. Its your fault you have to play 4-5 in a row.
  16. Kleinone

    @Devs- Respond

    Legitimate rewards would solve many an issue.
  17. Your Mona Lisa was awesome sir. A masterpiece.
  18. Kleinone

    @Devs- Respond

    It is the case, and what you have quoted above is called "hype" Its how companies sell games. It falls under advertising. Imagine it says "We have an entire team dedicated to creating the best steaks and lobster. We have some of the most experienced chefs in the world on this team. So far very few people have tasted or know much about the stunning food in our restaurant" Its just an ad. Doesn't mean you are going to like the steak. Doesn't even say you will like the steak. Its designed to give you the idea that they must have good steak, so if you like steak you should try theirs. Same thing your quote says. Its a PVE game. Has some PvP. Thats the truth. Accept it.
  19. Doombringer. Cause I thought it sounded awesome. "Korrok Doombringer the Destructive" and "The Doombringer Legacy"
  20. Nice list sir. I forgot about Anarchy online and SWG. Didn't play any of the other ones. But I think it makes a fair point.
  21. Ya a small dev house like EA/bioware wouldn't have those kinds of resources to implement stuff like that. That kind of stuff is reserved for massive dollar development project mmo's like Darkfall and Mortal online.
  22. Ya if I could change one thing to make the game more immersive, it would be to add day/night cycles. I just got used to them in other single player RP games/mmos and now I kinda miss em.
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