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Everything posted by Kleinone

  1. Since I don't have all of the forum mods names and handles memorized, I wouldn't know if I have ever seen one in game or not.
  2. Kleinone

    How to fix resolve

    It just doesn't work at all for me like 10% of the time. I swear I get stunned sometimes with a full bar. I think some others have mentioned this too. Hopefully it will be fixed at some point, I think if there was a guarantee that no stuns would work EVER when the bar is full there would be less forum QQ about it.
  3. I'm having all sorts of fun right now, and I probably will be through Feb, and maybe March as well, depending on how my 3rd character plays. But playing in December? Probably not.
  4. And I would disagree with your disagreement. There is no grind, as there is no way to get skills faster by doing something. It just happens. There is no "XP" for killing x mobs or retrieving x items. your skills simply grow with time, 24/7/365. Nothing you can do changes that. That is the exact opposite of a "grind" by its definition. Additionally, you do not have to grind money or missions, as you stated. You can buy PLEX for isk if you want, which is hardly a "grind" (although if you choose to do missions for a faction or be a mission runner in general, it does feel like a grind sometimes) But missions are entirely optional, like everything else, and I would say most people don't do them very much. And there is no endgame. There is no max level content. You are useful to even the most powerful corps in a frigate that can tackle in less than a week from creating an account. Also, I think EVE launched in 2003, which should qualify it as an old school mmo.
  5. EVE is pretty close. No levels, no grind, you skill up as fast online as you do offline, no endgame to speak of, etc.
  6. Don't worry about it OP, the world needs ditch-diggers too. You'll be fine.
  7. I disagree as well, and find the majority of OP's post to be foolish. This thread should be locked.
  8. I'm all for it, but like I said in another thread, there should be one "freebie" everyone gets for emergencies and other such reasons. If something comes up during a match that you can't avoid, I want you to leave and not just go afk to take care of your business. Of course, after that freebie there must be something like this one hour penalty to prevent people from abusing the system like they do now.
  9. No fat chicks. Body type 4 is close enough. Next will be the obese, then the morbidly obese, etc. Every class is a warrior of some sort, and a hero because of it. Not some disgusting bed ridden slob. Although it could add some fun new npc dialog quotes "oh nice to see your fat a** rolled out of bed to today and you decided to join us"
  10. Every mmorpg in history, literally every one, has always had forum whiners and forum prophets, some crossing their arms and pouting and stomping their feet because they want their way right now (like a little girl in a candy store who's mom told her no) and others predicting the future with perfect clarity over and over again each month, telling us all how our game is going to die if they don't do something to fix such and such right away. Its as though the forums are full of professional MMO developers, who all understand exactly what it takes to make the best MMO ever, but they are all just not working in the industry right now. It will never go away (it will be here forever just like in every other MMO ever released) because people are generally stupid and self-centered. Its not their fault, they were just raised that way. I was just wishing it would go away, in 30 days, with the OP.
  11. I wish everyone who whined like a sad little schoolgirl on these forums would leave with you.
  12. I've put some thought in this myself, but to be honest, I just don't see it. Whenever I do warZONES, I like to sort by most damage done, most healing done, and most objectives, etc. to help me determine my MVP vote. When I have most healing highlighted, it rarely shows someone with less than 5-6 medals. Of course, I haven't done any warfronts in this game, so that might be another issue entirely.
  13. In before move to PvP forum
  14. Happens to me all the time. Its a bug thats been around since forever.
  15. If they could just get the filter to work that would help tremendously
  16. Seriously, sorcs/sage do not need a nerf. If you want to adjust balance, why not look at buffs? I'd like to see a buff to my resolve bar, and a resolve bar buff would be a hidden nerf to CC classes like the sorc. Also, in my warzones, it is almost always the BH's that have top damage and top kills. Heavy armor, heavy damage, heavy heals. BH teams are invincible. As for your point about not getting nerfed because the majority of the player base plays them, so what? Even if thats true, can you blame a company for taking care of the majority of its customers? Do you understand how business works? Is there even anything wrong with that? Exec #1 "I've got an idea that will upset and alienate the majority of our customer base. I think we should do it immediately!" Exec #2 "Sounds good. Lets do it! Wait till we announce it to the stockholders! We'll be thought of as geniuses! Can't wait for my bonus!"
  17. I am ABSOLUTELY forgoing lvl 50 pvp. I'm starting my 3rd alt so I can stay in the lower bracket. I know that 50 pvp is going to consist of me grinding 1523346 warzones for the chance to get gear, and I'll just be meat until I do. No thanks.
  18. Title of thread should be changed Dying all the time-Too often?
  19. "sure leaving in the middle of a match over and over as soon as it looks like we might loose gimps my team and essentially griefs the other 7 people in the zone left my team who have no idea if they will even get a replacement for me and have to fight with a one player disadvantage till they do...but who cares? Its only a game, I mean, fk 'em, right?" Ya we need help. Its all wrong.
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