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Everything posted by tomius

  1. Will there be some sort of matchmaking with the cross faction warzone? Can we expect other warzones to implement cross faction to help with queue times and team/faction balance? Also, huttball is suppose to be "random" teams, so surely that would justify cross faction for that particular warzone? Furthermore, when we can we expect some class balance?
  2. Would be so simple to fix. Just increase CD of healing trance/innervate, which would address mobility problems. As well as giving roaming mend a 1 - 1.5 sec cast. And revert the AoE back to having to be in the area to benefit from healing. No other healer can heal 8 people who arent even in the area with AoE heals. Operative can only heal 4.
  3. Not worth subbing for imo. Lack of MMO content and dumbed down game. So unless you find single player story + 30mins - 1hr of story content a month worth subbing, I wouldn't throw a penny towards the game.
  4. lol'd. You realize KotFE did exactly that? Where is the MMO content? 2 years of my sub money has gone towards a single wz and this solo crap. KotFE dropped all MMO content in favor of solo. So don't start saying how they don't do it when they clearly have. They've lost my entire guilds subs. So we'll see if they decide to use solo players subs to make group content just like they used mmo/group players subs to make solo stuff. Or if they'll just make this an RPG on a server.
  5. tomius

    Since launch

    I for one have been subbed since launch, and just unsubbed so...?
  6. /signed Tbh id sign anything that gives more content that isn't a single player cinematic experience
  7. tomius


    Love this argument. Please tell me, would you be "friends" with these people if they were terrible pvpers
  8. Solo peeps moan cant do heroics quick enough with "nerfed" comp. Now peeps moaning respawns too long coz people soloing them too quick.
  9. Flaw with your statement highlighted in bold
  10. Only thing pvpers really got this expansion was that pvp comp, and everyone wants to take it away coz they find it hard to get. Suck it up or just don't get it.
  11. tomius

    PvP isn't fun anymore

    Obvious solution is to all just unsub for a week and troll the pvp forums with 100+ threads. Only thing that works apparently
  12. Because 1) its an MMO, not a single player rpg 2) they put more time, effort and preperation into doing that content so is logical and right to give them greater rewards. Whats does epeen have anything to do with greater rewards for harder content? and especially mine? Then that is your choice, but you shouldn't be expected to be given equal rewards for taking the easy and quick option. Its not elitism, its how MMO's work. Do what you enjoy, don't start begrudging people things that you don't want to put the effort in to get. tbf, its hard to see why you can't understand the concept of high risk, greater reward.
  13. ... er nope EDIT: its not about punishing story mode players, its about rewarding people for doing harder content. Big difference
  14. anything you've said or do say loses all creditable after this statement
  15. True, but people don't want it for casual content, they want it for endgame "solo" content which is suppose to be harder difficulty. and require knowledge of your class, the game, the tactics and being the the correct gear. This is a grind. To ensnare solo's into subbing for longer whilst waiting for more content. They arent just gonna give you god mode so you can breeze through your endgame content.
  16. lol this is still going on. I could resort to saying "why can't you just learn to play the damn game" tbh its not even that, its just about actually putting some effort into it, instead of being , as one person used, and expecting everything to be handed to you. Give it a rest, companions will not be returning to god mode. They will probably receive a small buff in terms of healing.
  17. LMAFO it wasn't long ago your "majority" was pulling numbers out their arse about how may were leaving the game due to nerf. Neither side is a "Majority" or "Minority". So stop trying refering to it as such.
  18. I don't get it. You "casuals" (i use quotations as you lot are certainly not casuals) are here for solo content. But you find solo content tedious and boring... So need a god comp to rush through it, Which then leads to what?
  19. Do you have any idea how 4.0 has affected any and all group related content? Do you know what instant 60 and broken companions have done to FP groups, wz teams and heroic groups? Never in my years of playing this game have I encountered a level of such stupidity and incompetence from people playing an easy game, to the point that its pointless queuing for a FP or entering wz. Companions may have helped solo content but they *********** destroyed group content. Do a pug FP, get a group of morons who can only saber strike, never used a taunt or heal, think they can pull 3 groups, stand in AoEs... Etc. Why? Because companions allowed them to do it before in solo so why would it be different in a fp? Do a wz and half your team just have no clue at all. They cant kill anything, they cant follow objectives they have no situational awareness. Coz their companion played the game for them. Bombs planted in front of them, healers free casting on the tank their saber striking. Its unbelievable. I don't expect people to be good, but I expect people to have a brain and use it when playing GROUP content. Was I ok with comps at 4.0? Yes, until I realized the side affects. Do I support the nerf? Hell yes. This is a game which the player must engage in. If you cant be bothered to learn simple mechanics, tactics, abilites or simply learn to play your class then just unsub like you're threatening to. No argument I've seen has a leg to stand on. All I see is poor players moaning that they cant solo difficult content and want an "I win button". Its not a hard game. Adapt or abandon ship. EDIT: No, I'm not an elitist, just low on patience.
  20. Cya, I'm sure the community isn't gonna miss you guys. More chance of getting a someone who actually spent the time learning how to play the game and their class, instead of morons who got their companion to play for them,.
  21. Coz im mainly a PvPer and done like 3 ops in my time in this game lol
  22. My friend and I have stopped using Group Finder for FPs, and have started rolling with our companions instead. Why? because people are so lazy and stupid they cant learn a simple class so need a overpowered (yes they ARE overpowered) AI to play the game for them, resulting in people who have no clue how to actually play the game they intended to play. So, going in GF results in being teamed up with morons who can only basic attack. Whats more, even tho BW removed most of the stats and skill trees from the game people still cant rub two brain cells together and figure out what spec, combat stance and stats they need to their character. Ive seen shadows in infiltration with tank stance on and tank stats. So, why would i put myself through that when i can group with one friend with overpowered companions who have more brains than most the players, and steamroll through the content in half the time? The tank comp can easily tank a boss without a healer and survive, a healer can aswell. THAT IS BROKEN. That players would rather take companions over players in GROUP content. I'm interested to see if anyone has tried doing an OPs with 4 players and 4 companions. Level sync is fine. Companions are not. They need a serious tune down.
  23. So, the solution is to just keep things broken whilst the actual balanced elements suffer? No, what needs to happen is nerfs. Madness/balance needs a nerf resulting in perhaps more variety of DOT specs played and less stupid amounts of damage. The over the top burst specs need a nerf, meaning less people being stunned and destroyed in under 4 seconds. After that, BW can then nerf sorc healing, and slightly nerf Operative healing, leaving mercs where they are. This then increases TTK resulting in a much more fun gameplay experience and a diverse class base. we don't need anymore of this armsrace to make classes competitive with the current broken FOTMs.
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