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Posts posted by rbkrbk

  1. Unfortunately with these server transfers I see Bioware making the mistake of only allowing transfers to certain servers and not to the most populated ones(which is where everyone wants to play). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this.


    Transferring from a low pop server to a low/med pop server does NOT solve the problem Bioware.. I hope you're listening..


    Yes it will, IF they only allow transfer to a few servers at a time. Let's say, for the sake of argument, they open up TWO servers at a time to transfer to for free. Both are Medium (Standard), on average. Now, you get transfers from 20-30 low population servers. Well now that Medium pop server now becomes heavy or very heavy on average. At this point, BW decides, OK, that's enough people on those servers, they're getting full. Let's close those to transfers and open up a couple of other ones to try and re-populate those.


    Remember that there are plenty of people that just do not log on currently simply BECAUSE of the population issues. I am willing to bet that if transfers were to hit now, you would see almost every Light population server pop right up to Standard, at least, simply so people can move their characters. The potential population is available on EVERY server to hit AT LEAST standard, unfortunately, the players simply do not log on.

  2. Only one of those is a bad game. ME3 is a great game with a bad ending, but the same can be said for the original Star Wars trilogy and everyone got over it. SWTOR is a good game that people expected to be the next WoW. This IS the first MMO Bioware has created and success or fail, they will learn from it and create a better one next time.


    So everyone cool your jets and stop blaming Bioware for bad gaming experiences.


    So let me get this straight. You want us to give developers money, bot for the initial sale of the game and a recurring monthly cost, so that we can facilitate their trial and error process until they get it right, and perhaps one day, we'll have a better-than-a-fruitfly management of the game?

  3. BTW, I'm making this my new Signature. Thank you OP, I didn't even know about this until you pointed it out.


    "The Old Republic is in EA’s top 10 franchises in terms of profitability, “but it’s not in our top five”. “So it’s a business contributor, while important, is not as important as Medal of Honor or Battlefield or FIFA or Madden or The Sims or SimCity, but it’s more important than Tiger Woods PGA Golf.” “So while I understand there’s an enormous amount of interest, I don’t know that it warrants as much as what we’re seeing right now. But we love the franchise, we’re going to grow the franchise and just like we want to see Tiger Woods Golf grow or SSX grow, or Madden for that matter, we’re going to drive this one for growth.”

  4. Yes. Because if they say Madden and the Sims are a top priority that means EVERYTHING ELSE GETS NO MONEY AT ALL.


    That's not what he's saying. He's saying that not all of the revenue generated from SWTOR (not including profit and overhead, I'm talking about BUDGETS) is being put back into SWTOR, which, IMO, is quite infuriating.

  5. This is meant to compare one aspect of swtor to that other game and suggest that the issue of "getting around" be looked at. I submit the following as just one example of my meaning. I will try to be as accurate as possible, but am sorry for errors.


    I have my level 50 SI next to the GTN kiosk in fleet and want to do the Correllia dailies. I also have my level 85 Lock standing by the AH in SW and want to do the TB dailies.


    Other Game -


    Summon mount. Short flight to portal. Click on portal and after a quick loading screen, I am standing by the quest givers ---> Done.


    Swtor - Summon speeder. Short run to SI hanger. Click on SI hanger (short load). Speeder run though hanger to ship (short run). Click on ship door (loading screen) and then am in ship. Short run through ship to star map. Click on map, click on region, click on planet, click on travel. Short grapic ensues. Run back through ship to door and click on door. Very long loading screen after space bar click through graphic. Summon speeder and short trip through SI hanger. Click on elevator button, short load. Ride through space port to entrance. Short ride to Shuttle to Black Hole. Click on shuttle door, short loading screen. Run into Imp headquarters. Click on elevator, short load. Short run down ramp to mission terminal ---> Done. I note that this set of dailies (if I am remembering correctly) does not have an Orbital Station that you must make your way through as I remember do the other two daily planets.




    I respectfully would submit that something should be done about the effort to get around in the game.


    The game is lacking in true content. Travel time was put in as a time sink, to make it more difficult to get through everything. The two most evident (the first being absolutely infuriating) examples are:


    1. Pre-1.2, while leveling, before and after finishing Chapter 1 (and later 2), you were required to hop between two different planets, a number of times. THEN you had to go to the fleet to interact with someone who had NOTHING to say, simply to waste time and push you back from finishing things as much as possible. After much outcry about how absolutely insulting this was to a player (including quite a furious rant from Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik), you are now given a fleet pass.


    2. The travel times in Raids. This was not an oversight or a technical issue. This was done simply for ONE reason. It is a time sink to limit on how much you could accomplish in a day of play in the endgame. To keep you from quitting the game out of boredom, by offering you one of the most boring things you can do; sitting and waiting. All they had to do was create a checkpoint/waypoint once a certain area had been cleared. That's it. It's that simple. That is where you respawn if you die. It doesn't have to be super close. Put an invisible wall on entrances to Boss Fights (since they all have one anyway) to prevent players from entering if they die while the group is in combat.

  6. Or it will show us how the engine is supposed to work... and that it was just BioWare's fault not to keep in touch with the guys who made it (because they bought the engine before it was optimized).


    The truth is, even if they had kept up in maintenance and didn't just basically say "we'll do it ourselves, our own way", it is still inferior to the Unreal Engine, mechanically.

  7. lol starcraft. here is a pro-tip: it isn't serious business unless you are in korea.


    lol at yourself buddy. You obviously don't know the first thing about the community. SC2 Progamers are everywhere. Are they concentrated in S Korea? Yes. But that doesn't mean they don't have major competition from foreigners. HUK (who was a Code S rank player in the last season of 2011, that means he's top 32 in the world) is from Canada as is Kiwikaki and Drewbie, then you have other Evil Genius guys like Idra, Axslav, Painuser, LzGamer, Sheth, Machine from the US, as well as Naniwa from Finland, Morrow, SaSe and Team Liquid's Haypro from Sweden, and the list goes on.


    Foreigners are major competitors and winners at Major Tournaments including MLG Arena and the MLG Pro Circuit, IGN Pro League, Dreamhack, SC2 World Championship Series, ESL Pro Series, Blizzard Cup, World Cyber Games, BlizzCon Invitational, and again, the list goes on.


    Last year, the average prize pool for major tournaments (of which there were about 40) was 75K. Foreigners constituted the majority of winners and runner ups by a large margin.


    So no, it's not serious business only if you are in Korea.

  8. D3 is not an MMO.

    d2 to d3 is like starcraft to starcraft 2. no ground breaking gameplay changes.


    but I gotta say this, instant tele to " cities", no load screen, no lag is quite refreshing.


    Uh, if you don't think SC->SC2 had groundbreaking gameplay changes, you're not a real SC2 player. Perhaps in the little Single Player Campaign you didn't see much, or perhaps, like most sheep, you only look for changes in the graphics or other superficial indicator.


    In fact, it had massive gameplay changes in multiplayer, which is the only reason people play SC2. The meta game required completely new strategies, each race required new builds, each map needed different tactics, almost every unit required different micro, and the list goes on.


    The point of this post is, I believe you have no credibility.

  9. I regret my first character, the Sorcerer. I initially made it because my guild needed healers. With myself, we had two healers. I sucked it up and played it. I hate healing. HATE it. It's boring as ****, whether you are good at it or not. In PvP, it's a slightly different story, but I digress.


    But the main reason I regretted it is because of how incredibly easy to play the class is as DPS. It was SOOOOO boring. Honestly, a mentally challenged gorilla with a railroad spike through his head that knows how to signal that he wants an apple can play a Sorc well. And this is coming from someone who got BM way before the ridiculous PvP changes, i.e. "Oh you played a warzone? Here's a dump truck full of Valor."


    I regret that Sorc so much. How much? So much.

  10. Well, now subs are down 25.000001% since I just cancelled mine. Just bored, FPs weren't fun anymore, Ops weren't fun anymore, PVP wasn't fun anymore, didn't feel like levelling a toon to 50 would be fun the 5th time around, so I'm out. Not even sure where I'm going. Back to LOTRO? Probably not. On to D3? Nope, doesn't interest me at all. Waiting for GW2? Might give it a try, if it ever comes out. For now I'll focus on walking my dog, riding my motorcycle, and just enjoying the warm weather. Hey, I live in Calgary, we don't get much warm weather!


    And no, you can't have my stuff. :p


    Unfortunately, in Calgary you never know when we will get a weekend of just the wettest, sh****** snow. Enjoy it while it lasts buddy, that's what I'm doing.

  11. The QQ on these boards over even the slightest thing is epic. As a paying customer, if I wasn't happy with the service, I would unsub. Did it with both STO and the Epicly terrible WoW. It's too bad, since the game is actually quite fun. TThe stories are captivating and the settings beautifully designed. But let's not talk about that, let's just ***** endlessly about low server pops and the need for transfers. I mean, it's not like the Devs are doing work on a expansion, LFG tool, and various other in game stuff.


    I don't think you are understanding the concerns of people that post here. It is not that we don't WANT to play. It's that we CAN'T play. I haven't been able to get an ops group together for the last two weeks for my two mains. PvP wait times are horrendous. I've rolled my alts to 50, I've experienced the stories that I was curious about, but have no interest in playing them in endgame. I have my two characters that I love to play in endgame, but I CAN'T.


    THAT, good sir, is the problem. It's not that we don't like the product. The product, I feel for the most part, is great. But it is not USABLE at the moment, and the service which should be fixing it to make it usable is not doing it's part quick enough. There have been threads about these issues for a couple of months now, and should be available by now.

  12. Well if they want to keep their sub'd players or get their old sub'd players back they would be smart and get it done before the free 30 days end if not then they should add 3 more days or so until they get it done. Transfers are needed ASAP, 123 US servers? really? thats one too many lolol, they might of had too high of an expectation. reduce those servers to 50.


    I agree, but we all know a Carrot Dangler company like EA will try and squeeze out the most they can from their sucke...customers.


    Which is why I firmly believe they will wait until the largest amount of subscriptions are up for renewal (after the free 30 days are over), and announce it then. I do not have access to these metrics, obviously, so I couldn't even begin to speculate on when this would be.


    But I'm pretty sure in their heads, they want to say something along the lines of "Hey, we know most of you are about to have your free 30 days end, and just to screw with you a little more, we're going to introduce the services you have been asking, no BEGGING, and waiting for, right when your time runs out. So, jump on the wagon, and come experience the things you wanted to experience, now with more people, BUT, you'll have to RENEW your SUBSCRIPTION first! Yay!".

  13. The big problem right now is that the relationship of time spent waiting for the service to number of people that stop playing is exponential.


    Every day that goes by that does not have Server Transfers introduced, has more and more people throwing their arms up saying "I quit".


    Initially, people have patience and hope. Then they have tolerance. Then they become frustrated, then they quit.


    It's a vicious cycle. Initially, a few stop playing because they are bored, frustrated, don't like the game, don't have time, whatever. This is only a few. Then it becomes more and more difficult to find players to run content with/against (in the case of PvP). More people lose hope. They stop playing. Every day, more people stop playing than the previous day, and the cycle feeds upon itself.


    THIS is why players are concerned. THIS is why servers are underpopulated, and THIS is why Bioware needs to do something NOW, not a MONTH from now.

  14. Ya know what I don't understand?


    Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


    If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.


    Some of us do that anyway, but we still want to play the game we love when we have time. Unfortunately, even when we have time for it, the game is unplayable in endgame on most servers because it is impossible to get a PvP pop, or a group together for an Operation.


    Could we roll alts? Sure, some of us have done that already for the stories we wanted to experience. Some people simply don't want to roll alts, because they want to play the class THEY like.


    So, tell me, why should we go and do more of what we are already doing in real life, and wait idly by just because BW can't get their act together? We have schedules, we know what we want to do when. Sometimes we go and hang out with our friends, sometimes we work, sometimes we go catch a flick or go out to dinner, or just go and get hammered. But sometimes, we want to play the game, and nothing else. Because that is part of our wide array of entertainment choices.

  15. All you need is the cheapest piece of 3 slot legacy gear, like gloves or something from the legacy level 10 set.


    That's not EXACTLY true. You need to get the legacy item for the item you are trying to send over. The reason for this is because of the armoring.


    E.g. You want to send your alt the Armoring, Mod & Enhancement from a Rakata Chest Piece. Well, the Armoring from the Chest piece cannot be placed in the Armoring Slot of a pair of Legacy Gloves.


    Ripped out Chest Armoring needs to be placed into another Chest item.


    Ripped out Glove Armoring needs to be placed into another Glove item.



  16. hmm...


    will that work with any orange gear and not just the legacy orange gear? I ask because that stuff is expensive and social 1 gear is cheap and I don't have any lvl 50s but would still like to send mods to alts.


    No, it won't. I tried it. Legacy gear is the only way to do it. The reason is that BoE orange gear (non-legacy) becomes bound when you place a Bound Mod/Armoring/Enhancement into it.


    It's costly as hell, but worth it for people trying to get gear on their alts.


    I got 3 Rakata pieces and one Black Hole piece sent from my Sorc (which I hate playing) to my Assasin, because our server is so dead that I couldn't run enough Ops week to week to gear up.


    However, be aware, it is costly. First you have to buy the Legacy gear, for each piece, let's say that's 100K average. Then you need to rip out the Modifications from the original item. For Rakata/BM that's 33K per armoring/mod/enhancement (~100K total), and I think 44K for Black Hole/Campaign/War Hero (~130K total). Now that that's done, you put it into the legacy item, mail it, but wait, then you have to take everything out AGAIN, unless you want to be wearing non-augmented cruddy looking orange legacy gear, and put them into something useful. That's ANOTHER 100K-130K you need to spend after sending it (depending on if they're level 58's or 61's).


    That means, for just ONE piece of Rakata/BM you are trading between characters, your initial cost will be 100K+100K+100K=300K. For one piece. Unless you have a couple of million credits sitting around (some of us do), it is not recommended.

  17. I think they'll have restrictions on certain servers being transferred to. Fatman will be one of these as the population of this server is already exceeding it's limits.


    Exactly. This is why people should wait for more clarification on Server Transfers before making threads about where to transfer to and trying to get a consensus.


    I've already seen at least 5 threads on the "Where to go once ST's are here" theme, but I think the community should realize that there will be restrictions.


    Until we know more about it, I think the community that is eager to transfer (myself included) should hold off on trying to unite everyone to an agreed upon server/servers.

  18. It's actually kind of funny that you brought this up, because oddly enough, yesterday when we tried to run KP Hard Mode for a couple of our less geared players, one thing that we noticed on Bonethrasher is that he was hitting much, MUCH harder...consistently.


    I don't mean only when you get the debuff from him clobbering you into the ground, I mean ALL THE TIME. His swipe would CONSTANTLY hit for 10-12K, no matter what. Though it had been a week or so since the last time I ran it, I remember his swipes only hitting for 6-8K in Hard Mode.


    It is possible that the instance, for you and us, had been bugged. It used to happen every now and then (but was supposedly fixed). The issue I'm referring to, is that sometimes, the instance would act as Nightmare Mode, even though it is set to Hard Mode.


    Unless they did something to chance KP, Bonethrasher's swipes should only be hitting for 10-12K in Nightmare mode, and about 60-75% of that in Hard Mode.


    but i have read more anger and complain threads and more people unsub.

    so i wonder what you guys think?


    You should understand that, when it comes to most anything, you will not hear a peep out of people when things are going well. The only time you really hear from anyone is when things are not going their way. Thus, you will always, ALWAYS see more NEGATRONS than OPTIMIST PRIMES on the forums.


    To give you an analogy (and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this, it is truly not my intention), imagine if the hijacked planes on 9/11 had the safeguards (that were implemented after the attacks) in place before hand, would it have gotten as much attention? Imagine if there was some sort of deterrent in place that stopped the hijackers at pretty much their first step, and did no harm. Well, it could have been a catastrophe, but it was deterred. Would you hear much about it? Probably not. You would not hear much in the way of what a great idea that deterrent was, or how effective it became.


    In the public, you will always hear more negatives than positives.

  20. Ah crap... well Diablo 3 in 6 days.


    Diablo doesn't have much replay value though, unless you are just grinding dungeons for the SOLE reason of getting gear to sell on the Auction House.


    It will be fun for the first couple of months, and admittedly, I will be playing it as well, along with TOR. There will likely be less of a TOR population once it hits, sure, but after the short 1-2 month "honeymoon" period, people will start coming back, if only to check out new content and transfer their characters, see how the game is doing.


    Sometimes it's nice to take a breather from things, whether it's a game, your work, whatever. You come back with...I don't know what word to use here...a different attitude? Not hyped & excited like when a game is first released, but genuine interest that is not quite the "I can't WAIT to do this, hurry up and give it to me!!" feeling.

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