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Posts posted by rbkrbk

  1. I know people don`t like reading much, so I`ll keep it short:


    Is it true you can rip out War Hero Armoring, Mods & Enhancements, pop them into your Rakata or Columni or Tionese empty shells, and get both the PvE and PvP set bonuses (since the PvE set bonus is tied to the shell on older gear). This would really be kind of a problem if true....

  2. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on this. The Schematic: Sorcerer Adept Vestments dropped for me today. It was on my L32 Operative, from an Underworld Trading Level 41-48 Mission. HOWEVER, it took 8 days of Underworld Trading missions, about 6/day per companion, on 8 companions, two of whom were +UT crit.


    So, there we go. Hard to get schematics are super rare, but they do drop.

  3. No, it is a reward for those that like PvP and have the valor?


    No, it's not. Granted, I am valor rank 69 on both my Sorc and Assasin, and have augmented BM boots and gloves on both, I will have to agree with the OP on this one.


    It is not very fair to those that have no interest in grinding PvP to NOT have the AVAILABILITY of augmented glvoes and boots.


    Furthermore, it is quite absurd that the only augmented gloves and boots that are available, as far as style goes, are the fugly PvP ones (yes, the Inquisitor BM and WH gloves and boots are fugly).


    I don't know what went through BW's head when they were developing this patch. A large portion of the community was extremely excited that they could finally customize their gear. 1.2 hits and it turns out BW put such limitiations on this aspect of the game, that it's hardly any different than pre 1.2.

  4. Anyone know if there is another way to get these other than Underworld Trading missions? I've been sending out my 2 +crit UT companions, along with every other companion that I have, on the highest UT missions, but have not been able to get them for the last 3 days.


    Any help would be appreciated!


    EDIT: Thanks for the feedback guys! This also just popped in my head: would it be possible to R.E. the Green/Blue Sorcerer Adept Vestments to get the Orange Schematic? I know you can't R.E. the purples, but what about the Green/Blue variation?


    Thanks again!

  5. For better or for worse, it is not happening. Time will continue and the world will change. If gamers and (by extension) society are in decay, then little else can be done unless it turns around and tries to be for the better.


    This can easily spiral into a philosophical discussion. For what it's worth, I weep for the future of humanity...

  6. I am not complaining. Like I said I love the game. (You could see most of my posts that I love this game. All I asked was a question, whether the shock of free play would affect the stock today. Really, that is it.


    No. The one month of free play affects EA's stock price as much as a drop of water affects the waves of an ocean.

  7. Im sitting here watch CNBC and they are talking about how the stock market is down because corporate earnings reports didnt meet estimates for some companies. So you say you know more than these experts on tv on how the stock market works? Ok :)


    LOL those people on TV? They are not EXPERTS. They are, say it with me now, JOOUURRNNAAALLIISSTSSSS. They have no clue how things work, they just go off the most superficial things that are available, classify it as information, and then parrot it to other idiots that are less knowledgeable than they are. News programs that report, and try and inform people, on the how & why of stock market movements, are the ideal example of the blind leading the blind.

  8. Yea, listen to one of those pro-guys who has been pissing away your money for the past decade.




    I like how you clump us all into one generic category. Like somehow, because we are competent in our field and have some sort of credentials that gives us credibility, we manage to be worse at our profession than someone who just guesses.

  9. Let me put this in easy-to-understand terms.


    What the OP is hinting at is this: Shareholders in EA weren't told about some decisions that have a huge bearing on the value of their stocks (as in giving away playing time). This shocked and angered them, and shook their confidence. Stocks loss value as a result. What does this all mean?


    SWTOR is not the WoW-killing cash-cow it was hoping for, after most likely having touted it as such to investors. Upset investors, lower stocks, servers becoming ghost-towns, and MANY players currently disgruntled (and many more gone in the next few weeks, I predict). All of this spells trouble. I can almost guarantee that some EA execs are angrily berating the BW team nad shking things up with threats about job-losses unless things smooth out and fast. If they grow completely dissatisfied with SWTOR, they may even try to sell it off, though they're more likely to just ramp up an F2P scenario if server populations continue to evaporate. It's amazing what a stock hitting a low, even for 5 minutes, can do.


    HAHAHAHAAH This has got to be the most uninformed, ignorant, conspiracy filled post I have read all day! Yes, my friend, life often has simple, "easy-to-understand", WRONG answers. Thank you for clarifying.

  10. I never said I was an expert on EA. I was just saying I wonder if the "shock" was priced in today. Not hard to understand that. I will agree, I wouldn't know whether EA was running like the whole Nasdaq market. I haven't been following it.


    In short, no. The dip you are seeing in EA has nothing to do with SWTOR and the server downtime. The dip you are seeing is due to the sell-off that occurred early this morning across the board. Unless they are reporting earnings, or have some other type of MAJOR news, like and FDA approval for example, 75% of stocks follow the trend of it's major market index, i.e. NASDAQ, S&P, DJIA, TSX, etc.

  11. with the exception of one minute. Do you think stockholder's didn't like the free month giveaway? Usually announcements are priced in a stock in advance, but no one knew "free time" before now.


    I realize most of the market is down today, but it is interesting that EA has only been up less than 5 minutes through most of the trading day. One hour to go and the stock is down about a $0.25 a share or 1.5%.


    *** are you talking about? Do you have different definitions of "down"? It has been following the trend of the NASDAQ almost perfectly in-sync. I don't think you understand how stock movement works.


    Take it from a CFA & CMT chartered professional.

  12. I love how everyone is complaining about the unexpected downtime yet nobody here mentions how other mmos had MORE downtime heck WoW in it's first couple months had 4x the downtime to the point where they had to give free days (yes there were at least a full day of downtime every few weeks) this happens to all mmos you need to remember mmo's are the most complicated software there is.


    I agree. See I came from a little game called DC Universe Online. It was managed by SOE, which was headed by a little guy named John Smedley, a.k.a the dueling banjos kid from Deliverance.


    Unless you people have played that game, and endured the pain of SOE defecating all over EVERY SINGLE player, you cannot comprehend what suffering at the hands of a gaming developer is.


    This. Is. Nothing.

  13. I think it's funny the ppl who laugh at ppl who say they r quitting, i remember same in my last mmorpg till i quit lol, still get text plz come back and heal for us rofl. A few servers from wat i see r struggling and if the best reponse u can come up with when some1 does not like the way the game has panned out is "bye" i hope u relize that soon it will b just u playing and u won't have to say bye to any1 rofl. this is an mmorpg and nearly every person that leaves hurts the game be it, less funds for bioware to implement stuff or basically no player base so q times r painful (lightsabers will only carry u so far bioware).

    Btw prob won't renew my sub either been meaning to get back to eve-online might have to check it out :)


    Could you re-phrase this in English please?

  14. OMG, really? No end game content whatsoever?


    Ilum dailies, Belsavis Dailies and when the servers come back up Corellia




    HM/NMM: BT, BP, Fy, D7, BoI, FE, KUS and when the servers come back up Lost




    Story, HM/NMM(?): EV, KP and when the servers come back up EC.


    I can't think of a single MMO that was released with nearly this much End Game

    Content - or had it within 5 months of release. Most are released with NO "raids" and get one in the first mega-patch, often you have to wait for an expansion pack


    If you can do all of the above in one gaming day, I applaud you. However, that puts you into a miniscule minority of gamers. And quite frankly if the entire population of that minority unsubscribed it would not even be a drop in the bucket of subscriptions.


    MMOs are about repeated content at 50. No Dev team or game producer can keep


    up the pace of players devouring content.


    This game, specifically, is story driven. You knew that when you subscribed.


    If you didn't see that their intent was for you to experience one story from


    eight different perspectives then perhaps this isn't the game for you.


    There is also Companion Affection, Crafting and Level 50 PvP.


    This guy, he gets it.

  15. I'm not currently on the PTS, and I haven't seen this answered in a way yet that clarifies my confusion, so if anyone is able to confirm the details of my query, I would be very grateful.


    Here is my dilemma: I was really looking forward to 1.2 for one big reason; to customize my look. For my Sorc, I really like the Voss Social V Mystic Robes, and for my Assassin, the lvl40 PvP gear. Both these armor sets are orange items. Will I be able to, as a Synthweaver, reverse engineer these items, learn the schematics, then craft them until they crit with an augment slot?


    I was under the impression that we will only have the ability to reverse engineer and learn schematics for endgame items (which, unfortunately, I do not find aesthetically pleasing at all), which is quite disappointing to me if true.


    Everyone I ask, everything I to read, seems to have conflicting and contradictory information. Would anyone be able to clear this up for me? Will I be able to perform the above, or no?


    Again, I would be very grateful for a straightforward answer.

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