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Posts posted by rbkrbk

  1. Glad to see you didn't jump to any conclusions .. :rolleyes:


    EA isn't running out of money..


    they reported 5,000,000,000 ,0000 (thats Billion) in assets last report. As for the reason only they know but ill guess there was no need for 3 cm's when 3 can handle it. Most titles don't have 6 Cm's.


    Either way..Makeb is coming..


    Its not spring yet and technically they still have a full 4 months to roll out Makeb since spring doesn't end until to June 21st..


    Total assets in the world of finance is almost completely irrelevant. When a CFO looks at their Balance Sheet, Income & Cash Flow Statements, they care about current assets vs current liabilities (those are short term), cash flow, etc. LIQUIDITY, in a word. The executives care about QoQ and YoY growth. Total assets means very little, unless they're looking for an Merger opportunity (unlikely) or being bought out (even more unlikely).


    A business could have Ten Trillion in total assets, but that means very little if they have little to no cash flow. If their assets are all illiquid or goodwill, a company could file for Chapter 11 in a week because they don't have enough cash to pay their upcoming debt obligations.


    Just to be clear, I'm not disagreeing with the rest of your post (I too, have no idea as to the cause of the change, it could simply be restructuring), but I simply cannot stand it when people are given misleading information.

  2. You can't compare the gross health. You need to compare the relative health of the divisions. Large companies live and die by "return on investment". EA's cash cows are their sports franchises (FIFA, etc.) which have phenomenal ROI.


    MMO's are attractive because they generate huge gross revenues but what many people fail to understand is there are significant operational expenses involved. For most companies the net profit exceeds what their non-MMO titles can generate. This is not true in EA's case.


    Ignoring terms of their contract with LucasArts the future of SW:TOR likely depends on if EA has saturated their other markets or if they can get better ROI from funding a different project.


    This guy gets it.

  3. Yeah this is actually one of EA's more successful titles. If I remember the last earnings report correctly they said one of the areas making the most money was digital sales or something and TOR was one of the highest earners in that category.


    The internet is currently on some sort of nostalgia fueled rampage against Bioware so no one realizes that a LOT of people play and enjoy this game.


    No it isn't. See my sig. Read their Q4/FY (last April) Earnings Conference Call notes, then their Q1, Q2, Q3 2013 notes. You will see that you are completely incorrect.

  4. Source eurogamer.net




    See my Sig below for how I feel. :rolleyes:


    Honestly, who didn't see this coming from a mile away. I remember you made that your sig way back in the day, I think it was right around their Q4/FY Earnings late last March or April. Clearly their business model mind-set has changed, thinking that today's generation of "gamers" is USED TO microtransactions, what with their android/iPhone games and what not. But again, people speak volumes with their wallets. If this type of business model demonstrates to EA that it can increase their top and bottom lines, then clearly they've found a new (though clearly frowned upon by some of us) business model.

  5. This was sadly disappointing to me. I rolled an Agent on Prophecy of the Five and was expecting to be attacked non-stop as soon as I emerged on Hutta, was anxiously panning around to see other players conning enemy to me and...nothing. I figured everyone would be flagged as enemy but this does not appear to be the case until later on I guess.


    I'll keep levelling up there but so far the lack of carnage is unsettling.



    Like the responses to the OP who mentioned Coruscant, Hutta is likewise a starting planet, thus, you will have no republic players there. Ditto for Dromund Kaas.

  6. My solution is simple, if 20 minutes of "work" is too much for you to be able to afford repairs, then you don't want to raid that badly.

    Depending on how often you wipe, you might need to run one more daily... OH the horror!

    40 minutes per week... wow that's just terrible.


    All you're doing is ignoring counter arguments and repeating your own initial ones. This "conversation" has started to circle.

  7. My point is that all of this should be planned for and scheduled. I get that things go wrong. No problem. The issue is that BW puts out a schedule that is not accurate. Give yourself an extra hour or two or three. Tell us from the start. Don't tell us it will take 4 hours when it might take 7. Tell us 7 and when it only takes 4, then the customer will be happy. When they extend and introduce bugs, it looks like they don't know what they are doing. And they should. They earn A LOT of money doing this. The servers, process and support should be the best. They act like they are not. They act like they don't know what they are doing.


    No they won't. Then people will complain that it takes so long for such a small fix, and the inevitable "WoW/EQ/TERA/TSW/etc. NEVER had to take this long for a simple patch" argument creeps its way in. Then of course, it will be followed up with the usual slew of accusations of incompetence and comparisons to various uncomplimentary things.

  8. So we get discounted until 2.0 - that's great.


    What bothers me is that when 2.0 hits, are we going to lose that discount and get jacked again on repair costs? Its almost as if BW is giving us the finger and playing god by saying yes, ill give u a little break and then its back to the absurdity that no one wants. Don't they even listen at all?


    The repair costs will increase as the 50% discount expires, yes. However, we've been assured the costs will not be nearly as high as they were previously. It will now be calculated based on the equipped Mod. Previously, the cost of the shell was taken into consideration as well.

  9. 1.7 dropped on February 12th.

    1.7.1 dropped on February 27th.


    This was 15 days of high repair bills.


    The 50% discount is until 2.0 drops, which is likely to be a while.


    Unless you don't play the game over the next several weeks, you are going to make back all your repair fees AND THEN SOME.


    Logic wins.

  10. So you just want to be able to log in, raid, and log off and not worry about funding repair bills?

    This is the problem with today's generation, none of them want to do any work or put in any effort for rewards.

    The time and effort it takes to be able to afford repair costs is so minute it's comical that you losers complain about it.


    No, it's what's wrong with YOU. It's having a mindset like yours that allows companies to deliver more and more shoddy goods, worse and worse service, for the same price, because it seems no one has the balls to open their damn mouth and say "this isn't what I'm paying you for!". End of discussion.

  11. Yeah, 20 minutes do do Ilum is hard. derp.


    Right. So you're telling me that I should pay a company money so that I can be FORCED to do something I DON'T enjoy, just so I can enjoy the things I'm paying for?


    If you don't understand how absurd the above situation is, good on you. Marketing departments THRIVE on trying to sell to people like you, who don't understand the simple concept of cost vs. value.

  12. Can people tell me WHY there should be a servertransfer like this? Couldnt it be more like one free server transfer each 6 months for subscribers only. If there were paid server transfers where ppl could transfer all the time I think some servers wouldnt feel so good. people always want to play with friends, of course, but if you're totally alone right now, how can you even manage NOT to just reroll already?


    People already had to re-roll, some multiple times, when there were 120 servers around. I'm not paying $15 a month to constantly re-do EXACTLY what I've done already.

  13. Since this popped to the top, I'm going to say NO ONE is being FORCED to purchase this DLC. That's exactly what this is, DLC and DLC in most games is around 10.00, single player, co op and mmo. EA isn't doing anything that everyone else isn't doing but there are so many of you that despise EA so much that you're willing to warp this into a huge debate. If you don't want it, don't get it. No one is telling you that you have to have it. Just like subscribing, EA isn't twisting your arm and forcing you to subscribe. Yes, they are holding back things and making you spend money on them but you know what, why should F2P players get what subscribers get, they shouldn't. Don't have to sub, don't have to buy the DLC.


    This sort of advice is completely counter-productive. Both to players and the developers. EA/Bioware WANT people to buy this stuff. That means more money for them. Players should WANT other players to purchase DLCs, because that means the dev team could get more funding for future content.


    Thus, when you tell people they don't HAVE to buy something, yes you are correct, BUT you are not contributing. Yes, there are plenty of people that are just whining. But there are an equal number of people protesting and voicing their legitimate concerns about how unhappy they are with the product, which is what you DO when you are unhappy with a product. The best thing people can do is make their voices heard with their wallets. Unfortunately, in this game, I fear if that happens, future content will be severely lacking.


    So, in conclusion, instead of telling people "listen, no one is putting a gun to your head", why say anything at all? Why not let people voice their concerns? Why not LET EA/BW HEAR those concerns, so that they can make something better in the future?

  14. So I guess now we just need to know how many Basis Comms they cost and how many you get as you level from 50-55.




    Scroll down to Basic Commendations.


    Subject to change obviously, as this is only from the test server. You can see how many Basic Comms each piece costs. As for you many you get leveling? That's up in the air.


    These commendation have a storage cap of 400 with a weekly cap of 200.

  15. $10 DLC for a single player game contains 4-5 of gameplay if we're lucky. this expansion contains this much - fully voiced for 16 different player character types (not sure how different empire and republic stories will be, so I'm counting them as one for now), plus completely new operation. and I'm not counting revamped flashpoints or changes that everyone will experience.

    not to mention apparently prices of DLC's are going up to $15 per :/


    First of all, the game as it is now, doesn't have 16 different fully voiced character stories, it has 8. Advanced classes of one class do not get separate stories. Second, Makeb will have ONE story for EVERYONE, regardless of your class, though I'm sure there will simply be some tweaking of words between imperial and republic stories.

  16. Where did they say this? I forgot to ask on my previous reply.


    There will be, but it's not given away for free, you need to use Basic Commendations to purchase them. These commendations will grant you access to starter Level 55 purple gear at the Basic Gear vendor. You get these from:

    1. Makeb Questing

    2. L50 Hardmode flashpoints: Group Finder daily rewards 10 Basic Commendations


    These can be spent on the Basic Gear vendor on the fleet for basic Level 55 purple gear, which will allow you to jump into the new L55 Flashpoints and SM Scum & Villainy.

  17. Now this is not a qq thread.


    I recently restarted the event dailies on my 8 chars. I quit because I was appalled at the star friends line, however I want the gear so I started again. I have ran around in the "pve" area for 2 days now on a pvp server and when on my 50s I was only attacked once and it was by a group of over 10..."The crimson noobs" as I call them. I then messed up their pve for about an hour and was hilarious.


    However, I just recently got on my 49 scoundrel to do some missions. Every imp I saw attacked me. Now it is a pvp server and I'd like every red to attack me. However, the part that upsets me is that even groups of 2-3 were afraid of my near min/max 50s and left me alone. But as soon as I'm on a 13k char every single 50 imp on the server thinks KOS.


    This is sad. You pansies need to get a job and get out of your mommy's basement. Now if you are someone who will attack my 50s as well then more power to you. I deserve to die in a contested area on my 49, however I just hate you pansies that won't attack my 50s as well.


    This is a non sequitur if I've ever seen one. What does one thing have to do with another? If you're so obsessed with #1. Fighting and #2. Comparing things in real life vs. a virtual world, would you not be happier just going out on the street downtown, announcing how uber you are, and have every "pansy" around jump you?

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