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Posts posted by rbkrbk

  1. Would love to see this in game, even if only on the CM like other dye modules. If anyone has seen the Underworld Boss dye module, you'll know what I'm talking about. The Underworld Black piece of that d.m. is much more black than the current Black and Black dye module, which actually looks like a "black t-shirt after a few washes in hot water" black.


    The U/W black would be a hot ticket item I bet.

  2. it wears off after the refundable period.


    if you got the armor, just make slot it into outfit and it should remove the timer. weapons you can send through mail to another character to remove the binder.


    the actual purple mounts and companions need to let their timers expire before being put into legacy cargo


    Awesome, thank you for confirming!

  3. As subject says: I've unlocked all of the datacrons including the matrix shards (back in the day), across the two factions, but some toons do not have access to to the achievement entries, e.g. my BH is at 67/83, Inq is at 77/83, missing Galactic History 04-14, among others, while my consular has them, and so on.


    A nice to have would be to share all Codex entries across characters, or at least have an option for it.

  4. The issue here isn't whether you should pay for it or not. There are arguments for and against. The issue here is that EA/BW made all the craft and gathering skills/missions available to 700 without paying and have now, potentially, chosen to revert this change after 2 months. IF EA/BW realized there was a mistake made by allowing the increased skill level then it should have been resolved at that point and not 2 months later and without any notification or a mention in the patch notes.


    Ah I see, looking through the Bug Report forum, I'm seeing this come up from more people. Seems like a ninja patch, since this change, intentional or not, was not in the patch notes. In which case, yea it would be great to get some clarity. Maybe it was a mistake on their part? Hopefully it is, and will be reverted, but as it stands, it seems to currently be in place, and without any notification, that is some bull****.


    Unfortunately, I currently cannot even get into the game!!

  5. Hi, posted this in General but figured it made more sense to post it here.


    After launching the game, the Onslaught splash displays for about half a second, then the screen goes black and just sits there. The cursor is still the in game cursor and can move.


    After trying to launch the game/this happening several times, I checked Nvidia drivers (they did have updates today for some cards, mine is a 1660 Ti), installed updates, restarted PC, still not fixed, I just get this black screen.


    Some info about my rig:


    GeForce GTX1660 Ti

    Driver version 451.48

    Intel® Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.6GHz

    31.93 GB RAM

    3440 x 1440, 100Hz


    Windows up to date just like it was yesterday.

  6. Am I the only one experiencing this? After launching the game, the Onslaught splash displays for about half a second, then the screen goes black and just sits there. The cursor is still the in game cursor and can move.


    After trying to launch the game/this happening several times, I checked Nvidia drivers (they did have updates today for some cards, mine is a 1660 Ti), installed updates, restarted PC, still not fixed.


    Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue or if it might just be me.


    EDIT/UPDATE: Was able to resolve this by completely uninstalling the game and removing all "extra" files in the install folder after the uninstall, then re-installing fresh. Note: I was concerned about losing game settings, so I copied the [settings] folder in [LocalDrive]:\Users\[userName]\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor, and after the re-install, replaced the new [settings] folder with the one I backed up.

  7. Regardless of your class or faction or end-of-KotET decision, this is normal. If you don't have the "Fractured Alliances" mission in your log afterwards, check on your ship's mission console.


    Hey Steve, thanks for that, I guess I was more asking about the possibility of a cut scene I'm missing there, rather than how to progress the story, sorry if my initial wording is confusing.

  8. Hi everyone, not sure if this has been posted before, I've tried searching for it on the forums and google but no luck.


    Minor spoilers to follow!


    (Imperial, dark side) After seizing the Eternal Throne, the credits for KoTET roll, and there's a short cut scene with Lana and Theron about new intelligence regarding uprisings, and Lana says they'll worry about it tomorrow, tonight we celebrate (see cutscene here, it's the first 50 seconds). Then my character shows up in the throne room with no mission. As I start to head towards the elevator to go up to the Alliance Cantina, the screen fades to black for a few seconds like it's starting a cut scene...but after the few seconds, it just goes back to my character, with nothing having played.


    Anyway, I'm just wondering if there IS supposed to be a cutscene there in the throne room after that cutscene with Lana and Theron. I'm just asking because I don't want to miss it and I haven't seen any playthrough videos that show that particular part of the game.


    Thanks all in advance!


    Side note: I've seen this before when assaulting GEMINI in KoTFE with Scorpio (trying to take the bridge of the ship) at a point when the mission is to speak with Lana Beniko (after blowing open the door that split the strike team into two parties). The screen would go black like it's trying to progress the story, but then would revert to my character, then try and play the cutscene again, revert back, over and over. I eventually figured out how to progress it but don't remember what I did.

  9. how does ignore work on the forums? i wouldn't be surprised if i'm on a few people's list, not the least of which would be eric musco. do you just see a gap, with comments above and below and then a lack of context to what people are responding to? would my name show up but just the text of the post be censored? at least then you would know there is a gap in the conversation you're missing. is there any way i can see a list of who all is ignoring me?


    i could just test it out i suppose, but it seems omitting the context of a discussion, even with someone i might disagree with or someone who might make me angry, would just be confusing, and i'm not sure i would know how to un-ignore. it's not the same as a chat channel if someone is spamming about a credits for cash site or harassing you, where there isn't so much of a context to miss out on.


    It looks like this (formatting removed):


    Today, 09:20 PM View Post

    Andryah Remove user from ignore list

    This message is hidden because Andryah is on your ignore list.

  10. Common sense says ROTHC and 2.0 are at the same time. It's just that people that didn't purchase the expansion will just get the 2.0 update minus everything pertaining to the expansion. Those that did/do buy the expansion will get the full 2.0 which will include ROTHC and 50+ content.


    Clearly, common sense is dumb and ignores precedent.

  11. Bioware created no issue.. They simply consolidated the servers and put us all on well populated servers.. It was for our own good.. :)


    Bioware played no part in people having characters spread across multiple servers.. I fail to see how anyone can blame anyone but themselves.. They created the characters didn't they?? ;)


    I love it when other people know what's good for me better than I do....

  12. Oh My Force, a 2 seated car!?

    I want one now!

    I never understood the reasoning behind giving all large speeders only 1 seat, when they obviously can fit 2. Korrealis speeders actually do have 2 seats, and even though the right seat is covered it is is still clipping through the covering xD So why even cover it? It would look so much better with 2 seats.


    I really hope this speeder is not a compensation of some sort, but an actual obtainable speeder.


    I've always wondered about this actually. If you had a mount (e.g. a speeder) that had two seats, why not put your companion in the other seat? It never made much sense to me, other than MAYBE it would cause rendering issues in a heavily populated area (fleets). Your companion would "technically" be dismissed, but they would be right there beside you. I would still like to see this implemented in the future.

  13. your 3rd white crystal, was that the first pack you opened after you cleared your inventory ? If it was then maybe you just opened the same box 3 times in a row since a box doesn´t open if there´s no room for the loot. It just stays on top of the stack.


    LOL, wow, it would be SOOOO funny if that was the case!!! And it actually makes a LOT of sense!

  14. It's their game, they can do whatever they please to it. If you don't like it, move on. Really, people complain about every thing Bioware does. They will never be happy. Even if EA/BW did everything they wanted, they would still find something to complain about. Subscriptions do not support this game anymore. If they didn't put things in the CM that encourage purchases, you would not have a game to play.


    Uh, just because a company CAN do something, rarely means they should.....


    It's exactly that sort of attitude, that "Hey, this is our game, if you don't like it, you can leave" mindset that caused a slow bleed, and eventual mass exodus from the game early last year, just months after launch.

  15. Huh, wonder why they're not doing weekly updates now?


    Perhaps they've finally decided to do the right thing and not add new items knowing full well it would introduce new bugs/the items themselves are bugged. I would love for that to be the case. It would be a big step forward from the "make it live, we'll fix it later" mentality they've had thus far.

  16. Regardless, the OP should do the right thing and change the warning in the thread title from "DO NOT PURCHASE!!!!" to "DO NOT OPEN WHEN YOUR INVENTORY IS FULL!!!!" being that this bug is easily avoided.


    While I agree to an extent, again, I do not feel it is the responsibility of the player to find work-arounds for bugs that should be addressed ASAP.


    Perhaps the title should be changed, perhaps it should be posted in a different section of the forum; however, the point still remains that, if in fact this IS a bug, it needs to get the attention of the developers.


    Most already know my aversion to the CM, but since it is around and there is nothing that can be done about it, BW might as well ensure that it is working properly.

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