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Posts posted by rbkrbk

  1. Yep, that's $218m directly into their pockets. You clearly don't take out Tax, VAT, wages, service and maintenance, cost of production, distribution, the massive % that retailers take from sales, etc etc etc. Income tax on dividends alone would of been around 40%. Yep, companies don't ever have high expenses which would leave them with 10-20% profit, they just keep everything ...


    For cryin' out loud man, it's WOULD HAVE, not WOULD OF. You're right though, all of the variables you listed come into play. You did leave out one of the big ones though, which is the 30-35% paid to Lucas Arts to use the IP.

  2. You typed 'lets see if you can find them!' when the correct thing to type would have been 'let's see if you can find them!'. That was hypocritical.


    To me it would seem his was simply a button push error (neglecting to hit the apostrophe), whereas most of the errors on these boards come from plain stupidity. Yes, I do notice them. It does bother me. I have to hold back my rage and tears (tears of rage?) when I see someone, for example, use the word "plane" instead of "plain", "patients" instead of "patience" (note: that is not directed at TUXs post, as his pun was clear to me), "wyning" instead of "whining", "affective" instead of "effective", "accept" instead of "except" (sometimes, eccept, which gives me a brain aneurysm), along with my biggest peeves "than" instead of "then" and "their" or "there" instead of "they're" (I'd even "eccept" theyre as a simple button push error) and "aloud" instead of "allowed", as well as "your" instead of "you're" (and incredulously, in a vain attempt to seem semi-intelligent, sometimes using the incorrect "you're" instead of the correct "your", which is much, much worse), "intensive purposes" instead of "intents and purposes" (MAN does that one get me fired up), "site" instead of "sight" (esp. in words like "Hindsight", which seems to come up in nearly every thread), "insure" instead of "ensure", "could of" instead of "could have", "strait" instead of "straight", "loose" instead of "lose", "predicsion" or "predicshun" instead of "prediction", "afterwords" instead of "afterward" (really??), adding an "e" in words like "forward" or "fortune" (i.e. "foreward" or "foretune"), "clame" instead of "claim" (what the heck is a "clame"?), "anticdotal evidence" (I kid you not, I have seen this come up more than once), "addatude" instead of "attitude", "dieing" instead of "dying" (this one, like "hindsite" comes up often), "very" instead of "vary" (sometimes "veryus" instead of "various"), "servis" instead of "service", "sence" instead of "sense", along with many, many more.


    This wasn't really an important post, I just wanted to throw in my two cents (or, in forum speak, sence). I don't get caught up in simple errors like missing a letter or a button, even if it occurs in every other word. Sometimes one gets caught up in their argument.


    However, when someone creates a Great Wall of Text that would humble the ancient Chinese, in an attempt to discredit someone else's argument, or perhaps to articulate their own points, and they misuse or misspell words which do not require anything more than an elementary school education, to me at least, all their credibility is lost.

  3. Success in the business world means making the most money in the shortest amount of time. The reason for this is because the longer an investment is held, the risk of loss increases exponentially.


    This is what EA does. I do not agree with it, but that's how Capitalism works. You can argue all you want about how it "should" work, which I will agree with, but the Business world is not a sparkling Unicorn that burps marshmallows and farts rainbows and sunshine.

  4. Everyone on Fleet shares the same general chat. It's bad enough with 250 people on the fleet and general chat is just scrolling faster than you can read it. Also, if there was world PvP, people don't want to be split up away from the fight. You must cap it at a reasonable population. They capped it way too low and opened far too many servers. Someone was boneheaded at BioWare. I hope that person was let go with the rest.


    It wasn't a decision simply based on arbitrary numbers. The developers in charge on the population restriction didn't jsut wake up one morning and said "Hey, this is a good number to restrict phases to!". No. The reason is in fact because of the inherent problem with the Hero engine (especially considering that Bioware made "their own version"). The Hero engine CANNOT support as much of the physics (i.e. the actions and animations) of the game as the Unreal Engine. That is why on Ilum, in those "massive" 50vs50 fights (or heck, even the 25 vs 25), unless you had an above average or exceptional machine, you would just get a ton of lag. The Unreal engine would be able to cope with this.


    Part of the reason is single-vs-multi-thread rendering, but that's not all, there are a number of reasons why Bioware has to put these limitations into place on worlds, but it all comes back to the fundamental inferiority of the Hero engine.


    Just to be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you. The restrictions and limitations were bad design. But the bad choice was not the number of players they allowed in a specific place (if fact, those numbers were probably the most efficient they could make it), but rather, the engine they decide to build the game with.

  5. That would be cool, something akin to DCUO or Eve.


    Yes, however, while it will be similar to DCUO, I doubt it will be exactly the same. DCUO runs on the Unreal engine. SWTOR runs on the Hero engine (or rather, Bioware's version of it). DCUO was able to make one giant megaserver that just added additional phases as necessary. The task is daunting on the Unreal engine, to say the least. On the Hero engine, it is much more difficult to implement something like this. I won't go into all the reasons, just read up a bit on both.


    What I'm saying is, even if it won't be like the DCUO system, it is still a MASSIVE undertaking, and we should not expect this feature at least until closer to the end of the year. If they try and go the DCUO route, it will take even longer.

  6. I honestly believe the delay is marketing/business related and not technical.


    I really don't understand how more people don't have a better grip on this.


    EA is a carrot dangler. They will dangle the "Character Transfer/1.3" carrot in front of the player base for quite a while, right up until the most amount of subs are about to expire (i.e. right after the free 30 days are up). EA/BW: "Ohai! We're gonna give you all the stuff you've been begging for, for months, but since we've ticked off pretty much every one of you, first you need to re-sub so you can see how buggy it is! YAY!".


    As I don't have access to their database, I don't know when that will be. But they do. You'd better believe they know their marketing, questionable as it may be.

  7. 2 months ago a thread like this would have been 30 pages long by now. The same thread posted today is barely scratching 3 pages. Everyone that cared about Rated WZs has left or is on their way on the door.


    ^ That. By the time RWZ's are implemented, D3 will have PvP. GW2 will be out. There will be no reason, and indeed, no players, to make RWZ's any more important than that lint in one's pocket.

  8. What part of we will be rolling out free char transfers to specific servers followed by paid transfers early summer dont you guys get?


    Where im standing it looks like they are dealing with it. I would think moving a char/legacy from one server to another isn't a 5 min job to code. I'm sure they arnt all chilling in a club drinking corona in ibiza


    Its being dealt with. Quit whining about it and play the game or a different one until they bring it in.


    Orly? And where I'm standing it looks like by the time it's rolled out, most people will have left, and they'll have no characters to transfer to other servers anymore.

  9. As many of you know, they are adding "augment tables" in 1.3. These will allow you to put augments in--all over your equipment.


    My question is WHY?


    It was always fun being a crafter, and getting a "crit" sometimes to generate an augmented item. Crafting is already suffering badly, why would Bioware do something to make crafting less fun and less profitable? I don't get it. This change will negatively affect several crafting classes. Some people really enjoy crafting.


    Stop now Bioware! You are making a dumb mistake. This change will put another nail in the coffin for crafting.


    I'm a fan of this game but I feel like Bioware really doesn't get it. I might even unsub if they make this change, because it shows me Bioware has really bad judgement.


    Because some people hate the way their gear looks, that's why. We are so limited in the augmented items we can wear, it atrocious. This way, we can make any orange item augmented. FOr example, the Voss Mystic social gear is amazing looking whether you are a Consular or an Inquisitor.


    There's your reason.

  10. I have never seen anything so ridiculous in my gaming experience as a bunch of people who take umbrage at what some other dude thousands of miles away thinks is their priority in terms of game development.


    Who cares whether it's in EA's top 5 properties or not? Some of these titles are on their 13th year running or MORE, and sell millions of copies every year for consoles and PC alike.


    Of course some title that only sells a few million copies once is going to be down on the list a little bit.


    SO WHAT?!?!?! Lord.


    So what? Are you familiar with how business metrics and budgeting works? When you have a product that is more popular, you tend to take part of the funds generated from not so popular products and funnel them into what is selling. This means less funding for SWTOR in the long term.


    So what, good Lord what a question.

  11. I truly believe "we" the "people(player base, consumers,customers, whatever you would like to be prefer to as) should be focusing on this article, http://tor-talk.com/storm-preparation/ as to not the current article on ign, cause really we already know all the info and it was just re-summarized so IGN can take "credit" for bringing out the "good" news.


    This is old news buddy, but I'm glad more and more people are seeing it. It's been my sig for quite some time now.

  12. Are we gonna start talking about Hobbes and Locke now? Are people essentially good or evil? HA! Both sides could be argued. What I'm saying is Star Wars is based on GOOD ideals and resistance to evil, so why is that changing? And if it should change it should be BALANCED and not one sided. If you want an evil game to smack people around, there are plenty of other games out there just for that, but a Star Wars MMO shouldn't be one of them. Force Unleashed was good for that


    You can't "balance" something like that, unless you make the good guys look like jerks. We want to be able to do whatever the **** we want to people we consider idiots. That makes us look like a-holes to others. If they made that the Republic way, then there would be no difference.


    I understand what you're saying, but what you're saying has no foundation. Most of it is conjecture and anecdotal, like how it's easier to play Imperial, or that there are more dark side drops, or how the Imperial fleet is more glamorous. These are not facts. Then you make assumptions like people play Imperial because the bad guys look cooler in the trailers, or because (since you seem to assume we're 12 year olds and make our decisions based on what is on the box's cover) there's a bigger picture of the bad guy on the front of the box. This is post hoc by the way, and you can't possibly know that's the reason. Satele, I would say, makes a much better impression in the "Hope" trailer. Not to mention, when you pick up the game, you will spend about a 1000x as much time looking at the loading screen compared to your box, on which, you will see a JEDI wielding a blue lightsaber in the front.


    So there.

  13. I take off all my gear, because there's no one around. Ashara and I basically run around in our underpants. Every once in a while, I'll /emote fart, laugh at myself. then turn to Ashara and tell her she did it. She just looks at me dumbfounded. When I ask her why she farted in my presence, she babbles something about Jedi teachings. I assume she had beans.


    When that's all done, I go to my cargo hold access, and stare incredulously at my black-orange, black-green, and black-red color crystals for the rest of the night until I pass out, because nothing in the Star Wars universe makes more sense than creating a black void, a singularity stretched to the dimensions of a sword's blade, from which no light can escape, and surrounding it with...light.

  14. Remember the Star Wars movies? They were all about the greater good and standing up to evil! Luke and Obi-Wan were good guys!!!!! Now in SWTOR it seems 7/8's of the community (including BioWare/LucasArts/etc.) support the Sith and the Empire. Most people go dark, evil, corrupt. Why?


    First just look at the Collector's Edition.

    - On the front of the box is Darth Malgus, Satele is ON THE SIDE. On the cover of the game (CE) is an Imp symbol. Inside the box is a statue of DARTH MALGUS.

    Then they come out with a contest to win a life-size statue of DARTH MALGUS.

    There is a Flashpoint for both Factions about DARTH MALGUS.

    Guess who's in all the trailers for SWTOR? darth malgus.


    Next lets look at the game.

    -Most players are Imperial

    -PVP is imbalanced because everyone is Imperial. > This is huge. I play PVP and it doesn't matter how good your team is, if your on the republic, 19/20 times you'll lose. This is for lvl 50 PVP on my server. In lvl 10-49 PVP it's more random (which is better then being severely under powered).

    -Way easier to play an Imp, it seems like the gameplay is more flowing and epic

    -Way more Dark Side gear on pickups (it seems)

    -Imperial Fleet seems way more glamorous and easy to use/accessible.

    -Korriban can be conquered in 2 hours where it takes a day to beat Tython.


    This gives me the suspicion that all the developers are playing imps, and want to be "bad-@**". Star Wars is a world where good conquers, so it makes me frustrated when the imps seem dauntless.


    In general it seems like SWTOR was meant for an imperial and someone on the dark side.

    I have grown on it and I'm pretty used to it. I myself only have 2 evil characters but have 10 good characters. I am pretty much all light side.


    At the very least I would like a greater effort put in to balancing the factions.


    Questions: Why is Star Wars The Old Republic a dark game?

    Does anyone else notice this?


    P.S. GIVE US A MODEL OF SATELE (or Master Zallow, just like the Bounty Hunter and Darth Malgus models.)


    People are going dark side, because in real life, we can't smash someone's head in for talking back. Here we can. I find it very gratifying. When I've decided I'm OK with going to jail for manslaughter, then I'll do it in real life. But until then, this will have to do.


    Despite the fairy tales you've had shoved down your throat as a child, most people want to be bad, not do-gooders.

  15. Just curious, what about rated WZs will make you stay? Its the same WZ's over and over with the same rewards. Sure

    you get to play against better teams but seriously how much will that matter after a couple of weeks.


    Its just like Starcraft/BW/SC2, or multi-player FPS games. It's the same maps over and over, but people enjoy the competition, and the grinding to be #1. For some, it's an addiction that borders on the obsessive compulsive, but for most, it's an enjoyable activity that has some kind of system that encourages competitiveness.


    When the competition gets better and better, it forces players, esp. pre-made teams to come up with more and more interesting, new, unexpected and unconventional tactics and strategies (the equivalent of different builds in a game like SC2). I make it sound boring, but it's really not.


    Eventually, when great players start facing better players, who in turn face even better players, it forces everyone to step their game up to a higher level, creating an increasing level of challenge. It also becomes somewhat of a mind game, like a well thought out game of chess, but with action. You start to "head-fake" your opponents into thinking you will do one thing, then go do another, as an example.

  16. I don't blame them for going with Bioware. They had two really succesfull SW games from Bioware. LucasArts probably looked at all the dev teams that have made games for them and saw that Bioware brought in the most money.


    I don't know what two games you are talking about, because Bioware only made KOTOR. KOTOR 2 was Obsidian. Did you play a SW game that I didn't?

  17. In summary: When the devs are quiet, it could mean something bad is happening or it could mean something bad is not happening.


    My own theory is that the amount of dev interaction with the community is directly proportional to the behavior of the community when such interaction does happen. But it could mean something else. Or it might mean the exact opposite of whatever something else is.


    I think you mean "is directly related to", not "is...proportional to", since one part is quantitative and the other qualitative. Having said that, I know what you mean. But you also know what I know you mean. The point is, they're at Terror Level Orange, which means that something, somewhere, could possibly be thought about being considered to be proposed to be implemented, at some point in time.

  18. I wish they would just get rid of the idea of selecting a server. You just pick PVP, PVE, RP, or RP-PVP. When players enter the game they join the "Galaxy"


    Planets would have dedicated servers. When one fills up it opens up a second instance and so on. There may be 3 instances of a planet or 30 or 300 depending on current players online on that planet. You'd still be able to group with any other player on another instance and move to their instance.


    This basically creates a Galaxy that is always full and bustling with 100,000's of players to interact with. I want a real Star Wars Universe! There are 7+ billion people on Earth yet it feels like the entire Star Wars galaxy only has 1000.


    World of Warcraft recently announced they are moving towards a hybrid of this idea. DC Universe also uses a system similar to this. So the technology is their and already being utilized.


    The solution you are referring to is called "phasing". DC universe did not implement it until August, a full 8 months after the game released (trust me, I was fully subbed all the way until the game went F2P, at which point I stopped playing). It involves using just one single "Super Server" as they called it, with new phases added all the time for new players wishing to enter the world. It worked extremely well.


    Now, he is the problem: DC Universe Online uses the Unreal Engine. SWTOR uses the HERO Engine. Implementing phasing technology ON SUCH A MASSIVE SCALE (i.e. using just ONE server) on the Hero Engine is much more complex (not to mention difficult), if not downright impossible, and would require quite an overhaul of the entire game.


    Having said that, it is a great idea and I give you a +1.

  19. It is NOT a victory if the server that you transfer to is rated as Standard population... That's part of the issue here.


    This game has allot of long term potential but the absolute first thing they need to do is to get the game more interactive for the players and that means merges and/or transfers preferably both VERY quickly. Not mid-summer..immediately.


    I agree with your second point there, but again, when people transfer TO a Standard pop server, that server will eventually become Heavy or Very Heavy because...well, because people are transferring to it.


    That's why they need to make sure they only open a few servers at a time for transfers. Let those servers fill up, then close them to new transfers. Then open up other ones, if necessary.

  20. I'd be very very cautious of secret world.


    Smartest thing I've read in this thread. Heed this man's warning! TSW WILL fail. It will go the route of DCUO. Fine for the first month or two, then just fall off the edge of the earth, and convert to F2P after 6 months. There is a reason they have a cash shop waiting, in addition to having a monthly sub.

  21. Probably the most constructive post in the thread. If we have to live with these transitions at least make them partially entertaining. No one wants to sit for up to a minute watching a load bar fill-up.


    Heck, even randomly different load screens would be better than the single one for each local. Strange thing is this transitioning harks all the way back to Neverwinter Nights (and even further for Bioware) and in that game you could have random load screens. And that was back in 2003.


    I think they should include mini-games for loading screens. Nothing that would consume so many resources that the min-game itself needs a massive amount of time to load, but really anything that is light on resources. Perhaps a Pazaak table for a quick game. Maybe a quick blaster/targeting game. A quick, 30 second swoop/pod race. A meditation mini-game where you lift rocks or something, I don't know.


    Heck, even rip-off one of those little mini-games from Luminosity that claim to increase your memory/cognitive functions, and put a Star Wars skin on it. I don't care, just SOMETHING!

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