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Everything posted by Jorander

  1. This myth, again. Here we go. Getting angry, falling in love, feeling happy, being sad, getting desperate, or nervous, none of these are against the Jedi Code at all. People think they are because they interpret the Jedi Code literally, and mantra cannot be interpreted literally.
  2. It is absolutely worth it. Also, this Sith Empire will go away and die, long before Luke is born. Luke destroys the galactic Empire that ends up being headed by the Rule of Two, which is a completely different group of Sith.
  3. There was no need for that, and besides, Revan isn't the main character of this game, and has never been marketed that way. There are 8 main characters of this game, actually. Revan had really run his course, and the only thing left was to write the final chapter after what was detailed in the Revan novel. Personally, I don't believe that Revan could have actually been the Arthas of Star Wars, because a whole campiagn setting was basically re-invented around the character of Arthas, he came to define what Warcraft was, Revan can in no way make that same claim. In reality, when you look at the massive timeline, he is nothing more than a footnote, something Jolee Bindo actually touches on in one of the conversations of KotOR. Besides, Star Wars already has its Arthas, and his name is Anakin Skywalker. If you don't believe me, go do some google searching, and find the statement where Chris Metzen states that he based the character of Arthas off of Anakin Skywalker. When you look at the two side by side, they are actually quite simliar.
  4. I only have one real response to the OP. Many of the reasons listed are subjective, and very opinionated. So far, based on the actual facts you provided me with (which was precious little, amidst a very angry rant) I don't see a problem with what was done. At all.
  5. From what I saw, you can't turn her, but I know of no one who actually got her affection to max and did all of her quests. That said, she isn't your real apprentice. A Kaleesh named Xalek is, and he is boss.
  6. Good choices, it looks like this is mainly healing with some madness thrown in. It looks like it might be an AoE/survivability build. I am guessing this is for soloing in PVE?
  7. Since it says it is for the duration, I would assume that it applies the effect initially, and not with each tick. That said, why even worry about taking a point from there? Just pull one from Force Bending. Will of the Sith is too important. By the time you are in 50+ gear, that 3% will give you soooo much more than even two points in Force Bending. Even before then, it is worth the one extra point. Thanks for allowing me to feature your build. Out of curiousity, can you explain the Force Bending providing greater burst healing? The only thing I can think of, would be the reduced cast time on dark infusion, but you should be getting alacrity capped at some point, after all, GCDs seem to be capped at 1.5 seconds.
  8. I didn't forget, I just plain didn't think of it. This seems like it would be a good build, though I have one suggestion. Please, seriously reconsider putting a second point into Will of the Sith in the madness tree. That talent is beyond essential to any Sith Sorcerer, we need that about as much as any marauder needs the dual-wield mastery talent in the carnage tree. After looking this build over in detail, scrutinizing every bit of it, I have decided that if I were to use this build, I would drop a point in Force Bending, and put it into Will of the Sith. There are other places you could get the point from, but they are all too important. Force Bending is just about the only non-essential talent to this build. With your permission, I would actually like to add this build into the list that I have in the OP, but if I do so I will modify it, slightly, but I will note that and give credit to you for the build, along with a link to the original, as well as an explanation of my thought process for the change.
  9. I have the exact same build posted in my own thread as the premier single-target raid boss dps build for lightning, and that is exactly what this is. I wouldn't change a thing on it.
  10. Glad I could help! Astralfire's codex, which is stickied in the sorcerer forums, is also a good place to look for information about the sith sorcerer.
  11. Don't be, that is exactly what this thread is supposed to be. Well, understand that my single-target lightning build is designed purely around, "make it die faster." It is built as a single-target raid boss dps build, so things like the barrier have situational use at best. That said, the other talents really aren't that much more useful than the barrier one, so we have choices. Supression could be very useful if you are needing to use whirlwind in the middle of a boss fight. If you find yourself not using it in raid encounters that much, it is probably safe to drop it. That said, if there are targets that need to be hard-disabled in a raid boss encounter, that talent just got a lot more important. Reserves is very, very, very good. The truth of the matter is, you will run your resource, Force energy, dry at some point. That total increase, is well, it is enormous quite frankly. That will translate, straight-up, into more damage, if a fight goes on long enough, and I promise you, there will be fights even in your solo story that will go on for more than long enough. If I was forced to choose between reserves and supression, I would drop supression, really. I have always been incredibly fast and proactive about refreshing CC, and if a main CC target is free for only a second or two, it rarely translates to a raid wipe, so, usually isn't that big of a deal. With all of that in mind, make the choice that would be best for your individual playing situation. The only real problem I can see with dropping supression, is if some idiot thinks it is a good idea to hit the thing caught in the cool-looking storm effect. Hehe, be careful who you group with, CC-breakers can cause anurisms, or so I'm told.
  12. Eh, it is a lot less complicated than it sounds, once you actually engage in it. Affliction is easy to keep up, and thundering blast has a long CD. Most of that stuff happens in the background. For the most part, once your initial set-up is done, you really do just spam one move while waiting for procs. Yes, there is that occasional moment where you do something else, but that is a comparatively small part of the rotation.
  13. I really wish I was capable of providing a better answer, but my knowledge of the Dark Empire content is limited at best. I am hoping some of the lore gurus log on at some point in the near future. I believe, and I could be wrong on this, that Sidious ultimately destroys himself via Force storms.
  14. Nothing the poster that you quoted said was inaccurate. The poster correctly detailed the point of the lightning tree. That said, I need to actually look at the build real fast to examine it and see how it stacks up. It's very similar to one of my AoE builds, and looks almost like a carbon copy of one the builds posted in my thread where I detail my builds. It isn't a bad build, and could certainly be strong AoE, though not as strong as my pure AoE build, it has better single-target than my pure AoE build. It is a way to go. Not too sure if it is the way I would go or not, but in terms of soloing and leveling, it is just fine. Personally, I am not that big of a fan of the lightning tree for leveling, and would recommend either a hybrid lightning/madness build, similar to what is here in the thread, or a proper madness build sub-specced into corruption and tertiary-specced into lightning, or a corruption build that sub-specces into lightning, then tertiary-specces into madness.
  15. The extra range is very helpful in two main situations, both of which don't typically occur in questing. The first, is when you have to fight a boss level enemy for your class quests. Kiting in those fights is basically essential unless you are a healer, and supremely confident in your abilities to keep Khem Val up. The second situation, is when raiding. The extra range gives greater options when positioning the groups ahead of time for various mechanics. Sometimes you need to spread people out in a raid, and extra range typically is what makes that doable.
  16. The Sith Inquisitor story starts off slightly, and let me stress slightly, slow. If you can hang in there though, you are well rewarded with what is easily one of the best star wars stories to have ever been concieved. At least I thought so. Having played it up to level 46, I never really got bored of it.
  17. I will ultimately have no less than 16 characters, with 8 being imperial, and the other 8 being republic. That said, if you haven't read Revan, I strongly recommend it. Don't listen to the negative reviews. Believe it or not, I have read most of them, and they get a lot of their facts wrong, and the facts that they do get right, they are heavily opinionated about. Give it a look for yourself. If you don't feel like spending money on it, borrow it from a friend, or go check out your library. Again, I liked how they handled Revan in KotOR 1, 2, and in the novel, and I like both him and the Exile. I also don't have any major bias toward one faction or the other. I do have a slight bias toward the Jedi and the Sith both though. Don't much care for the Republic or actual Imperials.
  18. If you raid, and you aren't hyper-aware, Grid is a mod that you absolutely must have, regardless of whether or not you are a healer, as this helps save UI space. Personally, I despise healbot. Just thinking about that addon makes me want to find and kill every healer who ever said to me, "sorry, my healbot broke, I can't heal now." It is a dirty worthless crutch, that good players have absolutely zero need for. Having played all three roles in raiding high-end content, (and outperforming better geared mains on my alts, especially at healing and tanking) I see no need for such an unnecessary waste of bandwidth and harddrive space. And don't even get me started about the collossal level of stupidity that is the gearscore addon. Seriously, if that addon ever gets to TOR, and I see someone trying to defend its use in-game, after I rage at them they are going straight to my ignore list, for being a supreme idiot.
  19. Good build, and I would absolutlely not flag this, as this is both constructive and on-topic. This goes for everyone reading this, if you have a build that you want to talk about, feel free to post it and give us all some details. Everyone is absolutely allowed and encouraged to contribute. This is a good leveling build because it adds some much-needed single-target damage to what would otherwise be a very AoE-centric build, and I can confirm that as a sith sorcerer, there will be some fights where high single-target damage will be highly, highly, highly desirable.
  20. A friendly, familiar face! Hi Rayla, and thanks for the input. I am sure you probably already picked up on this, but the sticky that Astralfire worked on in this section also has some quality stuff. I personally don't agree with all of the details of some of those builds that are posted there, but overall it is absolutely a great guide, and definitely more comprehensive in terms of the class as a whole, than what I have here.
  21. This guide is pretty good. I personally would go a different way as far as the skill trees are laid out, but overall this is a quality piece of work, thank you to the OP for taking the time to write this up.
  22. It won't change, it is there to stay, and I am a KotOR as well as a Revan and Meetra fan, and I loved how that story resolved.
  23. Well, in the build that I played in, I needed to heal Khem Val, a lot. It was getting to be a pain, managing dealing damage while healing. In any boss fight, he would always die, and I then had to resort to 10 minutes of kiting. In one boss fight, I actually took 20 mintues to win, because said boss did so much damage, and I did so little compared to the health. These were quests that one was designed to solo in, and this was the final version of the game.
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