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Everything posted by Jorander

  1. I will see your TOR community with the Online New World of Darkness community, and I will raise it by the League of Legends community. Welcome to a world without consequence, where no one cares about anyone else, where no one knows who you really are. Welcome, my friend, to the internet. Nope. We have to analyze it, pick it apart, and point out everything we do and don't like about it, otherwise how will people know how smart we are when it comes to all things, and how refined our tastes are in general media? Seriously, we really need to get back to the days where stories were told for entertainment. That was why Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings, to entertain people, specifically because he enjoyed entertaining people through story. Of course everyone read a whole bunch of crap into his story that he didn't put there, but that is people for you. People are crazy. That is everyone, not just the WoW community. You know who I feel sorry for? The nice, easy-going fans out there who just like to have fun, who don't feel like they have to evaluate their opinions and ideas by going on about how much they hate or like this or that, who get yelled at by people who have crossed well passed the "crazy line," of fanboyism a long time ago. Their community is so filled with muck, grime, and trash of the inconsiderate that they can't even recognize the community underneath it anymore.
  2. Hehe, Sith, anti-hero.... Anyway, you are free to be a truly evil monster as Republic side, so I don't really see the problem. I can only speak to my own motivations, but I like exploring the themes of the dark side, and the nature of the Sith, as well as the themes of the light side and the nature of the Jedi. So I really liked playing both of them.
  3. The light side Jedi Sage's eyes glow that same exact color at one point when recieving a vision on Voss, so, I highly doubt that means you still have a ghost. Personally, I kept them on my Inquisitor, because power is the only worthy goal in the eyes of one who follows Sith teaching.
  4. You may be surprised at some of the things you can learn if you know where to look. If that was ever meant to be kept secret, it was the worst kept secret in the Republic. Palpatine, his people, as well as the Jedi Order from almost every master, all the way up to all of the members of the Jedi council, knew about Anakin's marriage roughly a week after it happened. They just didn't like talking about it. They didn't expel Quinlan Vos when he purposefully butchered a bunch of innocents to convince Dooku that he wasn't a Jedi anymore, so, no, they probably wouldn't have expelled Anakin either. Possibly. As perceptive as Padme was, she likely would have eventually realized just how far into darkness Anakin already was, and tried to run away with the kids, and then Anakin would have found her trying to run away in secret, would have snapped, and choked her to death. Actually, that one is hard to call. If Anakin didn't go crazy and kill the kids in the eventual blind rage he would have had, then, maybe. The Jedi are very opposed to breeding for traits of strong Force-sensitivity, because they don't like the idea of having a Jedi dynasty that could ultimately grow to challenge the Republic, so, it is possible that they may have been refused because they were too strong. Then again, they might have seen more danger in not training them. Hard to say. The very idea of Ahsoka Tano as a master terrifies me, truly terrifies me. More likely than not, due to Luke's natural affinity for taking his opponent's style and making it his own, with the way he intuitively learns, Obi-Wan would have been a very likely candidate as his master, or Ki-Adi-Mund. Leia...who would train Leia....Shaak Ti? Ki-Adi-Mundi would also be a good choice for her, due to his Cerean brain. Actually, now that I think about it, Mace Windu would be the perfect choice for her. Mace, strives to avoid fighting whenever possible, something Leia would take to well, but when Mace needs to fight, he really can fight, and that would be an area Leia would not be as strong in as others, something Mace could help her with. They would probably function as a typical military would in peace time, once they won the war. The CIS were already getting stomped into the ferrocrete before Palpatine dealt the deathblow to them. They had nothing left with which to continue fighting. All that out of the way, if Mace managed to kill Palpatine, I find it highly, highly, likely that he would have fallen to the dark side, assuming of course we are talking about the same set of circumstances we saw in the movie. If that was the case, then Anakin would have most certainly became his apprentice.
  5. Preaching to the chior, here. That is known information, the problem is that makes no sense in light of the rest of the setting. For one, dragging someone, especially a newly formed group of Force-users, down the path of the dark side, is not a light side action, at all. It is sad that Bioware could have thought of no better option than that for a light side sith. How about, "Hey guys, let me set this place to blow on time-delay, and give you time to get out? That way, they will think I killed you all, but I really didn't." The dark side choice here, of course, makes complete and total sense.
  6. See. this is kind of what I was worried about with the light side sith story. Dark side, especially for the Inquisitor, is actually quite well done. It perfectly captures all of the themes of stealing forbidden power, and exaltation of the self over all, that the Sith are known for.
  7. You get it. In fact, this story is re-told really, in the Mortis arc of TCW. The Father (The Unifying Force) sends a weapon (The Chosen One) to stop the Son (the dark side) which has grown unbalanced, the Son obtains the weapon and kill the Daughter (the light side) and then, well, you know the rest.
  8. Actually, even in the Eu content, he did destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force. The Sith just re-emerged, but the Force was never re-unbalanced, even in EU content.
  9. Technically, if you ask Lucas, the EU content exists and is perfectly valid, but is part of a split alternate timeline. In timeline 1, nothing happens after RotJ. In timeline 2, the alternate dimension, all EU content is valid, regulated by the canon system.
  10. First, I will deal with a couple of misconceptions. According to the way the actual setting functions, balance in the Force is not measured by the number of Sith and Jedi, or the number of lightsiders vs. darksiders. Don't know where that myth came from, but I really wish it would crawl back into it's hole and die. Also, it was not the light side that had grown strong, it was the dark side. The Force was thrown so far out of balance, in favor of the dark side, due to the actions of the Sith and all of the evil that they caused. Note that due to the spread of the dark side, the Jedi's ability to use the Force had diminished significantly from Episode 1 to Episode 2, Mace Windu even comments on this in the movies. That out of the way, there were actually two prophecies. One was The Chosen One prophecy, the other was The Prophecy of the Savior. According to George Lucas, as stated in the RotS DVD Commentary, Anakin was the prophesied chosen one who brought balance to the Force, by destroying the Sith, after he reclaimed his former Jedi self, which Luke released through love in RotJ. Luke, is the one spoken of in the prophecy of the savior, being refered to as, "The Son of Suns," a reference to the twin suns of Tatooine.
  11. I was utterly wowed all throughout act one of the JC story, and was utterly blown away by the end of it, and so far I think that particular act is the best one in the whole game. The rest of the story is so terrible by comparison though that the amazing quality of act one is not enough to get it top in my eyes.
  12. Having experienced multiple other storylines, I have to disagree. On the whole, I love the story for the SI. Though, I have to agree with you about the final act. It really was stupid. Everyone was making a big deal about nothing. I won't spoil anything here, even wrapped in tags, but I lost all respect for every character in the story that thought anything important happned in act 3.
  13. You are crazy, and shame on you for jacking other, well respected individual's idioms, you plagerist. If you got offended at me calling you a plagerist in this context, then you don't really know where the idea of the big-lipped alligator comes from, or what I really meant by calling you a plagerist, and saying shame on you. That said, I liked act one for the SI, but I wasn't particularly wowed by it, save for the end. Act 2 is quite possibly the single greatest story-telling achievement Bioware has ever come up with, they perfectly captured the themes and nature of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, what it means to place yourself above the external, to the end of achieving power. They literally could not have hit it more perfectly unless they told the story of episodes 1-6 again.
  14. While you may not like the tone that some people present legitamite problems with, they remain legitamite problems, as is evidenced by the Principal Lead Combat Designer's own personal response to some of the bigger problems, which can be found on these very forums.
  15. You're going to tell me where to find this stuff, right the hell now, because I want it. I want it bad.
  16. I'm sure you would, but they won't be able to provide any, because this game doesn't even have a combat log. Unless these people are truly hard-core theorycrafters, then they will be able to provide multiple pages worth of hard math that proves their points.
  17. I have yet to run any serious numbers, spending the majority of my time on leveling characters and enjoying the story. That said, I have been consistently out dpsed on my sorcerer, by less geared and lower leveled toons. I am not a bad player. I am not even an average player. Before the game's actual release, I had the perfect rotation and stat spread already figured out. The thing is, I can actually stay more or less even with snipers. What I cannot compete with at all, in any way, is mercenaries, especially on AoE. The single-target difference is decent, but the AoE gap is massive. Without any mods, we are left with nothing but hard math as a reliable metric. At best, we all seem to have, for the moment, nothing but worthless anecdotal evidence. I will say that snipers do seem to scale quite well with gear, maybe a little better than sorcerers, but again, without running numbers, it is impossible to know for sure.
  18. At level 25 on up, if you try to heal as a dps spec for group content, you will fail and die.
  19. Look for a guild that is willing to accept you. I am sorry that you went through that, and wish you luck in finding the right guild for you.
  20. My friend was unable to charge my Debit card to her acount. This is seriously ridiculous, I hope people who had this issue get their lost time refunded. You devs may not know this, but some of us remember what you were told by the people in charge. "You get one launch. Don't screw it up." Well, you're all doing exactly what you were told not to. You're screwing it up.
  21. I call ********. I have a friend who is still having this problem, and can't even post on the forums, because she apperantly has no active game time, even though she has 29 days on her acount, according to the readouts on her acount information. Her username is Vasrena. This is seriously very frustrating. I am also having an issue in-game that I reported via ticket and on the forums, and it has yet to be solved as well. For a while, this launch was looking good, but if you guys don't fix this soon, you will start hemoraghing subscriptions at a phenomenal rate. This is exactly the kind of thing that causes an MMO to die at launch. Is that what you want Bioware? Seriously, your guys' biggest weakness in your game development has always been your ability to identify and correct bugs and errors, and it shows now more than ever in this game. I was hoping to see a break from that trend but I am once again disappointed by this company.
  22. In certain cases, hybrid builds will have their uses. The most likely time you are going to find a use for them is while soloing in pve, or rare cases in pvp, though I cannot see them leaving abberant hybrid builds that are super-strong, untouched by the nerf-stick.
  23. Yeah, sure, redeemed Revan was pretty strong, stronger than a lot in his era, he wasn't as strong as Luke or Yoda.
  24. This is very similar to the "Undying," build provided by TexA that I included in the OP. I do think it would be quite functional in pvp.
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